
New Team Mates

Once cleared they saw a teen, his skin dark brown, his eyes red that they seem to glow, his hair silver with a golden glow to it, he was currently dressed in a white hoodie and white pants, he turned to face everyone a small smile appeared on his face enough to stun any woman his eyes bouncing off each member of the teen titans, after doing so he spoke.

With one hand up as if waving only, but it just stood straight.

"Sup team."


seeing no one was planning to answer him, he took his first step then the second before they knew it he was already before Mammoth, with a single slap Mammoth was sent flying at the speed of a cannonball.

*Crash* at full force crashed into a building wall, coughing blood the face they all made at that moment was priceless even the perpetrator was perplexed.

"Oops." Sadly this was the case, Domiel held back quite a lot but it turns out it was not enough, at least he did not kill the guy.

Using the part where they were all distracted he moved on to his next target and just like the last one was sent flying this time it was not as fast.

"Ah, that feels much better." He mentioned as he swirled his wrist around, getting a feel for the motion of slapping.

Not long after all their enemies were down and unconscious, "Well that was anticlimatic." He said with a small smile on his face while walking toward the Teen Titans.

They stared at him walking through the broken concrete, their battlefield as if he was on a tour then he arrived in front of them and waved to get their attention.


___________Robin P.O.V____________

"Don't let them Regroup." I heard Gizmo leader of The H.I.V.E regain consciousness, this is not good for the team now we can't regroup.

I turned my head looking out for each of my team members on the battlefield and I wish I could beat the ever-living shit out of Beastboy and Cyborg, what are they doing flirting in war? are they trying to rub in the fact that I am single!

I am truly lost on what action to call for my team at the moment, we were cornered we might have to call for back up but 'ARGH!!' those bastards would call us weak and that is something I will not accept for my team.

What would Dad do, I need to think, Think! this is a matter of life and death I think...

*Boom* something brought me out from my thoughts, looking at where the sound came from, I saw a cloud of dust covering my view, 'what is that?' I questioned myself then I saw a guy he looks the same age as us, he had dark brown skin that seem to glisten in the sun, his red eyes peering through my soul as if he was looking at my naked body which makes me shudder, I already don't like this guy for that.

His hair reflected the sun into my right eye almost blinding me damn silver hair, it seems like it's glowing gold as well, If I was not a straight man I would say he looks like an angel, but straight men don't believe in angel men 'HMPH!'

"Sup team." Ooh! he thinks he is so cool dropping in like that and which team, is he our new member that Nightwing talked about? I don't like this.

Then he took a step, it was nice and slow allowing us to inspect him closely but out of nowhere, he was standing next to us and before I could even blink he slapped Mammoth like he was swatting a fly and Mammoth reciprocated like a fly and flew into a building.

I wanted to attack him but I was too shocked to move, why is that? well, I was struggling against Mammoth not that long ago and I can't make the excuse of fighting multiple enemies at once because if I could slap them into oblivion I wouldn't be cornered.

I felt weak, I felt fear if this was our enemy how would I handle this situation.

By the time I woke up from shock he was already done with The H.I.V.E it hasn't even been 5 seconds since he landed, he paused for a while and then he started walking towards us once more.

"Well, that was anti-climatic." I heard him say as he stood there right before us, then he waves?

As the leader I have to be the one to question this person, I must show my bravery dad can put superman on a leash then I can do the same for this 'new team member.'

I stepped forward, "Thanks for the help, but who are you?" I know there is a chance of him being the new team member but I have to confirm my suspicion, I can't blindly trust that he is the new member.

"I'm your new member boss," he said while flashing a small smile, I don't like him.

I turn to look at Starfire hoping that Starfire does not fall for his antics, Starfire is going to be my future wife and I can't have some good for nothing random handsome guy steal her.

"What's your name?" I asked another question since it has been confirmed, there is no harm in asking.

"My name is Domiel, nice to meet you-er?" he tilted his head to the right, trying to look cute, 'HMPH!' I don't like him.

"I am the leader of the Teen Titans, you can call me Leader or Robin," I spoke mockingly, what I don't like him!

_____________Third P.O.V_____________

The tension around Robin is clear as day and Domiel can see that but he plays ignorant, why? because it is fun to tease people.

The flirting duos were the first to introduce themselves, starting with the green one, "My name is Beastboy!" while saying so he transform into an ape and roared, "And this is my girlfriend Terra, she is with me so don't get any ideas." he said while transforming back after he jumped and wrapped himself around her like a koala.

Then the cyborg stepped forward, "Sup my brother, I am Cyborg and this is my girlfriend Jinx, nice to meet you." He shook Domiel's hand and went back with his girlfriend.

"Hello! It is the very nice to meet you!" an energic Starfire said while floating around Domiel, then stopped and floated toward him and grabbed his face pulling him in for a french kiss.

"STAR NOOOOOOO!!!!" Robin dropped to his knees. a waterfall escaped his eyes, and suddenly we could hear his mumbles, "I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him...." Starfire then went to his side and started speaking to him, trying to understand the problem was because from where she comes from that is how they greet each other.

"Star, you are forgetting this is not your home planet, randomly kissing someone is not good." A mystical voice pulled Domiel's attention, this voice belongs to Raven, the cloaked beauty.

"Raven," she said and turned around heading back to the Titan Tower.

Domiel was frozen, his thoughts were filled with her it was strange but nice, his breathing became heavy, his heart pounding it was pounding so much it felt like it was going to burst out his chest, although it is ironic that he is made of energy yet feels this.

Archangels although made out of energy still have the functions of a being with said organs, it is but a representation of such a state, he does not require breathing but can do so, he does not require a heart but yet has a replication of one, made out of energy.

"Raven...." He muttered, with a smile on his face, this turned out to be a great idea joining this team that is.

not wasting this he followed behind his new team all heading to the giant 'T' shaped tower in the distance.