
Angel's Rebirth[Editing]

this is about a character named sai. sai was transported into a world of mysterys with his friend and must overcome all the dangers that befall him and his companion, his goal is to evolve to the highest point and get revenge on the people who started a war on his home world in the story the MC will be placed with many challenges and hardships but inorder to regain what he once lost he will destroy all who comes in his path but right now he's week and needs to get stronger if he wants to get to the bottom of his mysterious past. thanks to my friends for helping me during this story ...oh and this photo dosent belong to me so if the owner wishes for me to take it down I will do so...

Monarch6319 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

chapter 1: battle of... what!!!

At the main facility in rome its 4 a.m. in the morning when "ATTENTION. ATTENTION". ["attention all personals must report to the war room] ill repeat [ all personals must report to the war room"] "this is not a drill, i repeat this is not a drill".

right now sai is asleep having a dream, he see's a dark figure come out of some sort of spinning red and black portal but he couldn't see the inside of it, it was as it was only one sided, but suddenly that figure that he saw in front on the portal startes getting closer to him and another five come out of that portal walking towards him, sai try to get up move his body won't move, right now he struggles to move but sai, can't move or blink the only thing he could do was look as the dark figure suddenly starts to move closer and closer until he stops, right in front of Sai's body.

sai see's a face but as soon he as sees it he looks as of he sees a monstar. cause he does what he see's right now it a tall man with long ears as he would be an elf like of what he read in Manga but this is diffrent his skin is purple and he has four horns 2 on his forehead as of a demon he read in the Bible and two short horns under the sides of his chin. but what rilly got to sai was that he had two abnormal wings that rilly shocked sai, but the the he turns around and looks at the other five that stopped behind him and one came up and says.

"Izumi we have set up a base in ________________

have killed everyone in a 100 kilometers distance, we now await you orders".

"well done myuu" as he parts he head and rubs her pink hair making her blush "is there anything else that needs to be reported"

the head info teams leader and sung-gu walk up and to izumi, the info teams leader says'' there has been a change in plans, what type of change says izumi, "well heaven has notest are invasion a little sooner than expected", "why didn't inform me sooner", "well I was but i thought of something to repent on my falure, and is that, well u can say that the my boys have possess all the leaders in Asia and have now declared war on the entire world", grate izumi says in an exited but serious tone, "you have done good and now this will speed up our plans now next time report these major events to me or I'll have your head". yes sir say the head of the info team.

"now sung-gu what have u got for me", 'well i have all the armor and weapons for the armys in the underworld made just yours in left".

"good now it be easier to beat those feathery bastars good job but if only those things the humans used called guns worked on us celestial it would be easier to kill those feathery idiots but a weapon without the usage of mana in it is just like fighting bare handed and don't get me wrong but its just too slow.

the four general nood there head as a sign as agreeing. the third general ikazawa appears and says that all it will take a few days before all tools will be ready

the fourth tommie general steps up and say that has set up and developed layouts the new bases and there currently building it.

sai shocked as if he dosent know if this is a lucid dream or real but then he starts to hear [ATTENTION ATTENTION] then his eyes open up he quickly goes for his gun and points it right in front of him. no one was there but a door. while covered in sweat hears the alarm, so he starts to get up and puts some clothes on he slowly starts to forget that dreem he has.

finally dressed grabs his gun off the bed, puts it on his stap and starts to run toward the war room he see's everone run towards there as he did but when he see's there facial expression he starts to get nervous and wonder what the hell is going on and why are we going to the war room.

He suddenly runs in to the rank 1 of the facility and says Adam whats going on? he suddenly opens his mouth and says i... I don't know but I think that we might be going to war, cause I don't think we have ever been to the war room right, u know the only possibility is that there's going to be a war. ''ok Adam I hope your wrong cause if there's war then... then I don't even want to think about that right now".

"ok sai come on we need to go now", "okok u lead the way". adam noods starts to run in the direction of the war room.

we get in there and they start to announce that everything in the continent of Asia has declared war on the world and that they will not give in unless there destroyed or vigorous. they have stated that whatever country that surrenders and supports the war for them, also will not be aradicated. many hours later of discussions there was an announcement calling the 5 rankers of the facility to the meeting room of the eastern part of the facility.

as soon as we all get in the room we are all ordered to stand agenst the wall in a horizontal line to that when the boss come heel be able to see what he's dealing with.

sai looks at all four of them and thinks ("this is the first time all five rankers have ever been together i wonder what's going to happen".)

rank 1 in the facility is adam also known as the god of war because of his brutal and effective style in hand to hand combat, he also has never took on an assassination missions which also it makes him the toughest one here cause if he's not training he's sleeping

rank 2 in the facility is sai also known as the angel of death not because of his white hair and red eyes plus the fact he has never failed a mission or missed a target, he accepts all missions available to him he does the work no one likes to do when he can, cause he has a truly pure heart and feels that it would be better for him to do it than have someone be forced to do so.

rank 3 neko moss also known as the shadow witch known fact she is the only one with a last name and also because of her stealth and experteas at assassinations she's most know for the assassination of the prime Minister of Egypt and Europe they say that she was 5 kilometers away when she was planning on assassinatoon the prime minister of Egypt, it may sound like it was easy for h we but it took a lot of time to find his patters and the locations of where he was going to be and what time he was going to be there. it took about a month and a half but thankfully the client understood the process of these sorts of things and just wanted to know whenver it was finished. from those 5 kilmeters away she looked at his life style and patterns all day unless asleep but she got little of that. for her to be able to study him tho she installed heat signaled cams around the neared buildings so that she was able to see trought the walls. and at 2:52 p.m. the prime minister was assassinated and about the minister in Europe she worked as a maid for him for about three months before poised his food and then erased her existence from Europe like she was never there.

rank 4 is Isaiah he is also know for being the fastest and most agile of us all giving him the name untouchable he is most known for being able to move around freely in hard to move and dangerous places such as enemy taritorys and a lot of diffrent terrains he is most know for clearing out a bandit camp that was holf up in a huge fort in the jungle. the only ones who know how it was done was the team assigned to him

rank 5 is aiko also know called the general princess the most delicate of us all but also a beast when it comes to warfare and battles. she got her name from tricking people into thinking that she was an innocent little girl who got lost but thats always there downfall, but besides that she is also a grate leader who leads lots of people into battle

the top five rankers have never really seen each other before except for adam and sai and fats only because there are located on section C of the facility, but besides that they only heard story's and rumors about the other.

sai looks at everyone In the line and tries to brake the silence by saying "adam is this the first time you've seen the other rankers too". as all could tell adam was nervous he calmed himself down and said "yea I've only ever seen you, I wonder what so serious the boss would have to call all of us here"

"Yea I wonder that too" sai says. but as soon as sai tries to say aanthing else aiko says "shush here comes the boss".

the door opens up and the 5 just look as the boss walks in slowly. the boss says do u all know who I am and the 5 says boss Phx, correct he says then proceeds to say do you know why your here Mr. Phx says, no sir says the 5, then Mr. Phx says well your here for because war has just broke out and u are going to help them stop it. them says sai, and then Mr. phx pulls of a photo of an angel that was coming out of a white and blue portal in Europe. Mr. phx proceeds to say that this is the first time heaven has ever interfeared in the mortal wars and I predict that this means that this isn't just any war anymore this is a holy war and we might not be facing just humans anymore.

a few moments of silence was in there air as we were all thinking about what just happened. but then... an explosion erupted close by the facility and all of us look outside and sees balles of fire collide close buy us like a metior shower and we all go to check it out.

the 5 are outside right infront of the craters caused but those giant balls of fire... and suddenly something comes out from the crater, which shocks the five,

sai Isaiah and niko pulls out a prototype plasma pistol the head scientist asked them all to test for her. while adam pulls out his combat knife from its strap, and aiko just stands there wondering how could anyone survive that.

that sumthing turned out to be a skeleton knight and a trol, and without hesitation sai shots the trol trol in the head causing it to die and then shots at the skeleting knight who starts to deflect the blasts, the rest of the five sees what's happening and then the other two starts to fire at the skeleton knight. 1 of the 3 blasts hit the skeleton. and the after a short while they kill the skeleton.

after they killed it more appeared out of the other craters, then backup arrived and an hour latter all of the monsters were dead.

the boss appears and says thi... this truly is an unnatural war with a concerned face.

hey make sure to leave a comment it makes me happy and be sure to tell me what u think of the story so far ^w^

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