
Angel and The Skeleton

Ainz-sama' s old friend summoned to new world after the events of volume 13. This old friend is an Angel. How would this change certain event?, how would he react to Ainz's world conquering quest?, will he be against it?

Jagrath_Ty · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Fight

As soon as mock battle start, Black Scripture wasted no time and started attacking Jagrath who was standing 10ft away with no armor.

Even though, he was wearing no armor, he wasn't naked either. He was wearing clothes he wore when he was 'forcefully transferred' to New World. He was wearing a shining white robe which had silver border/ending. And also ten very shiny and fancy looking rings in his every finger.

It was 9v1 with 9 members of Black Scripture attacking one member of Yggdrasil Guild Mortifier. However, no one in the crowd thought that it was unfair or that the person facing nine members-of one of the most secret and Powerful scripture, Black Scripture, which consist of only best of best warriors and magic casters of New World's most powerful human nation, Slane Theocracy-would lose horribly and possibly die trying to block one hit from them.

Instead, everyone one in crowd was scared for the nine members of Black Scripture that they might die or get a fatal injury. The audience was just that scared for Black Scripture or that they just that much overestimated that one person who was fighting against them. Some of the members of other scriptures were even glad that they weren't the ones fighting against that one person.

However, the audience was also excited to see a shrewd of power of that one—possibly overestimate-person fighting against their mightiest scripture. They were excited to see how that person will counter the attacks of his strong opponents.

As soon as the match started, Black Scripture immediately started their combination of attacks.

Their two giant shield carriers shielded two magic casters who also immediately started casting several tier 2 and tier 3 spells. Their one magic caster was between the two giant shields but not completely protected by them. However, she needed the complete sight of her target in order for the spell to work. So, being covered by those two giant shields would have hindered her ability to have her target in complete sight. Hence, the two giant shield carriers didn't try to shield her.

Their two casters, 4th seat and 6th seat of Black Scripture, started casting several spells. 4th seat of Black Scripture also known as "Divine Chant" casted [BOOST: STRENGTH] and [BOOST: AGILITY] on captain and 5th seat of Black Scripture (also known as "One Man Army") to buff their raw strength and agility. 6th seat of Black Scripture casted [SWAMP] on the soil his opponent was standing on, in hopes of reducing his agility and also in hopes of reducing chances of him evading blows of captain and One Man Army. 6th seat of Black Scripture also casted [FIREBALL] and [LIGHTING] even though he knows that these spells are not sufficient to pose a threat to his opponent.

6th seat casted [FIREBALL] and [LIGHTNING] which are basic attack spell and which he knows aren't powerful enough to pose a threat to his opponent but he still cast them toward his opponent because he thought that his opponent has to either evade them in order to not get hit by them and lose the mock battle or block it with a spell of his own. he thought that in both case it will snatch his attention from two figures running toward him and might provide a second or half to those two figures.

Their one magic caster known as "Divine Chain", casted a tier-4 binding spell [IMPRISONMENT] and immediately several huge and thick metal chain popped out the swampy land-due to the spell casted by 4th seat, the land in two feet radius of their opponent had turned into perfect swamp.

In New World, warriors can boost their overall physical strength with a martial arts [ABILITY BOOST] and [GREATER ABILITY BOOST]. martial arts in NW is made up of a technique that didn't not exist in the Yggdrasil. however, Yggdrasil had a similar power to martial art's called "SKILLS". while martial arts such as [ABILITY BOSST] allow warriors to increase their overall physical strength which magic caster cannot use. there is a category of spells which magic caster can cast to buff their allies physical strength i,e, [BOOST].

[BOOST] can increase any one of these five-strength, agility, flexibilty, hardness of skin, and reflextions, at a single time by casting [BOOST: STRENGTH] to increase physical strength, [BODY: AGILITY] to increase agility, [BOOST: FLEXIBILITY] to increase the flexibity of the body and make it easier to bend or twist a litter more. [BOOST: SKIN HARDENING] to increase the hardness of the skin and makes the skin harder to cut or slash, and lastly [BOOST: REFLEX] to increase the reflexes of the targeted body. though magic caster of arcane and divine type can cast these spell to buff their allies, these spell doesn't not increase the physical abilities of the person as much as martial arts can increase.

For example, if a person has 50 agility and he used [ABILITY BOOST] martial arts. he would now have total of 55 agility with other physical abilities increasment while if a caster cast [BOOST: AGILITY] on the same person, that same person would experience his aglity go up from 50 to 53 but no other increasment in other physical abilities.

Their two swordsmen-Captain of Black Scripture, and 5nd seat of Black Scripture nicknamed as "One Man Army" (will also be referred as One Man Army)- run toward their target who was 10ft away in order to get their target in the range of their swords and possibly get a surprise hit their whole squad was depending on.

When their swordsmen were only few inches away from getting their opponent-Jagrath- in the range of their sword. Captain noticed that his legs-Jagrath's leg- were in the swampy soil which meant that 6th seat's spell worked and noticing this formed a light smile on Captain's face. However, that smile didn't last long because he also notice several huge and thick metal chain coming out swampy land underneat their opponent and forming in a way to bind their opponent's whole body but as soon as those chain tried to come close to their opponent's body. They got repelled like they have hit something mid-air and that something repelled them and cause them to break into very tiny pieces and then turned into nothing-ness like they never existed.

Captain's face lost its slight smile it had when he saw that even a tier-4 spell wasn't enough to touch their opponent. And with a slight frustrated tone "tch" left his mouth.

Captain and One Man Army got their opponent in the range of their swords and used their respective momentum to strike their opponent with greater power. Captain used [GREATER ABILITY BOOST], [PHYSICAL BOOST], and [SEVERING BLADE]. Captain swing his sword downward and used his momentum to aim for his opponent's left shoulder. One Man Army used [GREATER ABILITY BOOST], [FULL THROTTLE], and [FATAL EDGE] . One Man Army swing his sword from his left to right and aimed for his opponent's neck.

[PHYSICAL BOOST] increases one's own physical stats to the limit for a brief time.

[SEVERING BLADE] allows one to take down strong opponents in a single attack.

[FULL THROTTLE] allows a person's own abilities and attacks to be increased to the maximum speed they are capable of.

[FATAL EDGE] by pouring energy into their blade, it allows the user to unleash an intense slashing attack.

Jagrath saw Captain going for his left hand and One Man Army for his neck from his right. He also notice two spells [FIREBALL] and [LIGHTNING] coming for him-which he predicted will hit him as soon as their swords touch him, meaning that Captain and One Man Army's sword and their magic casters spell will hit him simultaneously. and seeing such precise teamwork moved him a little-he also notice a small figure-probably a elf-with a Cross Shaped War Scythe, going for his back while he was mid way of receiving two big lollipops, nicely cut and made with metal and with "love and care", and also two candy made with mana, and thrown from a distance also with "love and extreme care" of course.


A bright blinding light sudden flash and blinding anyone within the arena even those who were sitting and watching the battle. The flash lasted for 2-3 seconds and in those 2-3 seconds everything was changed. The captain and One Man Army who were going for his hand and neck, where stopped a feet away from him like there was an invisible wall before their swords which was protecting Jagrath. They tried to push their swords with every bit of strength they had but instead of getting past that invisible wall, they got repelled but managed to swift land in 30m of their opponent.

And the spells-4th seat's spell-[FIREBALL] and [LIGHTNING]-came close to Jagrath but before they could hit his body. they appeared to hit something invisible mid-air and simply disappeared into nothingness just like the metal chains from earlier.