
Ancient Pride

Quinn, a dragon Prince was suddenly involved in a scheme greater than he could ever possibly imagine!

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

First Mission

The next day

Quinn had his Marine suit delivered. Quinn threw the suit and marine logoed clothes into his dresser, leaving just the jacket. He grinned and threw on a black t-shirt with shorts and slip-on sandals before draping the Marine jacket over his shoulders and stuffing the book Garp gave him into his pocket.

He grabbed Ikari and walked out of the house. Garp looked over and deadpanned "Nice suit 'Marine'." Quinn chuckled and said, "That chick did a good job." Garp rolled his eyes and said "Maybe too good.." Quinn grinned and walked to the docks saying "When I get back, we're going to see the kid!"

Garp waved and did his own thing, hoping Quinn wouldn't cause a ruckus, but with his uniform, it was a bit inevitable. Quinn's marine jacket was pitch black with gold shoulder pads and the word 'Justice' written on the back in gold.

Quinn rested Ikari on his shoulder and lit a cigarette as he walked towards the docks, the marines by the side stared at him and tilted their heads in confusion. They didn't know they could get black marine jackets.

Quinn reached the docks and said "Where's my ship?" a woman walked over and said, "Are you Rear-Admiral Quinn?" Quinn looked down and said "Yeah, who are you?" the woman said "Hina. Lieutenant Commander."

Quinn smiled and patted her head saying "Cute. Let's go." Hina frowned and said, "Hina is not cute!" Quinn waved and ignored her as he walked to the ship, Hina followed after him saying "Rear-Admiral, that's the wrong ship!"

After some time

Quinn was sitting on the deck, looking out to sea as he hummed and smoked his cigarette. Hina gritted her teeth as she said "Hina is disappointed, Rear-Admiral is too laid back!"

Quinn waved and said "Just going to capture a couple of dozen fools. Easy work. Where's my captain?" a man walked over and said "Rear-Admiral." Quinn smiled and said "What's your name?" not even bothering to look at the man.

The man said "Comil." Quinn smiled and said "Get the bounties of all the pirates in Paradise that have committed pillaging, raping, mass slaughter without meaning, and hmmm.. Let's go with arson today." Comil scratched his head and said "That's a lot.. Shouldn't we go after all the pirates?"

Hina added, "Hina thinks so too!" Quinn retorted "Quinn is the Rear-Admiral here, no?" Hina kicked a barrel in anger as she grumbled "Stupid Rear-Admiral, making fun of Hina! Stupid! Stupid!"

Quinn chuckled and said, "Sure is lively around here!" Comil chuckled and said "That's for sure. I'll be right back." Quinn smiled and waved, going back to humming. The rest of the marines were idling around, waiting for a specific direction to go in.

A while later

Comil came back with a tall stack of papers, the marines watched as Comil dropped the stack of papers next to Quinn and said "These are all of them." Quinn looked over and picked up a paper off the top saying "Burned down 3 villages, killed over 100 innocents. That's crazy, place all the bounties on the walls and sail to Sabaody."

Comil said "Sail to Sabaody?" Quinn nodded and stood up saying "Look alive folks! We're going garbage collecting!" the marines were startled and got into positions, steering the ship to Sabaody.

Quinn read the book Garp gave him and started training in the 6 powers as the ship sailed. He gathered the entire crew and started teaching them Haki, unfortunately, none of them had Conqueror's Haki and most of them couldn't even stand up when he released his.

Quinn sighed as he looked at the unconscious marines, he looked at the remaining ones and smiled, Hina, Comil and 3 others before saying "You three, what's your names?"

One man with goggles said "Sharinguru!"

Another man with curly brown hair said "Yukimura!"

The last man with a pointy nose said "Kibin!"

They were about to say their ranks but Quinn waved and said "I couldn't care less what ranks you are. Too much to remember. Congratulations, you survived and are barely useful! Clean up the scraps and get ready for training."

Comil asked, "Shouldn't we be going after pirates?" Quinn scoffed and said "You think I need help? Disco hair at the top gave me a crew because it was protocol." Quinn pointed to Ikari and said "If you can move Ikari even a millimeter, then you can help." before walking to the back of the ship.

The 5 looked over to Ikari and Hina said "Doesn't look too hard. Is this a joke?" Comil walked over and pulled on Ikari, but it didn't move at all. Comil was startled and pulled with all his strength, unable to move it at all. The other 4 were startled and Sharingaru said "Stay back!"

Before charging at Ikari and smashing into it, Ikari didn't move but Sharingaru fell to the ground and said "Ow…" the rest were stunned and Yukimura said "What is this made of?" as he poked at the hammerhead.

Hina looked closely and said, "Looks like rocks to Hina." Comil shrugged and said "All I know is that we can't move it at all, but the Rear-Admiral can hold it with one hand." the other 4 were silent and looked at Quinn, who was trying to do Soru.

A few days passed by

Quinn returned to the marine ship and threw a man on the ground saying "Tag 'em and bag 'em." Hina cuffed the guy and said, "That's not going to catch on." Quinn grinned and said, "Who knows." Comil crossed out a bounty poster on the wall and said "Rear-Admiral that was the 10th."

Quinn waved and said "We're not going back until we get them all, get comfortable." the marines were aghast and Hina said, "There's at least a few hundred if not more!" Quinn grinned and said "So? When we're finished take a vacation or something." Hina almost fell down and said sadly "Hina's going to be here her entire life…" Comil chuckled and shook his head.

Quinn laughed and went back to training the 5 and himself.

A few weeks passed by

Quinn finally made it to Sabaody and Comil said "Rear-Admiral! The brig is full!" Quinn lost at him in shock and said "Already?" Comil scratched his head and said "Rear-Admiral… We have caught nearly a hundred pirates.. They're playing cards in the cells!"

Quinn thought for a moment and said "If they have room to play cards, surely there's enough room to stuff more in there?" Comil was stunned and said "Rear-Admiral…" Quinn looked at him with a smile and Comil sighed before saying "I'll start doubling up…" before sulking back to the marine ship.

Quinn chuckled and said, "Quinn wants Hina to hold the fort." Hina spat venomously "Hina wants you to go fuck yourself!" Quinn laughed and said "Good girl. Say no to strangers too." Hina took out her anger on a barrel as Quinn laughed and disappeared into the groves.

Quinn walked into a bar and sat down at the counter saying "What's a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?" Shakky looked up and said "Quinn?" Rayleigh looked over and said "Playing marine?"

Quinn touched his nose and said, "Rear-Admiral, actually." Shakky and Rayleigh froze before Rayleigh burst into laughter and fell off his chair with tears in his eyes. Shakky had an amused smile on her face as she said "How did you end up a marine, boss."

Quinn sighed and said "You think I want to be a marine? I need to protect somebody, I had no choice." Shakky smirked and said, "Who can't you protect by yourself, that you needed to join the marines for?"

Quinn sighed and drank from his glass as he said "My nephew." Shakky was confused and Rayleigh abruptly stopped laughing as he said "What are you talking about."

Quinn said "Roger had a kid. He didn't tell you?" Rayleigh shook his head and Quinn grinned as he said "Didn't tell me either." Rayleigh raised a brow and sat on the stool next to Quinn as he said "How did you-" Quinn cut him off and said "Garp told me. Think about that, he didn't even tell his own brothers, what a bastard."

Although Quinn said that he still had a warm smile on his face, Rayleigh sighed and wiped real tears from his eyes as he smiled and said "That's like him." Quinn sighed and said, "Now I have to play marine just to keep the kid safe from the law."

Rayleigh said, "But nobody knows?" Quinn shook his head and said "Not yet, but it's only a matter of time. You know how they are." Rayleigh sighed and cleaned his glasses as he said "Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised."

Quinn held up his glass and said "That's how I ended up like this." Rayleigh patted his shoulder and grinned "You took one for the team! Hahahahah" before laughing again. Quinn grinned but there was a vein bulging on his forehead as he said "Shut up, goatee boy."

Rayleigh choked and glared at Quinn before saying "What's the kid like? Does he look like Roger? Is he a good kid? What's his name?" Quinn shrugged and said, "I don't know, haven't met him."

Rayleigh felt his mouth twitch as he stared at Quinn for a few seconds before snapping "What do you mean?! You haven't gone to see the kid!?" Quinn said "Hey, I have to actually do stuff now okay? I can't just sit on Sabaody and gamble all day!"

Rayleigh rubbed his eyes and said, "Maybe I should just take care of him." Quinn waved and said, "Garp said he's safe now. Let him grow up, he can take care of himself. Roger did it, why can't he. Plus I'll protect him when needed, don't worry he'll live."

Rayleigh said, "You better." Quinn smiled and said, "When have I ever broken a promise?" Rayleigh smiled slightly and said, "Dragons never break promises." Quinn grinned in return and said "Exactly! Hahaha" Rayleigh shook his head with a smile.

Shakky smiled and said, "Why did you come?" Quinn said, "I need the whereabouts of a ton of pirates." Shakky sighed and said "6 years I haven't seen you and you come for information. What a terrible boss, I didn't even get a birthday card."

Quinn smiled and said "When I asked for your birthday you almost killed me. Maybe we'll settle for Christmas ones instead?" Shakky chuckled and exhaled a mouthful of smoke as she said "Maybe a bonus too?" Quinn smiled wryly and said, "You're extorting your own boss now?"

Shakky smiled and said, "If that's what it takes, Ray's spending habits are more than I can afford." Rayleigh scratched his goatee and grinned, giving Shakky a thumbs up on the side.

Quinn smiled and said, "Go for it." Shakky smiled and looked at the list saying "30 on Sabaody right now, the rest are hanging around the Grandline. I'll send you updates." Quinn smiled and finished his drink saying "Thanks! You're my best employee! See you around!" as he left the bar, Shakky called after him "Hey! You didn't pay!"

Quinn shouted "Bonus! Woo!" Shakky sighed and said "I should've asked for more…" Rayleigh smiled and said, "I missed him." Shakky smiled too and said "Me too. How come you never told me he was your brother?" Rayleigh smiled and said, "Me, him, and Roger exchanged cups before Roger was executed 5 years ago." Shakky caressed his cheek and smiled warmly, Rayleigh smiled.

Quinn walked around Sabaody, capturing the pirates on his list one by one. By the time he got back to his ship, there was a string of bountied pirates being dragged by Quinn.

The marines looked at the pirates and Comil wiped the sweat from his forehead as he said "We're running out of room.." Hina said, "We can just go to Impel Down." Quinn threw the string of pirates on the deck and said "Too much of a hassle. Just throw them in a cell, if they die, they die." Comil sighed and said, "I'll triple them up…"

Quinn swung his finger in a circle as he said "Let's go!" Yukimura said, "Where, Rear-Admiral?" Quinn waved and said "Wherever the sea takes us! Hahahaha" the marines groaned and the ship started sailing again.

Quinn's actions didn't go unnoticed, in fact, a lot of pirates started hiding, making it tougher for Quinn to find them. Quinn was sitting on the deck and said "What's with these pussy pirates, nowadays?" Hina felt her eye twitch as she said "Rear-Admiral, we have hunted 200 pirates in one year. Hina doesn't think that's ever even been done before."

Quinn grumbled, "There's still 100 to go before we go back.." Hina complained "Rear-Admiral! Hina's tired! Can we please go back!?" Quinn patted her head and said "Quinn's not tired, we're staying. Besides, Hina didn't catch too many pirates herself did she?" Hina stomped her feet and said, "Hina is only 16!"

Quinn grinned and said "Quinn's only 28!" Hina said, "That's almost double!" Quinn just laughed and Comil came over saying "Rear-Admiral, you're getting a call." Quinn said "Thank you, Comil." before answering the snail "Yeah?"

Sengoku's voice came over saying "What are you doing?!" Quinn said, "You told me to go out catching garba- pirates until you were satisfied." Quinn could hear Garp's laughter in the background, Sengoku seethed "200?! You haven't even gone to Impel Down!"

Quinn said "We still have room in the brig. What do you want from me?" he looked at Comil, who shook his head meaning that they actually didn't have any more room, Quinn smiled and tilted his head, Comil sighed and said, "I'll pack them like sardines…"

Sengoku snapped "Get back here!" Quinn looked at the wall and said "Nah, 100 more. I'm going for the record, see ya!" before hanging up, hearing Garp's hysterical laughter and Sengoku's angry shouts.

Quinn handed the snail back to Comil and said "Training in 5." Comil nodded and left, Hina collapsed and almost cried "Hina's gonna be stuck here forever.." Quinn chuckled and said "Come on Hina, where's your adventurous spirit!? Have you been on the same ship as me?"

Hina spat "Yeah, a nightmare ship.." Quinn sighed and said, "You don't get it." Hina said, "Get what?" Quinn looked out to the sea and said "Everyone of the islands we go to is a new adventure! The sea itself guiding our direction! What more could you want?"

Hina looked up at Quinn's back in a daze as he laughed and felt the breeze. Quinn opened his eyes and said, "I call it carefree justice!" Hina muttered "Carefree Justice?" Quinn grinned and said "Training time! Ahaha" the marines all groaned and Hina was still muttering to herself.

6 months later

Quinn's ship arrived on an island. It was called Mamba Island. Quinn grabbed Ikari and swung it around before placing it on his shoulder saying "Got a 300 million bounty plus three 150+ million bounties. Time to put yourselves to use, boys!" Hina coughed and Quinn added, "Give 'em your worst, boys!"

Hina stomped her foot and tread off angrily, intent on taking her anger out on a pirate. She tried to beat Quinn up, but he deflected her with one hand while reading a book and sitting down, after the 50th time she gave up and directed her anger towards the marines.

There weren't enough barrels on the ship.

Quinn whistled as he walked on the island, a huge group of pirates was waiting for the marines and the leader said "We'll get you, Mad Hunter!" Quinn grinned and slapped Ikari into his palm as he said "Oh yeah?" his grin turned a bit sadistic as he said "Hopefully, you'll live to tell the tale. Hahahah"