

In the next morning, kina had woken up far before sunrise and had gone out of the enchanted city with the patrol team. Their aim was to make sure that there were no enemies lurking around the enchanted city. They would go out of the city in every seven days to kill the black witches and goblins that neared the white witch's territory.

Kina being buried in boredom decided to walk out of the city for a while to find excitement.

Soldiers with shiny silver armour walked on foot along the forest paths. There were about thirty of them who walked alongside their princess. They surrounded kina to protect her from harm, it was the commander's order and they tend to obey it even without his presence. They joked and laughed all the way until kina felt the presence of evil. It was another one of her powers, she could feel evil when it neared.

"Stop!" Kina yelled loudly, and the entire team came to a halt.

"I feel something. Its..." Kina began and soon one of the soldiers finished her sentence for her,

"Goblins!" He yelled out in alert.

The patrol team pulled out their swords and some of them notched their arrows on their bows and fired at the ugly looking creatures who had only recently been alerted of the witches. The goblins tried to find an escape route.

Kina fired her arrow, it went straight into the back of his head, breaking its skull and pierced through its brain. The goblin's body fell on the floor, and so did the other four that had been shot by the soldiers.

"Princess, are you okay" the patrol leader asked as he ran towards her.

"Yes, we have not even gone far from the city and we've already had an encounter with the goblins." Kina said.

"We have not even seen anything, your Highness. We will come across hundreds of them before sunset. They must not see us coming." The leader explained.

"Excellent beringel , that is good news." Kina said excitedly. Beringel looked at the princess wide eyed as if she had grown two head and she laughed.

"What is the matter beringel? I would really like to assume that you are not afraid of them" kina said mockingly.

"Of course not your Highness. Seeing that you are so excited to see the goblins was what amused me. Forgive me if I was wrong." Beringel said with a bow.

Kina threw her hand around beringel's shoulder, catching him off guard, making his eyes even wider than before.

"The reason behind my excitement is the fact that I will get to kill many goblins." Kina explained as she pulled beringel with her to continue the journey. The others followed as well but this time, in silence.

"Do you often come across trolls beringel?" Kina ask.

"Very rarely your Highness, they don't come out of their caves unless there is war." He replied.

"Too bad, I had high expectations." Kina said and walked pass him as a bunch of wild blueberries caught her attention.


It was almost evening, kina and the soldiers spread across the forest in search of food. Soon, they would cross over to the desert and there could hardly be any food or water on the dry hot land. Soon, they filled their water vessels with water from the stream stuffed the fruits and vegetables they found in their bags, including the remaining roasted deer meat they had for lunch.

When they finally made it across to the desert, the team decided to set a campfire and stay there for the night.


He rose at the break of down and left his cabin, breathing the chilling crisp air. The village was just beginning to stir after a night of prolonged merriment. Oscar met gimli's gaze up the path to meet him.

"Do we leave now?" Oscar asked the ranger and gimli let out a small chuckle.

"Good morning my friend, I believe your night was excellent." Gimli said and Oscar realized that his approach that early morning was entirely wrong.

"Forgive me gimli, good morning to you too. I believe your night was excellent." Oscar mimicked. Gimli couldn't hold back his laughter, Oscar somehow noticed that his chest was not as heavy as before. Making a person laugh had made him happy.

The rangers and Oscar left Raven's fornost for their adventure. The wolf prince was equipped with a new bow and thousands of poisoned arrows. Although the new weapons were strong and efficient, Oscar preferred his old bow.

Walking through the forest and crossing the oceans, at mid noon, the team made it to the shore and walked through the forests once again. The forest was dark and gloomy, the rangers eagerly walked faster to get out of it. Oscar scanned the surrounding with squinted eyes as he lead the way out of the creepy forest, he had a better hearing and a better sight than the humans. Kara went closer to her brother gimli and he held her hand. Soon Oscar stopped in his track and held up a hand to stop the others.