

Two years later,

"Sigh." It's been an exhausting day. I understand that it has already been two years, but all of this instruction to be right and have excellent manners becomes tedious.

But, thankfully, I've finally completed it. I'm going to learn how to fly with these wings tomorrow. I can shake them and move them up and down. It seems natural to me. Now I simply need to learn how to fly.

And it seems that I am unable to unfurl my wings. I haven't yet reached the stage; allegedly, everyone gets to unfurl their wings at the age of seven, so my wings won't be hidden till I'm seven, but I enjoy them nonetheless; they're fluffy and soft, and I don't know how I'd survive without them.

Yes, I am the royal family's youngest member, and I have yet to meet my siblings. According to my parents, I will meet them when I am 5, but first I must master all of my lessons so that I do not humiliate myself.

The plus side of being an angel is that I do not need to bathe, I do not need to excrete, I do not need to pee, and I don't need to feed. Honestly, it's the best thing ever and I enjoy it. That is why I'm sleeping right now.

I don't even need sleep, but the only reason we ever do it is so we can pass the day quicker. It's just amazing that everything that is a human's weakness is not an angel's weakness. Although we look similar to them, we are completely different.

I just really have nothing much to expect from humans. After all, they are just a failed copy of us. Ah, tomorrow I'm finally going to fly.

Slowly I drifted to sleep, all thoughts expelled from my head and a pure blitz of refreshment hit me.


Upon waking up, I noticed my personal maid at my side, with my clothes for the day wrapped around her arm.

I understood what she needed to do, so I stood up and let her dress me; I stood up, waited, and she clothed me; there was nothing to be ashamed about; I am just a 3-year-old kid; what am I hiding?

After getting dressed, I went to the dining hall; according to my parents, this castle belongs to me, and they left for the original palace, which is somewhere else in a larger kingdom/city, so, in essence, I am the ruler of this set kingdom that I'm currently in; of course, my butler and maid are taking care of the entire area at the moment, but when I'm of age or when I want to, I can take control whenever I want.

Terrell, my own Butler, escorted me outside after a delicious full meal. I was led to a grass-covered area that resembled an arena. The air was crisp, and I saw a soaring angel descending and dropping in the middle of the field.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness." "I'm Gharial," he said, kneeling on the floor with one leg.

"The pleasure is all mine, Gharial; when will we begin?" I'm plainly excited to fly; what kind of kid, well, what kind of adult, doesn't want to fly? I'm a dreamer who wants to soar, even if it means learning from someone else.

"I see you're eager; don't worry, your highness; we'll get right to work, but first I'd like to go over the structure of what we're doing; I'll be training you in all aspects of being an Angel aside from the rest, which you've already learned." the part he is speaking about is where I learned about the history of how angels came to be and, you know, etiquettes and mannerisms and politics and stuff like that. I have learned all of those. What do you expect, that I have two souls? no, my soul has been recreated into a higher being and as an Angel, my processing and understanding have been increasing far beyond the scope of mortals, studying is but a tedious thing.

"I see; shall we start right away? I have an appointment in two hours." And this is true: I have to take care of this kingdom, therefore I have to learn all there is to know about history, marketing, and price. It turns out that, while seeming to be Silver City's greatest city, it is really the worst. I believe this is a test by my parents to see how intelligent I am and what I am capable of, so I just have to improve this Kingdom to its perfect form.

Gharial began to prepare after seeing how serious I seemed; he peered at me, moved closer, and circled around me.

"Your highness, flap your wings for me."

"OK," I said, flapping it as he instructed.

Gharial came to a halt and rested his hand on his chin.

I waited for his answer since I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

"Your Majesty?"


"Are you certain you're simply an angel?"

"What exactly do you mean, Gharial?

Oh true, I'm not just an angel, I'm an Archangel!!!

"Please accept my apologies, your highness; I did not intend it in that way. " He instantly went back on his knees.

"Rise, You are not mistaken; in fact, you are accurate; I am not an average Angel; I am an Archangel; what does that have to do with all of this though? "

"What!? How did you become an archangel!? I apologise for my outburst; I was just overwhelmed, being an Archangel is such a huge thing and now you are one of the few Archangels, especially at such a young age.

"Worry not, for I was just born this way."

For some reason, he began to look at me with reverence and adoration, which I didn't mind.

"Could you perhaps clarify what the issue is now?" I was beginning to feel antsy.

"Oh, sorry, the issue is that you don't believe you can fly."

"I'm sorry, but what? What role does faith play in this? "

"According to the Angel Cyclopedia, archangels may self-actualize, which implies that if they believe they are good, their holiness shines brighter. They are capable of doing what they feel they are capable of achieving. If they believe they are evil and nasty, they become that, therefore all you have to do, your highness, is believe it."

"Yes, I see. Why have I never heard of 'Angel's Cyclopedia'?"

"Well Your Highness, it is because it was destroyed two thousand years ago."

Well, I don't mind since I now know why I couldn't fly; it was such a simple thing that it was easy to ignore.

All I have to do now is believe I can fly, but in order for that to happen, I must first understand why I couldn't fly; I still have a strong attachment to my human existence; a part of me refuses to let go, and I must figure out why I'm so attached to humans so that I don't limit myself in this way in the future.

"Be quiet, I need to concentrate," I tell them and myself. This is for my own benefit; I need to focus on my inner self and let go of this connection.

I closed my eyes and started to sift through my thoughts, removing everything unrelated to humanity; being an Archangel allowed me immense control over my essence.

I'm in a dark room with an orb floating in the centre. I selected to communicate with this orb while floating over to it in my astral state.

"Why are you imposing constraints on me? Why is your connection so powerful that it limits me? Can you tell me your name?"

I asked it a series of questions to get it to react, and it seems to have succeeded since it has begun to transform into myself. But why is this the case? Because I don't have a deep link with humans, I believed this was an alien mind in me, but it seems I don't know myself well enough.

It seems to be human, with no wings, grace, or holiness, just a dull grey soul, completely human.

It examines me, and I examine it...

"Are you going to gaze at me all day or are you going to respond to my question?" I didn't question it; instead, I just expressed it.

It remained still for a few moments more, and as I was ready to speak again, it-