
Ancient History

Phoenix was enjoying a peaceful, laid back life until the soldiers arrived to destroy his whole world. With the aid of a mysterious white wolf and the training from his mother to guide him, Phoenix is determined to end the war, avenge the lives that were taken, and find his mother. Will Phoenix be successful in his journeys or has he enjoyed the peace for too long?

Zeus01k · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Dreams and Nightmares

I dreamt that I were a bird soaring above the world. The world not yet populated. I heard a voice telling me, "Do not be afraid."

I wasn't afraid. I was happily flying without a worry in the world. I was a crimson, black, and white bird with silver eyes and a golden beak with really sharp talons and long tail feathers. I resembled what I imagine a phoenix to look like. I soared through the sky passing trees and mountains.

There came crashes and explosions shaking my home. I awoke with a start grabbing my sword and running towards the commotion. I had no time to think. I couldn't see anything but a few fires. I crept in shadows trying to see who or what caused the explosions. I tried to listen for anything. I heard nothing. I crept closer crouching down willing myself to stay calm and focus.

I close my eyes to try to allow my ears a chance to hear better. I can hear footsteps coming closer. They are heavy and clanking from metal. Soldiers. I hear two men speaking, but I know there are more.

"We only found 2 servants, Sir."

"Find their masters"

They walk off in separate directions.

Their voices were unfamiliar and filled with disgusting hatred. I open my eyes and I can see that fires are spreading in the town several miles away. The rest of the army must have gone ahead and smaller forces taking the homes scattered across the land.

I look around trying to assess the situation further. Trying to find out how many troops are here. I snuck up behind one of the soldiers that were dealing with Marcus and Gwindalyn. I swung my sword and sliced his neck, his head making a sickening thud as it hit the ground. I cut the ropes that bound their wrists. Marcus grabbed the slain soldiers sword as another soldier come up behind me and deflected the strike intended for me.

Gwindalyn ran in a different direction.

I faught next to Marcus as more soldiers came to investigate the noise. I was struck in the head from behind. As I lost consciousness I heard the ferocious barks and growls of the dogs being let loose, and a blood curdling scream.

I slowly opened my eyes, the sun beating down on me. I was covered in blood, mouth dry. I look around and see Marcus' cold, lifeless corpse holding Gwindalyn's corpse in a final embrace. There were bodies sprawled out everywhere. I stood up on wobbly legs as I took in the sight. How was I still alive? Where's Mother? I search the house, she isn't there. Of all the bodies sprawled out, she isn't one of them. What happened? I return to where I had been knocked out and find that my sword was broken nearby. The ground showed signs of a struggle, there was blood. It looked as though someone were dragged behind a horse and led to town.

It appeared that all the dogs we owned were slain in the yard. I prepared the fire to cremate Marcus and Gwindalyn's bodies. I placed gold coins on each of their eyes and said my farewells before lighting the fire. They were an elderly couple. Old enough that their children were grown and had kids of their own. When I was young they played with me between chores. I hated that I couldn't defend them. My mother. My dogs. My home. I felt sick to my stomach. So angry with myself. I clenched my fists and tell myself that there is still work to be done. I must prepare immediately.

I slowly lined up each soldier on the ground. There were 37 bodies in total. I have no idea how that many were slain. we're there any that survived their raid? I figure some probably managed to get away. I wasn't for sure, but what else could explain Mother's disappearance? I know eventually their fellow soldiers would come looking for them, so I have to be ready.

I gathered all of the slain dogs and gave them my last farewells. Maybe I am sensitive, but I loved our dogs. I thanked them for their service, for giving up their lives in our defense... Well, for saving me at least. They did their best and I had no intention to let their deaths mean nothing.

I went back into my home and changed out of my bloody clothes. Gathered my dagger, my cloak, and went to the kitchen to eat some bread and cheese. I looked around and headed towards the river. I cleaned myself up of the blood and spot and drank some water. Looking into the water I saw my reflection. I looked as though I had aged a few years. Maybe it was my imagination. I heard a twig break and nearly fell into the water. Standing before me was a great white she-wolf that was massive in size. She stared into my eyes with majestic blue eyes. I noticed that she was carrying a sword in her mouth, she placed it at my feet.

I looked at the sword. I would recognize it anywhere. It was my mother's. How could that be? For all I know she is captured, or dead, or worse...

I picked up the sword and examined it carefully. I half expected the She-wolf to leave after picking up the sword. She stared into my eyes as if telling me she isn't going anywhere. I walked to her and placed my hand to her head. She didn't flinch or anything. She nudged my hand, then her ears perked and turned her head to face up the road. I looked and realized that I could see figures marching to my home.

They've come to collect their dead.