
Doom’s day…

We can all talk about making our mark but isn't it coming from the food to save us from an existential crisis, in the end, you got to realize that Dirge ball isn't even an Olympic sport but our legacy isn't what we write on our résumé or how many comments we have on our bank accounts, it's who we are lucky to have in our lives and what we can leave them with but one thing we do know we are here now, so I say we do the best we can before the time run out on us.

The phone rang in my picked it up and listened to it, it was my mum who wanted to inform me of the drastic change in my grandpa condition in the hospital and had asked to see me. Without any hesitations I zoomed at a neck-breaking speed that could make me jump out of my skin towards the road leading to the hospital.no way, I met my uncle who had been sent to pick me. I got into the Mercedes Benz as he drove off. The Mercedes Benz came to a sudden halt leaving a cloud of dust swirling in the mist air.

I was taken to the intensive unit care whereby my grandfather was receiving treatment; inside the waiting room, I became very anxious to meet my grandpa. After dilly-dallying I was allowed to go and see him. Inside the ward, I saw my grandfather sleeping. He had become weak and thin due to the ailment. I pulled myself close to him and held his hands. As I heard him calling "gift my grandson, do not worry be strong, I have called you so that I can see you for one more time, I know it is difficult for what am going to tell you but you have to accept it, I want to utter to you my last words which will be of great benefit to you, for we were born only yesterday and know nothing our days are just but a shadow, honor your parents and obey them, put more effort in books, you are a very good and talented writer based on your first story that you wrote (loving you was CRIME) I think you will go far, you will travel places my grandson cause I believe in what I read and saw for myself, fulfill the promises you had made to me, to improve our homestead living condition and it shall be well with you. If you do this I promise to be with you in time of trouble I shall guide you from the land above, I may not be with you physically but I will always be in your heart".as I listened to him sting tears clouded me temporarily blinding me, as I was still on the scene holding his hand a glass of water was brought as he drank most of it and spat some of it on my head, according to our traditions it means you have been blessed, after ding this he laid back to rest only to notice that his hand became cold within a sudden, he was gone, he had tasted the bitter cup of demise. Surely it was a bitter pill to swallow but I had to come to terms with the rude reality that he was now no more.

The thought of the fresh red soil was a fact too much for me to bear. On the burial day tears slowly cascaded down my visage leaving me as weak as a tail. The roots that we the trees were depending on had been uprooted. Without the roots, the trees could not prolong. Sincerely even though I try to accept that my grandpa, my very close buddy is no more he is temporarily packed on my medulla oblongata like a written epitaph on a tombstone. Much respect to Wilson Mpate Mwadzombo to our hearts you shall never be stolen and May your soul rest in peace in the land of milk and honey.