
the End and the beginning...

Aw shit! I Died!

thats the last thought i had before closing my eyes, i saw that truck ran over my body like a press over shirt and before i knew what happened that was the last thought... all my dreams....

wait wait wait ...

If i am dead how can i think, ok open your eyes like a boss and you might be in hospital bed lying with alot of bandages.

come on ...

come on...

open it....


i cant see shit my eyes hurt but i can feel my body ....

come on....

oh finally, i can see but, where the f*** am i.

The moment i open my eyes i see alot of bodies around me opening their eyes ...

we were lying on a white land with nothing to see as far as i can see...

Than suddenly i saw people standing up and after a while as usual I heared murmuring among them.

And than i saw a dinasour, a f***ing, is that a t-rex talking to a lizard man, am i transmigrated in jurassic park somehow what wrong with my luck and is that over their a person made out of water....

ok ok obviously i am too high today due to legalization of weed in this country or i guess i am in disney land i know those people can train those mosquitoes to dance much less that lizard .....

so as far as i understand my situation after opening up my eyes and standing up i am standing on a white plane ground with alot of weird people and a dinasour around me with a bunch of people talking in GIBBERISH... and i can not see anything other than these people around me.

hhhhmmmm sounds legit i guess i am put in some kind of show accidently in some Disney World x Jurassic park party as an extra... amm well telling them will be a bit awkward..... amm....

hello everyone hello , listen to me i dont think i supposed to be here.

And now they are still staring and pointing figures at me i mean they dont need to be this rude... i should shout to director or someone.


but no one is answering and people ae being weird.

Although, now i look like a douchbag, ok i need to talk to someone. hey you i saw you pointing at me i said i am not part of this where is your director or cameraman? As i was mad i pointed towards a half size midget with a beard cause rest of them were really big and tall . He looked at me and said with curious eyes ARE YOU A HUMAN?

It was than it clicked in my mind that i was the only male normal looking human here and rest were staring at me like a animal or a lab rat out of curiosity.

i was so scared my back went cold thinking if this is not a dream or a movie than where the hell am i? and who are all these people ? and why are their no human around me?

They start talking to each other again in GIBBERISH and pointed fingers at me and this time i was scared like a rat trap in a cage , i just wanted to run away , but i needed some answers i find some courage again to ask that midget.

Hey pal, you speak English language perfectly so can you tell me where are we and whats with the getup or who are you or where am i ... i just blabbered all questions on him and look at him like a small kid to wait for him to say and he looked at me and laugh hahaha.

I actually dont know where we are and i do not know what english is but yes i can speak duraish fluently.

Duraish... ammm ok lets think with broad mind. but before i could asked spoke Human , i know this that humanity has long been extinct from the annals of history and only some ancient records say you were once present their as rulers of the world but your own greed was the reason for your disposal and actually, you are the first one i have seen in my entire life actually not only me, i guess all of us has never seen a standing human i mean look at you standing now we know how could human stand and walk only on 2 legs before it was a assumption.

My mind was working crazy as i was trying to understand my situation with the last memory of being killed by a truck .

As far as i understood , i was dead.

Like really i died their, but here i am standing.Moreover, I was sure i did got hit by a truck and crushed under it and i died and it soon got confirmed.

Suddenly, a voice appear in my mind




and so i know i was dead for sure but i dont know why i felt that something amezing is about to being ...


hi everyone,

so its my first novel bla bla bla.... lol

first 2 chaps are a bit boring cause of world building and character has no idea where he is and after 2 chapters i guess if you read 2 you might get use to it lol..... only read if you like it... if you didnt like it and dont read simple but please dont use violent words to express your feelings

thank you


DarkPrincecreators' thoughts
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