
Ancient god living as prince ?

a young boy named sam finds out that he's a god and not any god but an ancient god who once owned a galaxy after his death and is now born as a prince to start the journey of restoring his powers as a prince of a kingdom see his journy.

playing_for_fun · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Giving parents a surprise

A month passes just like that while they give sam his name Roland flameheart. In this continent where stong rule and weak is trampled over this expire is an only exception dragon flame heart empire. it's said that their empire's royal blood has fire dragons blood lineage and they have majestic and overbearing males and beautiful and sophisticated females and although the males look overbearing at times they never lose their cool and always think rationally and all males are like valient generals while all females are like caring and sweet but when time comes majestic and ruthless.

because of this qualities of royal family everyone in empire is well behaved and if anyone tries to make trouble their uprooted and executed. Today is the day royal family is going to announce to empire is going to announce their princes birth.

In palace hall, all officials, royal's and generals are present and Emperor and Empress are sitting on throne with little Roland in Empress's hands.

an official say " your highness all the preparations are over and we can announce princes birth "

sam hearing this thinks ' who would have thought I'll be in this kings and emperors era I haven't looked how this empire looks might as well see it today "

suddenly a soldier comes running and says panting " your ...your majesty there's an enemy ambush from south side and they look like they are not from our empire "

all the officials get in an uproar and Arthur says " silence ..... since it's from south side it must be dragon bright empire's people but since they00 found out today is announce ment of little prince it's obvious we have a traitor "

he coldly sweeps his gaze over everyone and everyone got shivers when that cold gaze fell on them. then looking at general stationed at south side he gave orders and gave thorough empire cleanup order to his reserved knights. after all that he said " the announcing ceremony will not stop "

sam looked at his father and thought ' damm this guy's cool when I grow up I'll be like him'

when he was brought to ceremony sam saw the crowds of people below from Emma's embrace he was dumbfounded this place even for an empire this many people and such huge space was too much.

seeing hers child's frightened and paniced gas Emma smiled and started to sooth him saying " little darling how are gooing be prince your afraid of this you have to grow strong and confident like your father "

hearing this Sam also thought ' she's right how am I going to become god if I can't even stand this' he immediately turned and looked resolutely at crowd.

seeing this Arthur and Emma both looked at each other with surprise and astonishment and both thought at same time ' he knows what we're talking to him'

but to confirm arthur said " hey Roland look here "sam immediately turned and looked at him. seeing this Arthur and Emma still wasn't convinced and says " Roland if can listen and knows what we're talking then nod your head "

seeing this scene with Arthur and Emma looking expectant with basically stars shining in their eyes sam smiled and nodded his small head seeing this Emma was so happy that she nearly jumped only when she remembered sam is still in her embrace that she controlled her urge.

Emma said to Arthur with sparkling eyes " honey our child is a genius I'm going to talk to him a lot from now onwards "

seeing this Arthur smiled and said " let's do the ceremony first "