


Ahmed's POV:

/"I was told that there was an attack on APS (Army Public School) but didn't know the real situation so the hope that everything is fine, remained in my heart until I reached the hospital with my friends. It was my decision not to take Ami there and my friends supported me in every way./" She said, sitting on the couch beside me. She turned off the television and closed her eyes.

/"The boys from my class reached there before me and they were the one told me about Papa, Shoaib, and Palwasha's deaths. They informed my relatives and ask me to go home and wait for them to arrive. It was decided that my relatives will identify the bodies but due to lack of space in the morgue, the hospital authorities asked us to take the bodies as soon as possible, as the casualties could be increased. So, I step up./"

She identifies the bodies...?