

Queen omaya of the enchanted city descended from the staircase in all her glory, head held high as pride shone on her vibrant face. Her eyes casted upon the person whom her personal maid had called a guest and she arced an eyebrow.

"Agatha, did you say a guest?" Omaya asked the woman behind her.

"Pardon me your Majesty, I didn't know what to call him." The maid replied with her head bowed, even though omaya wasn't looking at her.

"He is the chief commander of the army." Omaya made clear.

"Yes your Majesty."

"You still have a lot to learn Agatha, you must ask the name of the guest before reporting to me." Omaya said as she approached her throne. It was a long walk, the hall was big and spacious, it could take a person at least fifteen minutes to get to the throne. The hall was all silver like glass, clean and shiny. Almost as if nobody goes in there.

"Yes your Majesty." Agatha replied.

Omaya sat on her throne, legs crossed and both of her hands rested on the arms of the throne elegantly. Her shiny green Ruby ring complimented her long slim fingers. She had a red nail polish and they were as neat as her daughter's. She finally looked at the commander who was already on one of his knees with his head bowed. His silver armor stocked to his body like he was going for war.

"Hail your Majesty, the queen of the great wizards." The commander greeted.

"Yes commander, you may get up. Is it bad news?" Omaya asked and the commander stood up firmly and looked at the Queen.

"Your Majesty, two wolves have been spotted at the Nile river. They suddenly disappeared before we could catch them. We suspect that there is a snitch amongst us who had been helping them." The commander reported.

Omaya frowned, they haven't heard about the wolves in ages. The last time they met, it was bad.

"Wolves here?" Omaya asked in disbelief.

"Yes your Majesty."

"They are starting to let down their guard. Perfect opportunity to strike." The commander added.

"The nerves of them. They have a death wish, we have to grant it to them." Omaya said with a smile,she is a witch after all.

"Find them and bring them to me. I have a message for the king of wolves." She ordered.


Oscar's departure had broken the hearts of himself and his parents. He left very early in the morning to search for his mate. It would take him approximately three hours to reach the nearest village where other werewolves also reside, there he received a royal welcome, they recognized him as the prince of their kind.

In the mid noon, the white wolf proceeded with his journey, climbing mountains and crossing rivers. All along the prince had been careful as his father's warning kept on replaying in his head. "Watch out for the enemies, especially the witches. If you see any sign of them, turn around and leave."

After crossing the next village where he almost got killed by the humans, the Prince decided to stay the night at a forest. He pulled out his claws and climbed one of the tallest tree there.

His stomach grumbled as hunger threatened. He hadn't been so far from home until that day, he didn't want to eat a raw meat but he had no other choice.

As Oscar was seated on the tree, silently observing the area. Spotted a deer behind the bushes, he knew at that time that he had found his meal. He climbed down from the tree and turned into his wolf self. He silently crawled nearer to his prey and paused when the deer detected a movement and glanced at that side. When the deer was sure that there was no one, he continued to eat the grasses and that gave Oscar an opportunity to jump at his prey. Digging his teeth into the creature's neck until it stopped moving. He could have used his bow and arrow but that wasn't how his father had thought him to hunt.

Oscar hadn't eaten a raw meat in a while, it was disturbing and he didn't enjoy his meal. But at least he got the energy to move on with his journey. He went back to tree and climbed. There he slept until morning, constantly snapping his eyes open whenever his sharp ears detected movements.

Oscar was woken up by rainfall. It started slowly as a few droplets marked his face, soon it got heavy and Oscar silently thanked his stars that he finally got water to drink.

It was still dark but the sun could be seen peeking out from the dark clouds. Scanning his surrounding, he climbed off the tree and cupped both of his hands to gather the rain drops so he could drink. After that Oscar shifted into his wolf form and continued with his journey to the north.

The silent journey was depressing for Oscar. Back home, he always travelled with his pack, they would be his company and fight alongside him whenever there was trouble.

He noticed that there were faint voices in the air, he was approaching another village. He paused at the border between the village and the forest and observed the place in awe. There were many huts and cabins. Children playing around happily, men chopping woods and women cooking. It looked like they were humans but Oscar wasn't sure but he planned to visit the beautiful village. He transformed into his human form, and took a look at his garment. It was just a simple grey trouser and a green cloak. The cloak was made of a heavy, woven cloth and pinned upon the left shoulder was a brooch of silver, shaped like a star.

His father had it specially made differently to the ones they wore in Silvillah kingdom so other creatures wouldn't know that he was a werewolf. He looked more like a human and anyone who saw Oscar would never think of him to be a wolf.

Oscar smiled as he watched the beautiful scene in front of him. The humanly life was beautiful to Oscar.

A sudden movement from behind snapped the traveller from his reverie. He reached for his bow and a shaft, hands moving faster than an onlooker would have thought possible, as he spun to face the perpetrator.

A hooded figure stood but fifteen yards away, an arrow was already notched on their own bow. An arrow that was pointing directly towards him.

A strong clear voice called out, warning him.

"Please, do not make me shoot you wolf man. It would be somewhat difficult to have to justify your death to your lineage."

Oscar couldn't believe the situation he found himself in. How on earth had his attacker known that he was a wolf.

"I saw you in your wolf form right before you shifted into your human form." The hooded figure said mockingly.

He had never been caught off guard, threatened and mocked simultaneously.

"I am just a traveller, I do not intend to fight with anyone." Oscar said to his attacker.

"Then let me assist you and show you the way." The hooded person said.

"Is assistance always given at the tip of an arrow in these parts?" Oscar asked.

His adversary laughed, startling Oscar.

A muscle twitched on Oscar's face as he suppressed his annoyance, he knew that he had no intention of shooting his opponent unless pressed. His preferred prey were wild animals.

"Now, drop your weapons on the floor and wrap then in your cloak." The human ordered.

It was now Oscar's turn to laugh. But soon, it was snapped out of his face when more hooded figures descended from the trees, there were about two dozens of them. All had there bows and shafts ready to Pierce through him.

"Is this really necessary?" Oscar asked. His hostility evident.

"You are mistaken wolf prince, if you think I have not already observed the unnatural quickness of your reflexes. So yes, it is necessary."

Oscar was barely able to conceal his anger and resentment at the turn of the event, particularly at the prospect of being parted with his weapons. But he resisted the urge to object further, even his wolf self wouldn't be able to get him out if it.

Judging by their stands and confidence, Oscar could tell that they were highly skilled rangers.

The ranger lowered his bow and so did the others, but none of them took the shafts out of the bows let alone return them into their straps

About five of them went behind Oscar and one of them dared to push him forward.

"Is this how you treat your guests?" Oscar asked with annoyance.

The leader turned around and said something in their language to the ones behind Oscar and they let go of him. They accompanied him along forest paths and lead him to the village. The wolf Prince could feel the eyes of the rangers all over his back, constantly alert to his every step.

The rangers might have lowered their weapons but that certainty did not mean that these wary mortals intended to let their guards down.

It felt strange to Oscar to be under surveillance like an unfamiliar curiosity. Clearly, the trust of the villagers would have to be won.

For the entire duration of the journey to the village, no one sought to engage Oscar in further conversation and he likewise held his tongue.

The families of the rangers came out to greet their returning patrol by dozens, the rangers had clearly been away for some time.

Oscar watched as wives threw their hands around each other in embrace. Squeals of delight were heard as children towards the rangers to be held aloft and hugged.

The communal Joy was palpable and that amazed Oscar.

The general hubbub of welcome shifted to more wondering undertones when the villagers realized that the rangers had brought an unusual guest with them. Children openly pointed at the tall fine wolf, causing Oscar to consider the choice between smiling at them or raising and imperious eyebrow. Even though he hated the pretend, he decided to fake a smile.

The rangers dropped their hoods and Oscar realized that his captor was a female with a Petit figure and black hair. She lead him to the village square where a bearded ranger was called to see the intruder.

The bearded ranger cast a glance at the weapons and then took a step towards Oscar and looked him over slowly from head to toe. The close scrutiny was hard for the wolf to tolerate. Oscar bristled.

"What's your story boy?" He asked Oscar.

"I am a werewolf. But I do not intend to hurt anyone. I have been travelling for the past two days in search of my mate." Oscar explained because he had no other choice.

"A likely story, a wolf lingering in a human land and you claim not to be after our lives?" The ranger growled, finishing his examination.

"You doubt my truthfulness?!" Oscar responded, unable to keep the edge off his otherwise smooth voice.

Before the ranger could answer, another one of the villagers stepped forward, held up a hand and dropped his hood.