

I am delighted that this illuminates in my sight, makes me ruminate about what the future holds for me. My purpose in this life is the aspiration to bring about change in society by reminding them how to be. Some call it gates of hell, scorching heat, a land made of God's anger yet there is life in abundance. Earth, how do people survive in it? The world has become such a bitter place to live in, we have no heroes, no wars only victims of a sickly state succumbing to the variegated sores that flower under lashing rains of hate.

The world itself has got enough problems but you will be surprised by the hate we give; the bullshit, the drama, the guns, the armor, the city, the farmer, the babies, the mama, the projects, the drugs, the children, the thugs, the tears, the hugs, the love, the slugs, the funerals, the wakes, the churches, the coffins, the heartbroken mothers, it happens too often, the problems, the things we use to solve'em, the hurt, the pain, the dirt, the rain, the jerk, the fame, the work, the game, the friends, the foes, the Benz, the hoes, the studios, the shows, comes and it goes, the jealousy, the envy, the phony, the friendly, the one that gave 'em the slugs the one that put 'em in me, the snakes, the grass too long to see, the lawnmower sittin' right next to the tree. It's a shit hole out here.

Regardless the government still finds ways to manipulate its people. Hard-earned money of nations being squandered by the government. Taxes increased, prices increased, countries being kept on lockdown, money that was set aside to fight against the deadliest of disease getting into the wrong hands, the poor remain to be poor while the rich exceed beyond no bounds. Does it get better? What's left of the starving nations, their bodies and faces tell of no need but for burial and mutilation was practiced by right, left, and center alike. Does it really matter? Losing our people and show that it doesn't mind. Food is scarce now and men are scarce, nations burnt to the ground by a so-called virus, new cities in disrepair. The war is not over; somebody must stand out and speak the truth for only the truth shall set us free.

Tales of mother's boiling stones until children fall asleep just to deceive them for fear of telling them that there is no food, Tales that a child was born in a nearby village hospital and spoke out that the only way to deal with the virus was by drinking tea with lots of tea leaves before sunset and hope will be restored, Tales of parents slashing off their children heads and end up committing suicide for all hope is lost. Tales of husband's taking wife's to the forest have sex with them for the last time and murdering them, Tales of fathers hanging themselves for fear that they have got nothing to offer, Tales of gender-based violence, Tales of mother's chopping pieces of themselves and cooking just for the children to have something to it. The world now in full chaos, nowhere to go, nowhere to run, nothing to eat, we can't go to sleep, We're stuck in our homes, They're flooding the streets, Everyone watching and glued to their screens, only God knows.

What if, with everything that's going on, the world really is coming to an end? What if our future happiness is memories of our past? I'm holding my faith in my hand but the Pain in this world has been shaking it loose. I used to have so much to gain; now I have so much to lose. Vision is blurred, I'm over concerned I'm looking at God to see if living with him is something I've earned course I forgot how to be the kind of person that he asked me to be. My sister says she loves me, I love am too, my wife calls me boo, I call am honey but my neighbor no like me, I hate am too, A man calls me stupid, I call am fool cause I forgot how to love, I forgot how to give those who are in need even when it got too hard, too hard for me to care, I forgot how to try.

My baby says she hungry, I give am food but a stranger say, "Please sir, I no get shoe" I look like this say, "Who are you?" and that's just life, I mean we have become so full of ourselves like I recall a friend of mine told me if God doesn't want us to make love before marriage, he would have created us to receive private parts after marriage like surely people can be so mean. Another of my widest of dem memories is my friend's voices warning me of a girl I had an interest in that the girl can share in fact her name should be, did you beg and I did not give. And the one that I was once with was that she was endured with mouth odor and for a fact they asked me how I managed to kiss the girl that her mouth smells like one of our village markets. So hilarious you may think but the truth is that we should repent course you never know maybe this is the root cause of the virus. We have forgotten that the good Lord sees it all.

So damn you, this is really bad Shariff will say we are doomed for good, if we no get you it's like the sun without the light, it's like the moon without the night because we need you in our lives. If we no get you it's like faith without belief, like a heart without a beat, what's a heart without a beat? You have to pull us out of this one Lord cause we are nothing without you.

Dear God, everyone makes mistakes in life but that doesn't mean that we should be paying for the rest of life, just cut as some slack, give us a break, we surely know that we are sinners for a fact, forgive us Oooh good Lord, Amen. ( a rich man's prayer)in our country, we call it Dynasty.

Dear God, if you should take my child Lord, give my hands strength to dig his grave & cover him with earth, if my house should burn down, do not send me madness but tears Lord for in your good hand's Lord there is hope. Lord send a little rain for the grass to grow. (a poor man's prayer) in our country, we call it Hustler nation.

Today I did my share in building the nation, I know some of you might think of me as crazy but let me play with the Whiteman's ways, work with the Blackman's brains and let my affairs sort themselves out. I'll rise a better man not ashamed to face the world tomorrow for all the hope that was lost will be refound.