
Who is the lucky one today.


You there...yeah you!

yeah, I'm talking to you, I am the author and you the readers, I want you to pay attention, careful attention because I am about to do something mind-blowing.

on here I am omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresent, and it may grow tedious, incredibly, so I will send my alternate self who is correctly writing this, well he thinks he is but he isn't, and this narrative will be about him.

My tale is about "me" changing my race to something other and placing myself into a world that I scarcely know about, funny thing is that you the readers, wouldn't even know what is happening, although it is similar it is not the same. Let us START THE PROCESS, ooh I'm pleased.


Hey hello, the plan is ready, I need to show you something, come here.

come closer, I'm not going to devour you.

well, you see that circle there, that is earth!!! land and sea filled with humans and animals, so the purpose of why we are here is to pick up this "weak version of myself" come with me I need to show you.

there we are you and me, flying over to some structures in the Uk, then we come to a halt, it is a wonderful house that seems appropriate for an above-average family home, passing over the windows, we come to a stop.

observe that black dude over there, seated on the carpet floor, working on his keyboard on one screen and browsing Youtube on the other? no? oh right I forgot you can't see, you are just reading and imagining, so let me explain his looks to you.

So this here is Stephen, a black mix of race predominantly African/Chinese/American, all his eyes are small, the hue of his eyes fluctuates from brown, black and yeah.

His hair is long at the back to his neck, his face seems fairly pleasant, a height of 6ft although single, he is quite an athletic guy thin and strong, age 19 member of the dreadful, TERRIBLE generation Z.

something horrific happened to him recently and he has a detest against women, especially of his generation, which is Z by the way.

well it does not matter I being generous will grant you a short summarised version, this guy liked this girl for 3 years, the first year she dated his best friend for 4 months, and whenever they are close to breaking up or having issues, the couples go to him for advice and reasoning and him being a "Good friend" helped them push through for 4 months if he wasn't there they wouldn't have lasted as long.

The weird thing is that his best friend has a fiancée and he knew, she found out thanks to his best friend's sister and she said she wouldn't mind sharing him, but then later on she suddenly found a cause to create issues and blamed it on his best friend and ignored him for 8months and came back.

They never communicated with one other and she called him a "brother" and him being a good "brother" tried to make her life better, gave her advice and supported her when she needed it, basically he was a simp.

then in the third year, 2022 she came back and started dating another one of his friends once again, one day his friend asked to come to his new house which is the one we are currently at, so he wanted to record a song (rap) cause he had gotten a mic for his computer, let's call his friend A so A wanted to rap at his place on the mic, so he agreed.

he came over to his house, but surprise the female who we are going to call C she came to his home without permission however he the simp he is authorised it.

1 month later of coming to his place over and over they decided to break the silence by stating they have been dating for the 1 month that they have been coming to his place, all 3 of them had a good relationship, then one day when they were all at his place, he received a call from his ex we shall call her M now M started an entanglement between his friend group of 6, 3 started having issues with each other.

Now Stephen being the elder of the group, the founder, had to step in to stop the problem, but someone was telling M false information about him which ended up with the ex getting mad at him, calling him words such as "disgusting" and other things like that, now mind you, this guy had bought her an iPhone 8 when it was the latest then, he helped her out so much for he was gullible, and he didn't even get the punani.

thus, at present, he became furious at his pal let's call him Ion now Ion is a really nice guy a giant teddy bear, but he got angry at Ion because he believed it was him who was going behind his back revealing false things to his EX. After all, they are close and Ion defends her arbitrarily, so Ion did not like it and he took some days off from the group.

Then someday after that he, A and C were at his place, doing hair and talking and he talks about his ex and how she had caused problems, but she called him the next day telling him about everything he said that day, then it hit him, right in the face, the one who had been talking behind his back to his ex was A and not Ion, now angry at A he massaged about it to him about how he could do such things.

A bizarre incident happened next which was the day following, when he went to college after classes it was time to go home, but he was called into a room and was instructed to stay.

After waiting for a few minutes, 2 officers stepped in, alleging he was accused of attempted rape, digital penetration and sexual assault. Taken in with handcuffs on, do know that he has never been arrested before, in fact, he has never been engaged with the police before, especially with his skin tone.

He was imprisoned in a cell for a day, before being examined, having no alternative sought a lawyer and was placed on bail and here is where we are today.

very horrible living at the moment, at least he started exercising again, although he is still a virgin.

Now readers, do not get him wrong, being a simp can be fixed and he has been watching a lot on that maybe he has changed, being a nice sweet guy who respects women is not getting him far in life, it only led him to be betrayed, now mind you he knew what he was doing at the time was being a simp, but he truly thought he was helping her.

Funny enough he has had many unfavourable meetings with females, especially when he first got to the country and when he grew older, this was undoubtedly the final straw.

Now if I let him carry on his life, he would become a player in 3 months, then in the future, he would create an Ai that is female and can give birth, which would make a fair standing in men not needing women rather than women not needing men, 5 years after that, women are out of options and now they yearn for a mans love and affection.

well anyway, enough of that, you have read his narrative, you have understood his struggle, it is time for his rebirth into a better life and worry not, he will not remain unmarried or be a virgin forever, why?

Simple, would you say no...to your waifu?