
Max Population

When I woke up, I had breakfast at my new dinner table, and then began my day. I left the house and made my way to my summoning stone.

[Summoned Tier 3 Civilian Android - Male]

[Summoned Tier 1 Support Android - Female]

[Summoned Tier 1 Assault Android - Female]

[Summoned Tier 1 Assault Android - Female]

[Summoned Tier 1 Assault Android - Female]

I didn't even bother to name them, I put the three Assault Androids under Kat's command, and changed their classes to Rangers. They then moved out as a squad and were in charge of hunting. Tiny's role was now helping carry wood, along with defending the village. 

The Ranger squad came back with two boars within an hour, and then I sent them out to survey. This was where my Tier 3 Civilian came into relevance. I named him Cookie, and he was a chef. Being a Tier 3, which was the highest rank I could summon with a common summoning stone, he was equipped with the knowledge to make spices and was a great cook. 

He dressed the boars and began to skin one to prepare for food. I created more things to grow. This time, I built a mine into the side of the mountain. I assigned the new android I just got, and told Alice that the mine was functional, if there was anyone who wanted to work in it. Those who did would receive extra food, along with being rewarded a Level 2 house next to the mine. 

These terms interested two of the new men she had summoned for the day, and they immediately began to work. They instantly began to produce ores. I created a furnace, and assigned the android who was working in the mines to start smelting ores. I began to make everything they would need to start producing metal tools, and left them to do that endlessly. I instructed them to sit in the sun recharging their power whenever they had free time.

Just like that, my day flew by. I had done so much, but I was just beginning. I had a delicious meal prepared by Cookie, and I was sitting in my living room getting a massage from Jenny, when I had my peace ruined.

*Knock knock*

"Come in, Kat, his highness is resting." Jenny replied for me.

I heard the door open, and Kat's voice enter my ear.

"I am sorry to bother your highness, but I came to report something I felt was urgent."

At this I decided it would be best to listen. I nodded, signaling for her to continue.

"We have discovered a nearby camp."


"No. Something called a goblin. We captured one and studied it. We compiled all the information for you. Along with finishing a rudimentary map of the nearby 15 miles." she then held out several rolls of animal skin. Jenny took them, and laid them on the table before me. 

I looked over the map first, which really didn't show anything impressive. However I saw that the camp of Goblins was occupying something interesting.

There was a large tree in the center of the camp, that was glowing green, and from Kat's statement it was giving off an unknown energy.

"It must be a special monument. We will attack tomorrow and take it for ourselves. Tell everyone to charge themselves as soon as the sun rises."

"Yes, my liege."

Kat then took her leave, as I looked over the information about the anatomy of the goblins. It was so incredibly in depth, which made me realize they dissected the goblin alive.

'Unfortunate thing.' I know it would probably eat me, but it didn't make it's death any less pitiful. I handed Jenny the information on the goblins, and ordered her to study the information so she could teach the others of their weaknesses. 

After that, I simply went to bed quietly. The day had been good, and I was looking forward to finding out what defeating the goblin camp would give me.


The next morning, the Life Clan was very confused. They saw all of the Emperor's people waiting outside his house, without moving or speaking. Alice was currently standing by, watching as well, curious about what was going on, but then she saw something that made her jaw drop.

Their chests burst open, and solar panels came out.

'They're all robots?! That makes so much sense why they're so strong, and why they don't seem to eat or rest... That's so scary though. They really will not hesitate to carry out Emperor Atom's orders. But what about him... He... Seems human, but he is so much scarier than any human I had ever met.'

'But he takes good care of us... He can't be that bad.'


I woke up to Jenny standing by my bed, with a small glass of water. It had been a good idea to create a primitive water filter. It was a simple metal drum with several layers of rocks and cleaned animal skin, that worked as a water filterer. It wasn't an item that the system made, I actually fashioned it myself. 

The look of the Life Clan members were as if they thought of me as a god. Clean drinking water was an incredibly rare resource. While I drank my water, I sat up and got dressed for the day. I was still wearing the same clothes, which made me really miss the simple ease of access to stuff I seemed to have taken for granted.

Like having clean clothes, and running water. I would reach that level eventually, so I didn't let it cloud my mind for long. I had to focus on the raid today. 

I walked outside, and saw all of my androids with their solar panels out. I laughed a little seeing how creepy it must look. I glanced over and saw the Life Clan indeed staring. I ignored them, and used my five summons.

[Summoned Tier 1 Civilian Android - Female]

[Summoned Tier 2 Assault Android - Male]

[Summoned Tier 1 Civilian Android - Female]

[Max population for Level 1 Kingdom reached!]


'Hm. I didn't know there was a population limit. I should consider letting one of the current androids die so I can summon more... But I will do that later. After the raid.'

"Jenny, inform them of the weaknesses. Cookie, we will have you stay here for today. I want you to focus on your cooking, and I would like the Life Clan to be able to stay relaxed while eating your food."

"Yes, Master."

"As you command, my liege."

I then waited for them to finish listening to Jenny's seminar, and when they were done I changed everyone's classes. Except for one.

[Change Tier 1 Support Android #4's class?]

"Change Support Android #4's class to Blacksmith."

I chose to exclude this android as well, as they were important to my development. It seems more classes can be unlocked if I have them do different tasks. Creating specialized units was an important find. 

I had 13 other androids. I changed the other 10 android's classes to combat ones, before I marched them towards the goblin camp.

It wasn't long before my troops and I arrived at a cliffside above the camp. I left five archers up here, before taking the rest of my units down and around. There were around 50 goblins, but I wanted to find the combat capabilities of my androids. So I gave the signal for Tiny to go into the camp. He had six warrior androids, and with the five androids on ridge, the camp soon became a slaughter house. 

I had two androids defending me, but it didn't feel necessary as the goblins were being torn apart by the androids. They of course fought back against the androids, but when their spears pierced the androids skin, all that appeared was wires attaching different bits of metal all over. 

Their skeletons were made of steel. Their tendons and muscles nothing more than wires attached to piston systems. When the goblins saw my troops walking as if they didn't feel pain, their spirits broke. The fight was almost over within five minutes, however the was one single enemy left. 

A hobgoblin warrior. It was standing in the middle of the camp with it's axe by it's side. It pointed at Tiny, indicating it wanted an honorable 1v1. 

However that was just stupid.

"Are you fucking stupid? Shoot him." I ordered.

The archers turned the hobgoblin into a pin cushion, and eventually the hobgoblin fell to his knees in despair. It wanted a warrior's death, but instead it met me. It stared at me angrily, but as it opened it's mouth to shout at me, Tiny slammed the huge axe into the creature's skull.

The androids spread out through the camp to search for anything useful, while I stared at my system notifications.

[Congratulations on conquering a Level 2 Goblin Camp!]

[One Level 2 Lodestone acquired.]

[Level 2 Dryad's Tree acquired.]

I looked at the description of the Dryad Tree, which just allowed me to summon Dryads who could harness the power of nature. I was curious as to how it would change with my gift, what kind of unit would be produced?

All the resources that the goblin camp had became mine, so I didn't have to physically move anything. My troops just left, like a silent death squad we killed the entire camp and disappeared. We headed back to my territory, while I looked at the information for my kingdom. 

There weren't things that were really helpful for advancing the quality of life in the Buildings tab. I was curious if it was because I had yet to reach Level 2 with my Kingdom. Right now all I had were the necessities, such as gathering basic resources, and things required to maintain a population. 

When we walked by the forest next to the valley, I installed the Dryad's Tree, and continued until I arrived at the edge of the forest, overlooking my territory. Once there, I selected to upgrade my Kingdom to Level 2. The moment I did, it prompted me to choose my direction of growth, and the type of kingdom.

I chose to have my Kingdom focus on technological advancement, and made my Kingdom a conquering kingdom. It then added things like slave quarters, and the blacksmith could create crude collars with chains. My population limit increased, while I gained another limit of separate units: 

[Slaves: 0/25]

I then turned around, making my way back to the Dryad's Tree, while my androids had gone back to their tasks. Kat's squad went out hunting, and I summoned my daily Dryad. The tree glowed a bright green, and I felt the presence of the forest collect in front of me. What came out surprised me. 

[Summoned Tier 3 Forest Nymph Android - Female]

Before me was an android that was fused with leaves and branches. The android was made of the Tree of Life, which was incredibly resistant to physical damage, but was more vulnerable to certain magics. When I looked at the classes available, I was excited by what I saw.

"Change Slyvanus's class to Nature Mage."

Sylvanus was the name I had given my new Forest Nymph, and I watched as the wood turned healthier looking, she grew larger.

"I wish for you to make a living forest here. Can you do that, allowing for us to use this forest to defend ourselves?" I asked, looking at Sylvanus, who was partially sticking out of a nearby tree.

"Yes, my lord. I will work on doing so now. If any of your subjects come through here, I will be sure to guide them safely through the forest."

I nodded and walked back towards the village. It was time to improve the entire place. As soon as I came back, I created large stone walls all around the village, and a large metal gate. I then walked to my side of the valley, informing Alice along the way she is free to design her village however she wanted. She would be in charge of development from now on, outside of my specific instructions. 

I created a stone bridge, with a large wooden archway on both sides, and large wooden walls all along the river. I was creating a space where I would now reside, privately. I knew if I were to create a Kingdom, that I needed to begin to act like an Emperor. I looked over my population, before I upgraded my mine to Level 3, which then allowed me to build an additional building attached to it which would allow me to mine for magical ores.

Next was to build a mana stone mine, a lumbermill, and a barracks. The barracks was just a safe place for my androids to recharge their batteries away from prying eyes. 

"Jenny. Inform Alice that she is to begin training her people. We will continue hunting, but her military forces need to experience combat training. She should understand why. Also... From now on I will be in my study, do not bother me unless it is important. I will allow you to control the troops and make your own decisions that are in the best interest of the kingdom."

" Yes, Master."

I nodded, before walking towards my home. I upgraded my house to level 6, and as it improved it formed into an older feudal Japanese style castle. It was now a true castle. It stood imposingly, and I knew I couldn't let people come in anymore. I created a new pathway around my palace, for Alice's workers to get to the mines, while I built a new building called the "Research Lab". 

It was a large building in the same style as my palace, where I could have people spend time in to learn new technologies. I would spend my time here, to bring my technology to the level where I could truly start to make this into a place of opulence. 


My routine for the next month was almost the exact same everyday. However after an entire month, I had finally managed to finish the research I truly needed:

Magical Circuits.

A type of technology that I studied, that would use mana to power it, which I felt was more feasible since I could just mine mana crystals that I needed. I could now use mana circuits to begin to create more technology. It took an entire month because my level of tech was far behind mana circuits, but it still let me.

I was currently in my research lab, with four support androids working on creating circuits, who's classes I had changed to Technician. They were now all researching the wiring we would need to implement the circuits. I left them to it, and walked back to my palace with a new Assistant android, Alfred. He was a Tier 5 Assistant, who's sole purpose was to be a butler for me. Jenny was still handling the affairs of the Kingdom, and I regularly received reports of how things were going. 

Alice had managed to conquer a Level 2 encampment, upgrading herself to a Level 2 Kingdom. Her military forces were improving, while they weren't nearly at the same level as my androids, they now had properly made weapons. They were all crafted by my blacksmiths, of which I now had two dedicated to the task. The lumbermill had also been helpful as everyone's quality of living was improved. 

Alice had quickly maxed out her new population, and there was a thriving village now. I was glad as they were now producing goods that I enjoyed, like how there was a tailor who made me clothes, and I even enjoyed the art some artists would produce. It made my palace less cold and more human. 

Being surrounded by androids, I didn't engage in much social interaction, which made me feel lonely. I was currently staring at a painting a member of the Life Clan had drawn, while I got lost in thought.

"Magistrate Jenny is here to make a report, my lord."

I nodded slightly. 

I then hear two sets of footsteps on my marble floors. I had began to make my palace quite lavish, but no one dared raise complaints. Everyone understood that the things they had were only possible because of me. Over the past month, we had actually been attacked several times.

The first incident was when Alice first began to go out to train her troops, and they were attacked by a native group of humans. Two of her precious units died, but they were swiftly avenged. My androids went to the human encampment, where they murdered everyone unwilling to surrender, and those who did were made into slaves. 

That day, while people mourned the death of the two men, instead of being disheartened they were inspired to get stronger. While I got a Lodestone, I didn't give it to Alice, as I wanted her to earn her own. Instead I traded the Lodestone for a pair of chickens. One male and one female, which I gave to Alice to have her build a chicken coop to raise the chickens for food. 

I had gotten lost in thought, but I still remembered what Jenny had just told me. 

"So there is another Earth ruler here. They asked to speak with me? Where was Alice? Why did she not speak to them?"

"She tried, however they refused to talk to a mere servant."

I looked once more at the painting. It was a painting I commissioned, of myself sitting on an opulent throne with hundreds of corpses beneath me. I titled it 'Foundation of An Empire', and I looked at it often when I had to make a decision that potentially involved lives.

"Tell Alice... She is no servant. She has my full support. Including temporary command of the Army."

"I will relay your intentions, my lord."

Jenny then left the palace, and it was again Alfred as my only company.

"It's really lonely here. Don't you agree Alfred?" I looked over at him, but he didn't say anything. He simply looked at me, awaiting a chance to serve me.

"Yeah... Just like that..."