
Angel and The Skeleton

Ainz-sama' s old friend summoned to new world after the events of volume 13. This old friend is an Angel. How would this change certain event?, how would he react to Ainz's world conquering quest?, will he be against it?

Jagrath_Ty · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter- 3 Changes Occur...

Part- I

After teleporting outside of the Great Tomb Of Nazarick, Ainz took his ring from Solution and activated the ring leaving Sizu with the carriage, Soul Eaters and Hazons.

Ainz teleported to the 10th floor of the Great Tomb Of Nazarick using the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown and started walking toward his office. One couldn't teleport to inside of any Supreme Beings room with any kind of teleportation spell like [ GATE ] or even with a Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown. It was due to the mechanism with which members of Ainz Ooal Gown created an impeccable dungeon called Great Tomb Of Nazarick. And due to this mechanism, Ainz didn't directly teleport to his room but instead in a hallway leading to his room.

Ainz didn't mind the fact that he had to walk to his room because of this security mechanism. Instead he was grateful for it. For him, this mechanism allows him to clear his mind and also give time to prepare himself for what isto come.

This time was also no different than any other. This time too Ainz walked slowly to give himself more peaceful time. This time too Ainz''s mind was asking questions to himself and then deliberately tried to answer them. This time too his mind couldn't answer the questions which his own mind asked. However, then this process too raise a troubling question 'I am undead so do I even have a brain to solve these problems?' But this too couldn't be answered by his non-existent brain.

'What phase did she talk about this time? "'She' has unlocked the 'box'" what that's supposed to mean?! Who unlocked what box?! Can't they just simply speak in normal language instead of these one-sided codes?' But no matter how much Ainz wished that to happen, Ainz himself knew that this would never happen. Because Demiurge and Albedo, two greatest minds of the Great Tomb Of Nazarick, sees him as someone who is not only their master but a being with infinite wisdom which is also so unpredictable that they frequently failed to predict his next non-existent move. Therefore, for them to think that Ainz already knows what they are talking about is nothing but a simple fact.

And Ainz also knows that his frequent mishaps also doesn't help to clear that misunderstanding. However, Ainz often tries to clear that misunderstanding or at least tries to lower their expectations. But both Demiurge and Albedo simply disregard his attempts as his modesty.

Of course, once Ainz thought of explaining that all that event was just a misunderstanding and he is not someone as great or as intelligent as they think he is but he quickly dismissed it after imagining their reaction to his explanation which he believed and feared to be their complete lost faith in him and eventually abandoning him.

Hence, he is trying his hardest to match their expectations. Even if that is unsettling for his mental health.

'I didn't ask her at the moment because she might have informed me of this in one of her reports and I don't remember it. And if I had asked her, I might have appealed as a boss who doesn't even remember a simple report which his subordinates work hard to make. And I don't want to appeal as such a terrible boss…'

After reaching the door of his room, A heteromorphic maid opened the door for him.

He then entered the room and found that Demiurge was also present inside the room. He had expected Albedo to be here as she had [ MESSAGE ] him but for Demiurge to be here was a surprise for him. However a bad one.

Ainz doesn't like to discuss matters with them alone. Especially if they both are present. Ainz would much rather talk to them in presence of other guardians. But discussing matters with them alone raises a big trouble flag in his non-existent mind. Talking to them alone always makes him afraid of revealing his secret that he is not as intelligent as they think he is and this whole time he has been deceiving them. He fears that if his this secret got out, they wouldn't be as loyal to him as they are now. Because of his this fear, he consistently tries to explain to them that this all was just a misunderstanding and he simplygot lucky with all those events to lower their expectations while also trying to not make his fear into reality. However, everytime he tries to explain to them, they all simply disregard his every attempt as his never-ending modesty.

"Welcome back, Ainz-sama" said Albedo in a sweet tone while in a kneeling position with her heads down.

Even though he had come to Nazarick not too long ago for the discussion on progress of his plan in the Holy Kingdom. She still said "welcome home".

Ainz simply nodded and moved past two kneeling figures and took his chair.

"Raise your heads"

Albedo and Demiurge raise their heads on given permission to do and look at their master's majestic figure sitting on his chair like a Supreme Being he is.

"I hope I didn't make you two wait too long."

After teleporting to Nazarick, Ainz actually got distracted a little while talking to Aura and Sizu and got whole two hour late.

"Not at all, Ainz-sama. We weren't waiting at all."

Ainz now understands from all that trying that they would never admit of being late instead they would say that they were the ones who came earlier rather than Ainz coming late to meeting. Because for them whatever Ainz does is a law. If he says white to be called black then the whole Nazarick would say that black instead of white. So, Instead of once again going into that argument Ainz simply ignored it this time and began the actual meeting.

"So 'she' has unlocked 'it'.." Ainz asked. But more like in a re-affirmate way.

Although it seems that Ainz is trying to reconfirm something which he already knows. But he actually doesn't know who 'she' is or what 'it' suppose to mean. He only knows that 'it' suppose to be the 'box' which he himself gave to this 'she' from his previous conversation with Albedo via [ MESSAGE ].

He is actually trying to get her to explain it without letting her know that he actually doesn't know it.

Ainz can't remember himself giving a box to someone. That's why he thinks that he may have given it to somebody and forgotten about it. He also tried to talk to Aura when he saw her training a dragon in hope that she may have known about it and he may be able to get that information. However, he easily got distracted and started talking about dragon's training instead. In the end, the only thing he got about his questions was disappointment. But he actually got a lot of useful information about the dragon's condition under Aura's training and their development being different from Yggdrasil.

"Yes, Ainz-sama. 'She' has unlocked the 'box' given by Ainz-sama himself. And now we can start the next phase of Ainz-sama's grand plan." Reconfirmed Albedo in a rather happy tone and amused tone.

'You already have told me this. Tell me something you haven't!' Ainz internally scorns them.

"That is to take over Re-estize Kingdom." Soon added Albedo.


I am sorry for inconsistency in upload date of chapters.

However, Before I get my shit together. its going to be this inconsistent... and I am really sorry about that. so please bear with me till I get myself together and be able to post chapter consistently.

BTW, any reviews\comments will help me a lot, so please don't forget to post a review\comment if u have any issues or have any thing to say about this fanfic... I really appreciate any comment\review, even if it's a criticism.
