
Ancient record

PurushottamDey · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: The Discovery

Kolkata's vibrant streets buzzed with life as Subhra navigated the maze of alleys leading to the old bookstore. His heart raced with anticipation, fueled by the hope of finding Mango, his mischievous feline companion who had vanished into the city's bustling labyrinth.

Amidst dusty shelves stacked with books, Subhra's keen eyes scanned every corner, seeking a glimpse of his beloved pet. The bookstore was a treasure trove of forgotten tales and hidden knowledge, a place where time seemed to stand still among stacks of ancient tomes.

In a secluded alcove, tucked between weathered encyclopedias and faded manuscripts, something caught Subhra's eye—a scroll, its edges worn and its surface adorned with unfamiliar symbols. Intrigued, he reached for it, the parchment rustling softly in his grasp.

Unfurling the scroll, Subhra's gaze fixated on the script—a mesmerizing array of characters inscribed in an archaic language, echoing the secrets of a bygone era. His fingers traced the elegant curves and loops, captivated by the enigmatic text that seemed to call out to him.

Lost in fascination, Subhra was jolted by Mango's sudden appearance, the cat brushing against the ancient scroll in its playful antics. Startled, Subhra glanced up, but his focus remained drawn to the scroll—a mysterious pull tugging at him, urging him to uncover its mysteries.

Carefully cradling the scroll, Mango trailing behind, Subhra approached the store's owner—an elderly man named Mr. Dutta, who peered over his spectacles with a knowing smile.

"Mr. Dutta, what's this?" Subhra inquired, presenting the scroll.

Mr. Dutta's eyes widened in surprise as he studied the ancient parchment. "Ah, that's a rare find, young Subhra. An ancient Indian scroll, said to hold the lost wisdom of our forefathers. But its secrets remain veiled to most."

A surge of curiosity coursed through Subhra. He felt a compelling urge to uncover the hidden knowledge within those ancient inscriptions.

"May I... May I borrow it?" Subhra asked, a mix of excitement and uncertainty in his voice.

Mr. Dutta chuckled softly, patting Subhra's shoulder. "Take it, my boy. Perhaps you'll be the one to unveil its secrets."

With a grateful nod, Subhra clutched the scroll tightly, the weight of its potential knowledge sparking a sense of exhilaration within him. Little did he know that this unexpected discovery would propel him into an extraordinary journey, unlocking powers beyond his wildest dreams and altering the course of his destiny.

Excitement coursed through him as he made his way home, the scroll cradled protectively. His room, a sanctuary of solitude, welcomed him with the soft glow of dusk filtering through the window.

Seated at his desk, Subhra placed the scroll before him, a sense of reverence washing over him. With eager anticipation, he began to decipher the ancient text, his mind racing to unravel its secrets.

Hours slipped away, the moon casting its gentle light upon the determined figure hunched over the scroll. Subhra's eyes widened with comprehension, piecing together the meaning of a particular phrase etched into the parchment.

A tingling sensation surged through him as he recited the cryptic words, a feeling of latent energy stirring within him. Suddenly, a shimmering aura enveloped the room, emanating from the scroll itself.

Subhra's heart raced with a blend of awe and exhilaration. Could this be the manifestation of the scroll's power? His mind swirled with possibilities, excitement reaching a crescendo.

But as swiftly as it appeared, the aura dissipated, leaving Subhra breathless with wonder and anticipation. He sat in the quiet room, the ancient scroll now glowing faintly before him, a silent testament to the unfathomable power contained within its weathered pages.

Just then, a low rumble reverberated through the walls. Subhra's breath caught in his throat. Kolkata occasionally experienced tremors, but this felt different—unsettling, foreboding.

Before he could react, a deafening crack split the air, the ground beneath him trembling violently. Books toppled from shelves, the room quaked, and the scroll shimmered, its glow intensifying.

In a split second, the parchment blazed with a blinding light, engulfing Subhra. The room faded into darkness, his startled cry drowned amidst the chaos.

And then... silence.

As the haze cleared, Subhra found himself standing in a place entirely unfamiliar, a surreal landscape bathed in an eerie glow. The scroll, now aglow with an ethereal luminescence, floated gently beside him.

Before he could comprehend his surroundings, a distant voice echoed through the air—a voice laden with ancient wisdom and ominous prophecy.

"Subhra, you have been chosen. Embrace your destiny, for the forces that seek the scroll shall pursue you. Your journey has just begun..."

The words lingered ominously as the glow surrounding the scroll intensified, casting a brilliant light that swallowed Subhra and the strange new world around him.

And in that fleeting moment of disorientation, as the brilliant light enveloped him, Subhra vanished from his room, leaving behind a stunned silence and the mysteries of the ancient scroll.