

For the entire duration of the journey to the village, no one sought to engage Oscar in further conversation and he likewise held his tongue.

The families of the rangers came out to greet their returning patrol by dozens, the rangers had clearly been away for some time.

Oscar watched as wives threw their hands around each other in embrace. Squeals of delight were heard as children towards the rangers to be held aloft and hugged.

The communal Joy was palpable and that amazed Oscar.

The general hubbub of welcome shifted to more wondering undertones when the villagers realized that the rangers had brought an unusual guest with them. Children openly pointed at the tall fine wolf, causing Oscar to consider the choice between smiling at them or raising and imperious eyebrow. Even though he hated the pretend, he decided to fake a smile.

The rangers dropped their hoods and Oscar realized that his captor was a female with a Petit figure and black hair. She lead him to the village square where a bearded ranger was called to see the intruder.

The bearded ranger cast a glance at the weapons and then took a step towards Oscar and looked him over slowly from head to toe. The close scrutiny was hard for the wolf to tolerate. Oscar bristled.

"What's your story boy?" He asked Oscar.

"I am a werewolf. But I do not intend to hurt anyone. I have been travelling for the past two days in search of my mate." Oscar explained because he had no other choice.

"A likely story, a wolf lingering in a human land and you claim not to be after our lives?" The ranger growled, finishing his examination.

"You doubt my truthfulness?!" Oscar responded, unable to keep the edge off his otherwise smooth voice.

Before the ranger could answer, another one of the villagers stepped forward, held up a hand and dropped his hood.

It was a young man in his late 20s. He was the ruler of the village, Oscar noticed by the way people give him so much attention and importance. His wise eyes scanned the wolf prince.

Instead of talking, Oscar took the chance to observe the young leader in front of him.

He was rough looking, with a few stubble spread across his cheeks. His unruly black hair stopped just above his shoulders. His squinted eyes were blue, almost grey and the wolf prince could see the wiseness in them.

His stony eyes eventually relaxed as a bright smile spread across his face. Oscar debated whether to smile back or keep his grumpy appearance.

"Welcome my good wolf, it is an honor to have you here with us." The ranger said and Oscar's muscles relaxed at the address.

"Shouldn't you be afraid of me, just like your fellow rangers?" Oscar asked and the ranger stepped closer to him and casted his hand on Oscar's shoulder. Oscar was almost surprised at the village leader's hospitality.

"Trust me good wolf. I would not have welcomed you if I hadn't recognized that you are the son of king myrus the great." The ranger said, leaving Oscar wide eyed, although he knew there were deep meanings in the look the ranger had given him earlier.

"Ravens! We have a noble wolf prince with us today, Do not be afraid. He is a friend of the humans." The ranger added.

"How did you..." Oscar trailed on. To say that he was shocked would be an understatement. The ranger dropped his hand from Oscar's shoulder and turned towards the direction of a cabin that stood alone at the upper side of the square, he walked towards it and Oscar followed.

"There are a great number of questions in your mind young wolf. Let's discuss them later at dinner." The ranger said.

young girls in the village shamelessly point and admired the tall handsome wolf.

"I am not here to stay, I have to proceed. I promised my father to stay only seven days outside of Silvillah." Oscar said and the ranger laughed softly.

"Be patient my friend, There is an empty cabin right beside mine, you had been long in the wilderness and could use a peaceful night's rest." The ranger said and showed Oscar to his cabin.