
Angel across the MULTIVERSE.

The worlds need saving and who better to the job than an ANGEL? So, things happen and one thing leads to the other, and a lot of things happen. Oh, curious are we? Just give it a read.

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Chapter 15: To the Tournament.

"I have two advises to give, read the books and learn about the magical world's marvels and behave politely with Professor Snape and try being unbiased about him. He is one of your few well-wishers, keep that in mind."

"Wait, who are you and how can you speak in my head? There is a lot I need to know, where are you?"

Potter was doing his best to find the owner of this voice, the one who played him like a puppet. Being new to this magical world, the little abused soul called Harry Potter was eagerly clutching for affection that he was starved of since his parents' demise.

"Don't worry, we will meet again. All the best Harry, and keep reading, the more you know, the better you will grow. I will meet you when the time is right, we have a bit to talk about. It won't be late to explain everything when the time is right, so don't bother thinking and start walking."

With that, Thomas who was in his Animagus form left the room.

'Damn, wand less casting of an IMPERIUS is quite easy. Why don't the death munchers try that rather than using their wands stupidly, only to get caught by the aurors. Braindead lambs sullying the noble's names.' Thomas grumbled as he left the Dungeons.

He followed a certain fluffy haired witch to the library to take a catnap.


In the Head Master's office:

"Pops, take me to Bulgaria. I want to participate in the International under-16 dueling tournament."

"Are you sure? You can't give up mid-way just because you lost interest, this involves my name too alright?"

"It's fine, I want to see how my peers are doing across the world. Last time I was in Bulgaria, it was for the celebration of Durmstrang's founding. Still a nice place to learn Dark Arts, let's see if I can get a few books from them."

"Why would you want those books?"

"Power and ambition pops, that's in my blood. I can't seem to find uncle Rick's bookshelf no matter where I look and Helena won't tell me no matter how much I ask."

Thomas said sighing.

Looking at the young boy before him, Albus was reminded that the one standing before him was no ordinary child. He is the son, lord and representation of the Slytherin House.

"Do you think the current Head Master would give you the books just like that?"

"Well, I do. There is no other way, their founder owes me a debt; a hundred books to my choosing from the school library with no restrictions."

"If they dare to reengage on the debt, they will remember that a serpent is not to be crossed. I don't mind waking up Elsie for that matter."

"Who might Elsie be?"

"My basilisk."

"Was that a joke Thomas?"

"Nope, but enough of that. Let her sleep-in peace, let's go to Bulgaria."

The pair of young and old wizards made the necessary preparations and left after passing the necessary responsibilities to Minerva, who was sad because she could not go with Thomas herself.

Hearing that Thomas was headed to the Dueling Tournament, all the professors advised Thomas and told him to take care and be safe.

Filius gave a lot of tips and tricks as the retired champion who reigned unrivalled in his younger days.

Severus gave him a strict no nonsense talking about how to use his original Curses and Hexes better and advised him to use anything and everything he knew other than the unforgivable.

Thomas was well-intent to do that, to use his own repertoire of original spells and the myriad of spells he knew from the memories of the last owner of the body.

They used a port key directly from the Head Master's office to the Ministry and registered Thomas for the tournament. With the backing of the second coming of Merlin, Thomas was given a seeded position in the tournament that was to start in three days.

The officials led them across the rooms to be ported to Bulgaria.

The officials of the Russian Ministry of Magic warmly welcomed them. The Chief Warlock of the ICW himself had appeared with his student, there was no room for misconduct.

They were given two penthouse suites adjacent to each-other.

"Pops, lets go sightseeing. Let's explore the muggle side as well. I brought the paper money muggles use in Russia."

"Well, that can be arranged. The ministry can help us with someone to show us around, for the muggle side, even I don't know how we can do that."

"No issues, I can speak anything and everything unless they came up with a language the years I was sleeping. Then again, a bit of legilimens to copy someone's memories sure does a neat job."

The two had their lunch and went out for some sightseeing.

Russia was surely a beautiful place, nice market, strong vodka and beautiful women. Thomas was in no position to appreciate the latter two, so he just focused on the market.

They walked the magical alleys, browsing and shopping bits and trinkets. Thomas was quite surprised to see a Hagrid sized fur coat in the display of one stall.

After inquiring they found out it was a prop made for advertisement. After a bit of persuading, the shopkeeper sold it and his purse was full, so everyone was happy in the end.

Before going to the Muggle side, Thomas transfigured their robes into trench coats that looked very fashionable.

Thomas decided to morph into an adult version of himself, making him look like the child of Adonis and Aphrodite themselves.

He was beautiful, if one could describe him so, with smooth black hair and his mesmerizing golden eyes and handsome features.

His body was in perfect shape, neither lean nor bulky. Strong muscles adorning his tall frame over 200cm. Coupled with his gentle demeanor, he was any girl's fantasy and a woman's wet dream.

Their hats changed from wizard ones to muggle ones and then fashioned their wands into luxurious walking canes with a golden roaring lion for Albus and a Silver serpent for Thomas.

The duo looked like nobles out for an evening stroll, with Thomas' handsome features, people were turning heads every corner.

"These clothes do suit me well, what do you think about me wearing these at Hogwarts?" Albus asked looking at his reflection in the glass pane of a shop's display.

"It might go really well and upgrade the wizards fashion sense or it might get you in trouble from the irrational purists." Thomas replied with something in his mind.

"Pops, I have a new plan for this year. I want to give the wizards a nice wardrobe upgrade, lets sit in a café and discuss some more before we continue our stroll, that alright with you?"

"Sure, might as well rest these old bones with something warm to drink."

They went inside a café.

$Excuse me miss, would you mind finding us a table for two? $

Thomas spoke in fluent Russian with a charming accent in his smooth voice. The blond woman sitting at the reception was lost in her own world.

Seeing the woman staring at mesmerized at Thomas, Albus knocked the ground twice with his cane, getting her out of her reveries.

$ "Ah, sorry sirs, please forgive this unpleasant display, we have a nice window seat on the second floor. It's the VIP lounge, so you can have a private discussion without any worries. Let me lead you there myself." $

$ "That would be lovely, thank you miss receptionist." $

The wizard duo followed the blushing receptionist to the upper floor and left them to their seats telling them to ring the bell if they were prepared to order.


They returned to their allocated rooms in the hotel rented by the IFD or the International Federation of Duelists.

The next two days were spent sightseeing and shopping around. The day the quarter-finals started. Being a seeded candidate came with the privilege of a direct entry at the quarter-finals, skipping the qualifiers.

The rules were simple, all sorts of spells were permissible as long as it was not meant to cause permanent damage or instant death and of course the unforgivable were out of the list.

There were two candidates from each country, one was to be put through the qualifiers and another to be seeded. The contestant put in the qualifiers had lost, making Thomas the only hope for England to win this year.

The people were not assured to see an 11-year-old in the ring, but the title of Dumbledore's apprentice was enough to silence the ignorant crowd from yapping away.


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