

That evening, kina and her team had gone for hunting, leaving a few of their soldiers to guard the tents.

As usual, kina insisted on hunting alone, she liked to show off her hunting skills. After a moment of hesitation, the commander finally gave his permission to let her abandon the team for a while. Although he would not have agreed if kina was not capable of keeping herself safe.

She hid her red head underneath a red hood that almost covered half of her face and her bow and arrow at ready to pierce, walking quietly and steadily while her green eyes darted around in search of a prey. Just then, a sudden movement from behind the bushes caught her attention and her eyes snapped to the direction a broken wood sound came from.

Kina smiled widely, thinking that she had found a big deer. Her prey began to move away from it's former spot, stealing away from kina, a chance to prove that she was a good hunter. Kina had no other option but to run after her prey, although she had no idea that it was not a deer at all.

She ran after the creature like her life depended on it, eager to shoot the huge creature. She let go of her arrow but the creature was a step ahead, kina knew that it was a clever one.

On a close look, kina realized that her prey might not be a deer, she had never seen one as big and kina could not believe whether or not she heard the creature growl.

Just as kina was about to shoot another arrow, the creature stopped in his track, kina did the same as she looked over the thing carefully.

The creature uncovered itself, leaped out of it's hiding spot and approached kina who had been finding it hard to catch her breath. Kina's eyes widened as she realized what she's been running after.

She could not help but let her arrow free and it went directly into it's shoulder. Kina suddenly wished she had used a poisonous arrow instead but that did not matter, she was contented. She had always wanted to kill one, the very creatures who caused her father to perish.

A giant black werewolf laid painfully on the ground, whimpering and howling as the pain surged through his body. The creature's attempt to get up failed as it's body fell again. Kina loaded her bow and shot the creature in the other shoulder. The sound of it's painful cries and howls almost broke kina's heart, however, kina pushed back the thoughts of her actions being wrong. Killing werewolves has always been her first priority, that's what they do in enchanted city and this particular one crying painfully was no different. Besides, the creature had tried to attack her and she only defended herself, just like she had killed the orcs and goblins on the way, this creature was just one of them.

Kina being buried in her thoughts of judging her own actions did not see that the creature had pulled out the arrows and had stood on his feet.

When she tried to reach for her arrow at her back, she realized that she had exhausted them, there was none left and she left her sword in her tent. Kina turned swiftly on her heels and ran as fast as she could, that was the only thing she could think of, forgetting that werewolves run extremely fast.

Despite being severely wounded, the wolf ran after her and knocked her down. There was no painful impact from her fall as she had fallen on the grass.

Kina wiggled in it's grasp as she tried to make her way out of it's embrace.

Kina's confusion grew when the creature began to sniff her hair while she was still in it's strong embrace. It was as if the wolf was not with the intention of killing her, it sniffed her as if it had found it's favorite thing and kina could not help but wonder why.

A loud yell of the princess's name from the commander caught both of their attentions and right after, an arrow landed on the creature's arm. A painful howl left it's mouth and the creature ran away from it's attackers.

The commander stopped his soldiers from following the wolf, saying that "It will die anyway, there is no way it can survive the poison."

Kina wiped away the dirt on her cloths after she's been lifted off the floor by one of the soldiers.

"Princess, are you hurt?" The commander asked a bewildered kina. A nod was her response as she was still flushed, she had never made never made an eyes contact with a werewolf let alone touch one. She had never even seen one alive.

Kina looked at the spot the big werewolf was standing a little while ago, it's blood was pooled on the floor. The creature had lost alot of blood and kina couldn't help but feel sorry.

Throughout their meal, kina stared at her hands, she had used them to touch a big black werewolf. Kina still could not figure out why the wolf did not kill her when it got the chance, it must had seen her magic amulet. The creature knew she was a sorceress.

The mystery kept growing and kina found herself wanting to know more.