

[This is a novel I have been working on, it is just the first chapter but tell me if you like this, this might be the next novel I work on after angel's decent.]

Chapter 1

The New Kids!








In a room, there was a young boy,

we can see his features, such as his black hair, curly and holding a fluffy feel to it, we can see his bland but handsome face.

The boy is standing at an impressive 6ft and wearing a black T-shirt and black shorts.




Ignoring the thunderous sounds made from the release of a tennis ball, charging up against the surface of the tainted ceiling, the mysterious boy is currently lying on a bed, face-up.




"Today was so shit!", claimed the anonymous boy, whose sadness was as clear as day.




The thundering noises came to a halt, as the boy, whose identity was unknown, went ahead to survey the surroundings of his room, whilst keeping an expression that was as solid as stone.

In his room, right Infront of his current direction, was a wardrobe and a few inches to the right of the wardrobe, was a door. He then turned towards the right, at an 85-degree angle, at the location of a desk and above the desk was a computer set up with a phone towards the side. In front of him, lay before him a drawer of a rangy height. Whereas, to the right of him, was a door that was in the sturdiest of conditions. The boy, whose name is unclassified, shifted his body towards the desk that stood as the location of his computer, while that same location held the phone


The boy sighed as he stood up from his bed and slowly had his feet make a soft and gentle landing, on the silk fluffy carpet that filled the room. He was taking his time walking towards his desk, his eyes focused on the phone, and he slowly but surely approached it.

Standing an inch away from his desk, he stretched his right hand to grab his phone, but froze before he could even touch the silhouette of the phone and then at a slow pace his hand backed away as if something was slowly pulling it back, it felt like he wasn't allowed to touch the phone, that it wasn't meant for him..

The boy is Stephen, but it is pronounced with an accent to it. Stephen, feeling afraid, decided to head back to his bed, but before he could make another step, the same phone that he tried to pick up, started ringing.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Stephen stood there petrified at the sudden noise emitting from the phone. With a scrunched-up face, he decided to reach out to the phone, but this time fight against the intensity of what was pulling him back before, he managed to...

picking up the phone from the desk, Stephen looked at the ID of the caller.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Stephen, looking at the phone, is surprised.

[Caller ID]


[Answer] [Decline]

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Looking at his two options, Stephen decided to select [Answer], plus the ringing was starting to irritate Stephen.


"Hello....Halloo!!" Yelled Jimmy on the phone

"H-hey Jimmy..." Answered Stephen with a light voice

"Bro, thank god you finally answered, I thought you were going to kill yourself or something" Spoke Jimmy snickering as he spoke

"Ha..haaa...yeah... why would I do that?" Questioned Stephen while nervously shaking

"Dude, you seriously don't know, do you?" Asked Jimmy

"Know what?" Responded Stephen

"Well, let me sum it up for you, your life, has been fucked" Jimmy spoke while laughing on the phone

"What do you mean?" Questioned Stephen more confused

"Ugh! you are so stupid, how did I ever have you as a friend" Questioned Jimmy

"Jimmy, what are you saying? We have been best friends since forever." Sounding even more frustrated

"HAHAHA, you hear this champ? saying I am his best friend," Laughed Jimmy

"You should probably watch the video that was recorded that day...Hehe, this shit is funny, and I never know if I should cry or laugh every time I watch it!!" He exclaims and then goes ahead to making another statement.

"Oh, and by the way, when you see me, or even spot my family...



Stephen was in dear confusion, what just happened, he questioned himself.

As if lightning struck, Stephen rushed his fingers selecting all social apps he has, lucky for Stephen it did not take long for him to find what his best- no his classmate was talking about


"Hey, give that back!!" Yelled Stephen

"Haha or what!??"

"Stop, that medal is the only thing my parents left for me. SO, GIVE IT BACK!!!!" Shouted Stephen with Vigour



"Yeah, I did, and I will do it again if you don't give me back my medallion"


Suddenly the two classmates both men next to the one who was recently punched, dashed out to Stephen, one grabbing him by the right arm and the other grabbing the left.

"LET ME GO!!!!" Stephen yelled

They ignored Stephen's cries as he struggled hard to fight his way out of being pinned, but despite his attempts he was not strong enough to go against two guys while having his arms locked.

"I am going to make you wish you were never born!"

The boy zoomed past the wind and arrived Infront of Stephen and with a quick succession threw a mean right-hook straight into Stephens stomach, but it did not end there, Stephen bent forward due to the impact the boy grabbed Stephen's head with his hands and used his knee to land a powerful attack on his face and because Stephen was still being held by the boy he carried on his barrage of deathly attacks.

The attacks went on and on and those who saw it did not even try to help. In fact, they laughed and brought their phones recording the spectacle that was happening right before them.

While this was happening Stephen, who was currently smashed and beaten while bleeding everywhere.. could still hear and see everyone and worst of all his best friend jimmy who both grew up together, who went to the same school having a tight family relationship between their parents, calling each other brothers, was just there standing and laughing just as much as the others.

Stephen was furious but was quickly swirled by sadness, at least I still have my Girlfriend thought Stephen and it was indeed true, after all she was caring and lovely, she would never betray him and would in fact try to help him in this situation, suddenly-


A scream was heard behind the boy currently yaming Stephen who was against the wall. The boy and his goons decided that they had enough and moved back letting go of Stephen who dropped like a man who had just been shot in the heart, blood streaming from every corner of his body and it was overflowing.

"Chian, what are you doing here?" Questioned the boy


Filling a jolt of energy Stephen quickly stood up as if he was not injured and looked towards the voice

"What the fuck!?" Questioned a member of the crowd

"How is he still standing!?" Crowd member

"H-hey would you be able to stand after such a beating...."

"Hell no..."

"Ch—hi-an" spoke Stephen brokenly

"Oh, sweet pee I am coming!" Said Chian

Chian began making her way towards Stephen sprinting of course, but before she could get far, she was suddenly grabbed in place

"Oh no you don't, you are mine now" spoke the boy in a mellow tone

"Kyaaa!!! Let go of me Damian" Yell Chian

Grabbing Stephen's girlfriend, he turns to look at Stephen while having a nasty smile on his face, he starts licking Chian's face still having that nasty smile on his face.

Burning with rage Stephen launched himself at Damian not feeling any pain as he sets his right hand towards his stomach readying a punch

But before he could go any further, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen...when he looked towards the location, he felt the pain he looked in disbelief

Shattered ribs were all he felt the pain was so intoxicating that he started having trouble breathing

"Holy shit did Yushu just hit him with a metal bat!"

"Damn, I heard a crack!!"

"Hey guys, isn't this going too far?"

"Haha, then why don't you go tell them that"

"No, why would I do that?"

Stephen's vision was getting blurry and slowly he was losing consciousness



Feeling fierce rage Stephen once again stood up the pain he was once feeling was no longer there...no it was replaced by burning fury of rage


"Huh? What was that...speak louder!" Damian










Stephen did not pay attention to the crowd as he was still fuelled by rage, slowly he walked towards Damian whose hand was still holding Chian


The crowd laughed even more, some rolling on the floor, others with tears filling their eyes from laughing too much but what happened next made no sense to Stephen

"Hehehe....HAHAHAHA" Chian

She turned her head to face Damian and frenched him on the lips leaving a trail of saliva as they broke off from their kiss

"...Chian?" Stephen questioned, confused by her sudden actions, was she forced to do that? Was she doing it for his sake? Such thoughts came to Stephen's mind making him even more furious



Declared Stephen righteously

"pfft" Chian

"See I told you my puppy can be sometimes cute" She spoke is a very seductive voice directed at Damian

"I still don't like the fact that he is calling you his girl" Damian

"Oh, baby boo, you know you are the only one who owns me right?" Chian

"But you still need some punishment when we get home" Damian

"Wait …" Chian

"What?" Damian

"Be gentle this time, okay?" Chian kissed him again

Stephen watching this did not know what to think...all he knows is that he must save Chian from Damian

"Look your 'pet' still doesn't get it" Damian

"Ugh, he is starting to piss me off" Chian

Chian I will save you no matter what thought Stephen still dragging his broken body forward

"Grab him for me boys" Chian

The same two boys who pinned Stephen down before just did the exact same thing again pinning Stephen down but this time it did not take much effort since he has been battered black and blue

Chian left Damian's arm and walked towards the pinned Stephen

When she reached him, she said "Hi Stephen..." Sounding as happy as possible

Stephen hearing her turned his head upwards from his half kneeling position to face her

"Chian...I will...Save....you"


The crispy sound echoed through the whole grounds of the school, Chian had just slapped Stephen on the face

"don't call my name like that, I am not yours" she spoke firmly, as if scolding a dog, she then patted his head "don't be a bad boy now"

Stephen who heard this suddenly woke up from his enraged state and looked up again at chain

"Now look at what you have done. I got your disgusting blood on my palm" she then smiled and spat on her palm

"Lick it"

Huh? Is this the Chain I know? What is going on? Why is she like this? This must be his fault; I mean it has to be Chian would never do anything like this

"Chian I will save you"













Stephen who was watching the video on his phone had tears streaming down his face.

Do not be mistaken. Stephen was not crying because he was played by his ex-girlfriend or his friend ditching him no- he was crying because he was the idiot who fell for everything

Ever since that day Stephen's eyes have been opened, he truly saw humans for who they are...selfish and greedy...that was humans

It has already been 5 months since the incident, that is what he calls it and his parents do not know about the situation, so he must return to school if he doesn't want them to tell his parents of course


Stephen, a 17-year-old with black hair and brown eyes with skin dark brown and height of 6.0ft was currently getting dressed for school

His uniform was a suit style of black suit jacket and trousers and white collar with a white tie and white shoe

Picking up his bag that laid next to his bed he walked out his room and outside of his room was a hallway leading to other vacant rooms and right Infront of his room door three meters away was the stairs leading down to the lounge

Arriving in the lounge which had a Tv and two sofas and towards the left of the room was a kitchen after all it was a triple sized room so fitting a kitchen and a lounge was not impossible as behind him laid the upstairs which he recently came down from which has the rooms and a bathroom and on the left side of the stairs was another bathroom but that was enough explanations

Stephen has already made the necessary breakfast for the day, which was toasted bread with cheese in the middle and some spice sort on top.

After eating he quickly rushed out of the house. His school wasn't too far from his house, just a 30-minute walk and he would arrive there

Stephen has always been good with his time management skill but there is that one issue of checking the time every second but everything else is fine

After walking for 30 minutes, Stephen reached his school entrance which had a giant gate twice the size of an adult human and behind the gate was what looked like a castle, yes a castle and it is because this is the prestigious school of UHD academy UHD stands for United Houses of Denizen

"STOP RIGHT THERE" Spoke a man who was the height of 6.6ft with a bald head that reflected the sun, currently he was holding his hand up in a halting position as if saying stop with his hand as well.


Stephen put his right hand forward, on it was a watch which was black and white, the guard also had the same type of watch only difference was that it had a golden rim he then points his watch in the direction of Stephen's watch

"Ding" a green hologram in the shape of a tick appeared.

"You may enter Stephen Samuel" The guard said Stephen's full name, but Stephen didn't mind and kept on walking.

While walking he looked around and noticed a few no- a lot of things have changed from what they were previously 5 months ago, things such as the doors which were wooden before but now, they were all metal with a ting of gold to it everything that was once wooden was now metal with some sort of device on the important looking things.

'Maybe the school suddenly got richer' laughed Stephen while walking towards the entrance of the school, there are a lot of students outside, but they weren't something Stephen pays attention to as he finds them stupid and irrelevant

10 minutes later Stephen arrived at a specific door with a tag that says "Class 8 E"

Breathing and out calming himself down, he opened the door and walked in doing his best to keep himself as invisible as possible and walked straight towards his seat which is above the middle end of the class which looked like a typical university style setting, sitting by the window while keeping his head down to avoid the gaze of others

"Is that who I think it is?" Questions from a member of the class and with his thoughts out loud others began to speculate trying to figure out who the classmate was that just walked in.

Suddenly one of them realised who it was and was about to shout Stephen's name out loud but before he could, the class teacher walked in.

All eyes quickly fixed towards the adult that walked into the room and why wouldn't they especially the boys the adult who just walked into the room was a very beautiful woman who wore round glasses and had hair that was dark blue, her bust was on a whole other level with curves that match a coke bottle to a 'T'

"Good morning Class!!" Shouted the teacher with enthusiasm while taking a quick glance at the class as everyone in it cheered a Good morning back to her, well everyone apart from Stephen and noticing this the teacher's face twisted into disdain as it seems she has never liked Stephen and after she watched the video, she was happy to see him crushed and defeated and thinking about that puts an even bigger smile on her face.

"Alright guys, today we have 4 new students, please give them your warmest welcome" said the teacher this time normally and as soon as she said those words 4 people came walking into the class

"Introduce yourselves!" Spoke to the teacher with a bit of excitement and she wasn't the only one as everyone in the class was equally excited because the four students that walked in were incredibly handsome and beautiful.

There were two boys and two girls they looked like super stars and even models no they looked even better but what could you expect after all this was a prestigious school and all the rich people send their kids here to study for a better future and higher education

The first one to introduce themselves was one of the boys as he stepped forward and spoke with a majestic aura "Hello everyone, my name is James Richmond" while waving his hand at the class and smiling as if the world was just perfect.

James has blond hair and golden eyes and has a height of 6'0" and is from the Richmond family who are very famous and rich for creating hover-cars and they are the best at what they do.

Stephen of course had his head down relaxing and wondering about his future with his class and friends. 'What friends? I don't even know why I am thinking about friends when I don't even care about humans anymore'.

After the introduction of James Richmond came the second boy who had brown hair and blue eyes. He stepped forward and took a light bow and said "Hi, my name is Daniel smith and I hope to get along with you all" although he is smiling but if you look closely, you could see the smile has mischief in it.

Daniel finished his introduction and went back to the line they had formed before.

"Next!" says the teacher, who was looking forward to starting her day any time soon

"I guess that's me now" spoke a girl with black long hair all the way to her waist with her eyes green as emeralds that could entrance anyone who stares. Which everyone did as she was really famous well everyone apart from Stephen who was still not interested

"Hi, my name is Angela Walton although you all probably already know me, but I do not want my family's business to define me, and I would like for us to be all friends" said Angela radiating with brilliance and confidence.

Immediately after she finished, the students who were in the classroom started bombarding her with questions such as "are you single?" or things like "how rich are you?" very stupid questions.

Feeling that things were getting out of hand the teacher yelled for everyone to be silent and without a second to waste they all quietened down, seriously what do you expect after all this is a prestigious school...

Finally, after all the commotion the teacher signalled the final girl to introduce herself.

Walking to the front she stood with elegance and had the air of a princess around her, as if feeling the air Stephen sat up from his sleeping position to see who it was that gave him such a feeling and the moment, he laid eyes on her his breath quickened his heart rate raced he was entranced by her, no he was stuck staring at her.

She stopped at the centre and spoke "Hi, my name is Helen Wertheimer" her voice was calm as a still water her expressionless face remained the same her silver hair that reached all the way to her lower waist swayed left and right with her beautiful dark purple eyes that stares through someone's soul, Stephen couldn't help but quicken the thumping of his heart which grew louder and louder that some classmates that are close to his seat could hear it loud and clear and it did not stop there as it kept increasing in volume.

As if feeling someone's gaze on her she quickly turned to face the direction she felt it from and when she did, she became entranced too, she could not help but stare as her breath quicken with haste and heart thumping as if resonating with Stephen's the classmates couldn't help but wonder if they knew each other because the way they were staring at each other was filled with affection and seeing this made all the guys in the class angry as they stared at Stephen with hateful eyes, ah if only looks could kill Stephen would be dead a thousand times by now.

Waiting for a few more seconds the teacher finally decided to end their staring contest so with a clap of her hands they were broken from their spell and as soon they were they avoided eye contact because they both felt that if they look at each other again they would continue to stare, it is like they could sense each other and they could tell this by their hearts still racing and breath remaining hasten

"Alright you guys, go ahead and find a seat to sit" spoke the teacher as she pointed her hand towards the seats giving out a warm smile.

After all four students sat at their seats which they found empty. The lesson began but before it could fully begin something magical happened.

The whole place became enveloped by white light, and they could see nothing and do nothing. Stephen seeing this couldn't help but be excited as something he always dreamed of happening was happening right now.

Chapter 1 end