
Gate in the distance

*Wake up, wake up gots' to smell the flowers, got to show up, show up, here's my favourite number-*

What the heck are you doing Shaze? The first day of school is just around the corner.

The fact that Alex has been gone for six years and since he hadn't been adopted is astonishing, given that the instant he went, Shaze was adopted.

As soon as this damned alarm stops wailing in my ears, I'm out the door.

After getting out of bed and running to his wardrobe, Shaze picked out a white T-shirt, black pants, and his long black trench coat.

In light of the above, he proceeded to the bathroom and took care of his daily responsibilities: brushing his teeth, using the toilet, taking a shower, and then heading back to his room to put on his clothes in front of a large mirror.

He made a few last-minute alterations to his attire before heading downstairs. He walks left and enters a large living room, then turns left again and enters a room that seems like a kitchen, with food on the table and chairs around it.

"Finally, Shaze, it is time for you to settle down and have breakfast."

"Thanks for the meal."

"You're welcome,"

Having just been introduced to his new family, the man who had taken care of him was a man of mixed race, but his fair skin, or should I say tan, was of no consequence; what mattered was that he had taken him in and given him a private room with his own privacy, free of the constant barrage of children's screams. I swear to God I'm not joking ***.

"It's your first day of school today, and as you can see, I'm already dressed and have to get up early for work, so I won't be able to drive you. You can go by yourself, right? "

"Don't worry about it; I'll take care of myself. You can concentrate on your job and have a wonderful day. I'm preparing supper, by the way."

As you can see, Shaze seems to have developed a family bond with the man in question.

"In addition to thanking you, Shaze, please know that your food will be very much missed when I am at work. I hope you have a wonderful day at school and be safe."

He then took up his dishes and washed them. He then tucked in his empty chair and went out of the house, presumably to go to work, since the door was closed behind him.

Afterwards, Shaze groaned, and then he got up from his chair, picked up the dishes, and put them in the sink. His shoes had been put on, so he returned to the second floor to bring his bag and phone down to the first floor, where he left the keys to the home behind.

Standing on the edge of his driveway, he plans on waiting for his school bus to arrive. Shaze, a punctual young man, stepped out of his house and right up to the payment area, where he saw his bus already on its way and the door to the bus open. He sighed and continued walking as his bus pulled up in front of him, stopping in front of him.

Because he had to relocate from Metropolis to Jump City, he had to start a new school, and today was his first day at this new school.

The school was enormous, but he wanted to spend a few weeks with his new adoptive parents or guardians before he starts his new life at school. He arrived at the school, which was funded by millionaires and billionaires who wanted to raise their children in the best private school, but he got in on a scholarship, so everything was provided for free, of course.


"Hmmm. So you are Shaze. You're the new students at our academy. For gifted and smart young children. I welcome you. "

"Thank you for having me." I will do my utmost best to uphold the academy's values. "

"Wonderful. Well, welcome aboard. Here is your timetable. And these are your teachers. Please head out that door. There will be an assistant there waiting to lead you to your class. Have a wonderful first day, Mr Shaze.

Shaze wasted no time. He stood up from his chair. He picked up his bag and went out through the door, which he was instructed to. Waiting for him was an assistant teacher. He was tall, had dark wavy hair, and he was quite handsome.

"Ah. You must be Shaze. Nice to meet you. My name is David. "Please follow me while I lead you to your classroom."

He did not wait for a response from Shaze; he just started walking. while heading towards the classroom. The most entertaining thing he did was introduce different parts of the academy.

There were a lot of interesting things on the way to this classroom. There was a stadium. For who knows what? There was a sports hall. There was a gym. There were all the classics from many schools.

After a mini-tour around the school, they came to a stop. "And this here is your classroom. "Please wait here while I speak to your teacher so they may introduce you to your new classmates."

Shaze had a lot going on in his mind at that moment in time. He was questioning what his introduction should be. Maybe he would go for the funny guy, or the friendly guy, or maybe the ignorant guy. He had no clue what to do. While the assistant teacher was speaking with the teacher, Shaze was questioning his every existence.

And just like that, the assistant teacher came out, Mr David. He turned towards Shaze and said, "The teacher will call you in when they are ready." "Please wait here. And that is all I will be saying now. I hope to see you around more often in school. Have a great day. " "Mr Shaze."

And so the torture of waiting haunted Shaze's thoughts as he kept on thinking about his magical introduction. Time went by. One minute, two minutes, three minutes, and then it got to five minutes. "Please, would the new student come in?"


"There is no better time than now. I'll just wing it. "with a bit more assurance. He took his first step. And with that, into the classroom, he went.



"Well, my son, it is time for you to descend to Earth. You must do your utmost best to save the planet to save the universe. I grant you my blessing. "Go and fulfil your destiny."

"I will not let you down, Father." with a smile on his face. He was finally prepared to go on his long journey.

He left the hall after his confrontation with his father. and went towards a designated area. filled with mystical portals.

One of the portals was surrounded by his siblings. All wanted to wish him well. Goodluck.

"Hey little bro, It is finally that time. You will get to use your special gift. I wish you the very best. Remember, humans, are greedy by nature. Don't fall for their act of kindness. Try to think for yourself. And I will see you later. " Done with his mini-speech, he pulled in Domiel for a brotherly hug.

After the short hug with his brother, he turned toward his sister. Satan's daughter. "Hey, sis. I guess I'll be seeing you later. "

"Come here, you dummy. Where is my hug? Remember, if anything happens, make sure to call. One of us will be there whenever you need us to be."

"Thanks, sis."

After a few short moments with each sibling, they all stood back. to watch him as he took his first steps into the future.

"I'll be seeing you all later." "Bye for now." And just like that. He walked through the portal.

accompanied by a swoosh

He was thrown into a tunnel.

walls of gold and blue

He'd previously heard tales about how the transit system worked from his siblings, so he wasn't worried in this circumstance.

He was quite excited about it.

Everything was going swimmingly.

It would take some time for him to arrive, but it would all be worth it when he did.

And just like that, after a few hours.

He had arrived.


Why is everything so dark?

And what's with the massive gate in the distance?

This mission seems to be more complicated than he anticipated.


[the time is finally here. We are finally getting started. Hee hee hee hee hee..]

-> You laugh like an idiot.

[just shut up and get on with your life in the story]

-> no.
