
Andrea: The Alpha Wolf

Andrea, the mythical white wolf, known for its ability to foretell tragedy. Carl, the ever silent and brooding eldest brother with a pack to protect and a revenge mission to accomplish. Would Andrea abandon everything and everyone to go on a dangerous adventure with her soulmate or would she fight to stand up tall in the place where no one wants her?.

Agatha_Peters · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 8

Carl strode into the study and he was still amazed by the tech.

"Well, I sure as hell have to get my compensation in full", he had a small smile on his lips too.

"I will get the boss now, please have a seat. I'll be back with some refreshments for you too", Andrew said.

"There is no problem with that. Thank you"

Andrew walked out and didn't go until he had given Ellen the stink eye which she did well to ignore.

"Judy, you and the twins can go freshen up, I will take over from here", she said to her teammates.

"Are you sure you can handle him?"", Sandy asked

"Handle? Why should I do that, I am not the boss, my work here is to give a report. Anything that goes on after that has nothing to do with me or any of you. So, go back and I'll meet you guys after I have given my report to the boss", she shooed them away.

They left, albeit reluctantly but they knew they could not do anything.

Just as Ellen was looking for Andrew who supposedly had gone for refreshments, she heard footsteps behind her and even without looking she bowed her head silently as she knew who that was through the link.


"Stand down Ellen, I have always told you not to be too hard on yourself when it comes to formalities. We are a family here not a military camp",Carmichael chided

"Yes, my beta is right. Do stand down"

"Where is Andrew?"


"Are you sure he didn't go get his weapons?",he raised his eyebrows.

Andrew has been known for being very violent to strangers.

"I heard that Alpha, and before you verify whether the tea is poisoned, I must say I don't feel any sort of enmity towards this particular Muggle"

"That must be why he didn't kill the guy on sight", Jeffrey whispered to his beta

Andrea rolled his eyes at them. They all walked into the very spacious office to find a very handsome young man sitting on an armchair.

He had dark brown hair, and from what they could observe, seemed to be very tall. He had good muscles too, the kind you her from being a constant runner. They felt this Muggle took good care of himself too.

He turned to them and they could see his dark brown eyes, he was quite the handsome one.

"Good day to you Mr_", Jeffery said

"Carl Huxley, it's nice to meet you Boss", he replied

Jefferey froze for a moment, Carmichael raised his brows and looked at Andrew as if asking for an explanation for the way of address. Andrew immediately explained through the pack link

"Ellen and the others referred to the Alpha as boss when they were with him, maybe that's why he simply used that form of address"

"But, how does he know who is the boss amongst us, I mean no offence but I look more buff than Jeff even though I know I also have more brains too?"

Andrew looked at Carmichael as if he had a screw loose and didn't even bother to reply him. Jeff simply rolled his eyes and brought his attention back to their visitor.

"My name is Jeff and you don't react need to call me boss. This here is my assistant, Carmichael and you have already met Andrew too"

"Yes, sorry for calling you boss"

"Ahh, no need to worry. No harm was done anyways. I heard you wanted to speak to me?"

"Yes, I came to ask for compensation for my car which was destroyed by one of your teams. I saw them catching something, I don't really know but since I couldn't see it I know it must be invisible which tells me your organisation must deal with things like ghosts but while I appreciate what they were doing I will still like to lodge a complaint against them as they destroyed my car wjile doing it"

"I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Huxley. I'll call Ellen in", Jeff signalled Andrew and he stood up to let Ellen in.

Carl and been wondering who that was when he saw the rogue vampire enter. That was when he figured she was Ellen and then he remembered that he wasn't really interested in knowing their names earlier, but now he felt he would need to get to know them. Just some gut feeling but he wanted to befriend this pack. He let the feeling sit and brought his attention back to his compensation.

"Ellen, our visitor here says you vandalized his car?"

"Yes, boss. It was in the way while we captured the banshee and Judy happened to crash into the car from the force of her scream"

Carl acted like he didn't know what they were saying, while still observing the Alpha and his beta. They might not know but he could smell them and he found out that they were mates which was very interesting as he knew male Alphas and Betas could not carry children, but he felt that didn't matter too since it was obvious they were soul mates.

"Alright Ellen, thank you for your input. You may leave"

"Yes boss"

"Mr. Huxley, could you provide identification for the car in question and my assistant here will go with you to appraise the damages done to the vehicle and estimates of the compensation will be calculated too",Jeff said to Carl

"That wouldn't be an issue"

And it truly wasn't. Though the car didn't belong to them but their father, their father had a habit of leaving documents everywhere and the documents related to the car, remained in the car even after they fled, so it wasn't a big deal to provide a form of identification.


Terrence walked into the restaurant and after confirmations was led to a private booth.

"Good day Mr. Smith. I am Terrence Hayes. We have been communicating via phone all these while I am surprised you suddenly requested to meet. Not that I mind though, this is really great as I get to see a fellow business man after many years of doing business together"

"That is great Mr. Hayes I was thinking I had greatly inconvenienced you, but since you do not mind my intrusion I'll take it as it is"

"No problem, Mr. Smith. I was also wondering why you suddenly decided to meet. I hope all is well?"

"There is no problem Sir, I just wanted to be friends with you if you don't mind. You see after so many years I find my rapport with you very precious and so I decided that it will not be wrong if we could at least meet from time to time and chat about life over some tea and pipe", he fidgeted a bit, but to Terrence he looked like he didn't want to show his nervousness. He felt proud that a very rich and influential man like Mr. Smith would want to befriend him.

"I do not mind Mr. Smith. This will only make doing business with you much easier", he laughed boisterously.

He raised his cup of fine tea and clinked it with his partner, he felt oddly fulfilled.

For a long time now, ever since they had decided to join the rest of the world, they had been putting up many businesses in a bid to generate revenue and income to take care of their pack. It was hard at first but through the joint efforts of his ancestors and his father before him they were able to have a stable footing in the business world. Not enough to place them on a high pedestal but it was still substantial, the influence they had.

Mr. Smith here has been a partner for almost 10 years now though they had never met face to face as the Smith family always sends assistants or did their businesses through phone calls. He didn't mind as the work was always done effectively, but since the other has reached out to him with a hand of friendship, he took it as his first stepping stone to entering the higher class. He smiled to himself.


Lily took out her hand from the water. She was born with a rare element, Light, and what she was doing now is making sure that their water supply was clean and healthy. With the pollution caused by humans, they had to make sure none of it came through the packs water supply. Even though that was very negligible since they built their pack house round a natural spring but the atmosphere could still affect the water, through rainfalls.

Also as Luna of their pack she had to make sure the pack members and the young ones remained safe in her own way. Her husband and mate, Terrence had gone out for some sort of business, she didn't always pay attention to such matters since her husband qas doing well in that regard, all she had to do was support him the best she can.

She looked up and found out that her daughter, Andrea, was spacing out again.

She always tried to help her daughter in any way she could. Born and labelled as a defect, she knew how much Andrea had to go through to prove to the pack she was strong enough. She always made her stay by her side during the routine checks, even if she knew it wouldn't matter, but she wanted to be close to her daughter.

"Andy, please pay attention to these things, they would be useful to you"

"Ma, the only thing useful in this is that I get to drink cool and fresh water",Andrea looked and felt bored too

She didn't really like doing this with her mother, but she always followed her. Not because she was forced to but she just wanted to be alone with her Ma.

"It's a heritage passed down to the female warriors. They always do the cleansing in the pack", Lily chided

"Ok ma",she said

"So, Andy how have you been coping lately. I heard Henry hasn't been to see you?"

"More like he has no time on his hands. With all the frolicking he has been doing, it's going to be a miracle if he remembers he has a fiancee and I don't even mind. I don't like him anyway so it makes things easier for both of us"

"Andy, men are always like this. When you get mated to him he will not do all those things anymore", Lily tried to reason even though she knew full well it was pointless

"Ma, mates feel each other from the moment they meet. I dont feel anything with Henry, not even irritation or anger. Its like to me he doesn't even exist", Andrea said

"I don't want you to feel hurt. Your wolf has never shown itself, and Henry is the next best mate. He doesn't even mind it",

"Mom, simply because my wolf had been dormant doesn't mean she isnt there. I feel her though negligible, I know my wolf is there and that's how I know that if I find my mate she would at least tell me",Andrea had tears shimmering in her eyes.