

"My name is Andora Junia Peterson. I'm 22 years old, and my life is pretty much a living hell right now. Trapped in a toxic relationship that's suffocating me, I'm struggling to find a way out. Six years of emotional manipulation and control have left me shattered, unsure of who I am or what I want. But when the unthinkable happens, I'm forced to confront the darkness head-on. Can I find the strength to break free and start anew, or will the shadows of my past consume me forever? Dive into my heart-wrenching journey as I fight to reclaim my life, my love, and my very soul."

Purple_krystal13 · Urban
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15 Chs



"Andy!! get up it's 7:00 am in the morning you should be dressed for school by now" Mum yelled on top of her voice.

I hate Mondays, it's literally the worse day ever. It's exhausting having to get up from your bed after being very comfortable in it all weekend, arrggh!!

"Mum just give me five minutes and I promise I'll get out of bed" I said, not wanting to move a finger. I was actually considering lying to her that I'm feeling a little under the weather but there's no lying to mum. It's like she has a lie detector, I'm just saying, maybe she does cause she can always tell when I'm lying or not.

*You said that 30 minutes ago and you are still on your bed. Get up right now or you'll be late for the bus", she resorted back. Guess there's no winning against mum today. Oh well next time I'll try my luck with the sick act. "Alright fine, I'm getting up".

"When you're dressed, come down and have breakfast, ok sweetheart", Mum said in her sing song voice which I love so much. "Ok mum, I'll be down in 20 minutes", I replied. " Ok dear", she said while walking out of my room.

I got up sluggishly from my bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Today felt a little chilly since winter is approaching, so no more cold showers for me. I love taking cold bath, it's just my way of unwinding.

I went through with my daily shower routine,

Brush my teeth,

Wash my underwear,

Wash my hair and

Lastly, my body.

I walked into my closet after my bath, pick out my lavender coloured crop top with a black boyfriend jeans and threw a white jacket on it. I sat on closet chair to blow dry my hair in which pulled up in a loose bun, put on my earrings and bracelets and headed out to the dining room.

As always, mum and dad were waiting for me to come join for breakfast. That's one of the things they do that makes me feel so loved.

"Good morning Daddy", I said while placing a kiss on his temple.

"Morning princess, how was your night", he replied.

"It was great" I mused. Nanny Olivia came out of the kitchen with our breakfast in her hand while another maid trailed behind her.

"Good morning Nanny", I said, "Good morning my dear, how was your night","it was fine".

"Andora eat up it's 7:30 already the bus will soon be here", Mum said while putting some rice on my plate. " Okay mum".

After breakfast, I went back to my room to get my phone and school bag.

" Bye mum and dad, see you later, love you", I yelled from the front door. " Oh, Dad I might be dropping by at the office today". " What for princess". Asked dad.

"I just feel like", I smiled while blowing kiss at him and mum.

My Dad owns a multi million dollar company that deals in real estate, so you could say we're rich. While mum has a small bakery because she enjoys baking. For the past 16 years of my life on this earth I and dad have been her lab rats when she wants to try something new in her skills.

Sometimes it's turns out wonderful while other times it's the opposite. I can't even complain cause I love being a test subject for that kind of purpose.

I walked down the street towards Stella's house. Stella is My best and only friend, we became friends in 3rd grade and stuck to each other since then, frankly speaking, we're more like sisters

"Knock knock"

"Who's there"

"Who else would it be other than me your best friend or should I say only friend", I teased

"Whatever, I'm coming Andy just need to get my bag" she shouted from inside the house.

"Hey bestie, let's go" Stella chimed

"Good morning to you too" I said sarcastically.

"Let's go, we're walking to school today", I heard her say

"Why?" I asked

"I feel like taking a stroll today" she said

"Fine, whatever let's go, we're running late" , and with that we started our walk to school while talking.

"To be honest, I'm really loving this walk of ours, we should do it more often" Stella said," couldn't agree more".

We decided to stop by an ice cream truck to get some ice cream and that when when I met him.

It was like time came to an abrupt hault.

I can't even use words to describe him because no words were fit to describe this godlike being. His deep blue eyes that sparkle like sapphires dragging me down into it's depth, his jet black hair that calls me to run my fingers through it, his perfect physique that will make any straight woman fall heads over heals in love with, his smile that makes my heart want to jump out of my chest.

Gosh, I feel like I'm dreaming, there is no way in heaven that he is real.

As if he noticed that I was drooling over him, he turned his head towards my direction and my heart was beating like crazy.

And just like that HE SMILED AT ME!!!

if I was dreaming please don't wake me up, I could stay there till eternity.

I didn't even realise that Stella has been talking to me until she nudge me.

"Did you even hear what I said"

"Huh, what did you say, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention", I said, disoriented.

"Well I said we should get going and also I noticed that you were looking, no DROOLING!!! over that guy over there" she teased me while smiling and poking my waist.

"No I wasn't","yes you were" and that's when we started to banter and failed to realize that someone was approaching us until.

"Hey beautiful".

Hi everyone thanks for taking your time to check my book please comment on what you feel I should add

your votes are very much appreciated

thank you all

lots of love Krystal ❤️❤️

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