
Chapter 7 {Greedy}

When Qin Tang Long found himself back at the ancient temple, he slowly opened his eyes, and he rushed toward his father with excitement.

"Dad, everything is alright now, but why do you look like that?" Qin Tang Long asked Qin Xserve Xsan, who grabbed his son and hugged him tightly.

"You been gone for two months."

"Two months!"

"Mmm, yes, tell me, son, did your SHM get fixed or?"

"It did. Your son is no longer a trash! Get this, dad. I actually triplet Sacred Yuan, and the Wu Family couldn't sense my last one."

Qin Xserve Xsan eyes widen. It's extremely rare for one to have duel, Sacred Yuan, let alone three his son is truly a genius!

"Haha, let's see who laughs at my son now, haha son no matter what this is the greatest news a father could ever ask for by the way, who is thua little girl?" Xserve Xsan asked Qin Tang Long, who stared back at Gong Qiu Linglong. It was obvious Qin Xserve Xsan didn't know why his son came back with a mysterious girl. Qin Tang Long started explaining everything that has happened and how it all came to be. In short, if Gong Qiu Linglong didn't approve Qin Tang Long, he would be sent back, but because she passed him, it meant his future was wide open for him now.

"It seems like our ancestors left this to us because of the four elders asking you to protect her and the gifts they have given you son you must keep that promise. No matter what," Qin Xserve Xsan said as he patted his son shoulders.

"Little girl, if you have nowhere to go, you are welcome to stay at our palace. I will get you into school the same one that my son goes to, and you will start learning."

Gong Qiu Linglong eyes were indifferent she nodded her head before she bowed her head.

"Thank you. If it's no trouble for you, then I would like to stay with you guys."

"Haha, little miss, call me uncle."

Gong Qiu Linglong just stared at Qin Xserve before she nodded her head and walked outside.

"Since your problem has already been solved, let us prepare to return to Great Zygote Empire. Your mother has been waiting for news of you all this time."

"Alright, still two months in just a little over a month will be the great competition."

"Son, you will take this competition by storm, I will ask the guards to get a car ready for us."

The trio followed the secret passage out of the cavern and walked out of the shrine on the summit of the mountain.

Qin Xserve Xsan asked the royal guards to get a Tuio Flying car ready. Gong Qiu Linglong held Tun Xiao tightly close to her chest not letting him go thinking he would run off in her heart Tun Xiao is an important person to her they have been together ever since she could crawl. She stood outside at the edge of a cliff as the breeze passed through. Her golden eyes were blank, and her eyes observed the foreign land.

Her long hair that was still in a braid blew side to side she raised her hand, and her lips made a frown.

"Big Sister Gong, you don't need to worry the four masters will be fine, I promise the school I attend is outstanding, not just that you might meet friends their!"

He knew that no matter how much calmness and indifference Gong Qiu Linglong displayed, there would still be some unease in such a foreign place.

Gong Qiu Linglong let out a sigh.

"I know why they chased me away I am not dumb nor a fool it's because of formidable enemies they have been after me ever since I was child I do not know why nor can I recall anything in my past but what I do know is this ." Gong Qiu Linglong clenched the leave in her hands, which turned into dust.

"Of anything happens to them, I will destroy my enemies."

Even though her four family members have never spoken to Gong Qiu Linglong, she was keenly able to sense that these disasters had been drawn to them because of her. She no fool nor would she ever play dumb but she never asked them why those people came after she just didn't care for it.

Qin Tang Long scratched his head. He did not know the identities and background of these five individuals. Thus, he was unaware of the story that was hidden here.

"Big Sister Gong, you shouldn't blame yourself for this the enemies are powerful if you want to find them you need to be powerful and have strong allies, at our current states we neither powerful or powerless but we must work hard to get there. In time you will be able to see them again."

Gong Qiu Linglong fair hands gentle stroked Tun Xiao's soft fur as she gazed out in the distance. Soon after her eyes showed gentleness and she let out another simple sigh.

"Relax, I am not that kind of person who goes into battle without knowing what is at the stakes. But I also know I need to get strong I promise myself I will become the strongest woman the world has ever seen. But if anything happens to them humph."

Her calm and cool voice contained an iciness that made Qin Tang Long tremble a little.

This big sis looked like a little fairy, but when she became serious, it appeared that she would be able to kill decisively.


Zygote Empire Palace

Li Millie Mu hugged her son as she pulled on his ear. Qin Tang Long screamed as he stormed his feet on the ground as he pulled away and he touched his ear and he pouted.


"Humph you stupid brat you know how to call for my name."

"Alright, alright. Li Millie Mu, our son able to cultivate is good news, there is no need to weep so much."

"Humph stupid idiot husband don't tell me you didn't cry at all! Our son is able to become a SHM Master."

"Hehe see mom this time I can hit you when you force me into training room."

Li Millie Mu turned around kicked her son who screamed.

"Dear son we can go and play let's see if you can take three of my moves."

Qin Tang Long smile dropped. He knew damn well his mother will beat the living hell out of him.

Only then did Li Millie Mu realise that there was someone else watching from the side. She was somewhat embarrassed as she wiped away her tears and revealed a warm and gentle smile to Gong Qiu Linglong.

"Sweetheart you do not need to care about other things while staying here. We will definitely ensure that you will not face even the slightest mistreatment," Li Millie Mu said with a gentle smile and grabbed Gong Qiu Linglong.

Li Millie Mu was extremely affectionate to Gong Qiu Linglong. Although it was mostly out of gratitude for helping Qin Tang Long, it was evident that she rather liked this girl. After all, anyone who saw such a pretty girl would definitely be fond of her.

Gong Qiu Linglong was a little unaccustomed to Li Millie Mu's warmness. She had after all lived with her four family members in that isolated domain since young and had practically zero contact with any outsiders. Moreover, she was aloof by nature and was not good at communicating with others.

However, she could feel the sincerity and gratitude from Li Millie Mu's heart. Therefore, she was not overly resistant and merely glanced at Qin Tang Long before allowing Li Millie Mu drag her away.

The moment the two woman left Qin Tang Long stared at his father.

"We will start training, the day after tomorrow."

"Alright dad get Big Sister Gong into Red Court Academy and if it's possible put her in the elite class."

"Son I can't do that I couldn't sense anything."

"Dad her martial art rank 17 Dio Realm she is only thirteen years do-"

Qin Xserve Xsan eyes widen so talented she is most likely the best martial art.

"Alright I will try to do that."

Qin Tang Long nodded his head.

"Your Majesty, your Highness."

"I will head-"

"No stay you will one day be the king of Zygote Empire. Let the man in son one day you will be a king no matter what you need to understand how the world works and also understand these olds fools are nothing piece of shit."

Qin Tang Long nodded his head. As the guard stepped away and opened a red double door.

A well-built figure walked in from outside the great doors of the inner palace. It was a middle-aged man wearing a purple jacket. He had a determined-looking face and wind seemed to accompany his steps with 'whoo whoo' noises.

"Greetings your majesty." The middle-aged man wearing a purple jacket bowed as he cupped his fists together towards Qin Xserve Xsan, looked towards Qin Tang Long by the side and nodded with a smile.

"Your highness."

"Headmaster," Qin Tang Long said as he bowed his head he looked at his dad. Qin Tang Long was sitting on his throne he had his legs crossed. The headmaster felt the crown prince looked just like his father but at same time a person who will make this Empire into the number one Empire in the world maybe no one knows it's name but the crown prince can make this happen.

"Your Majesty Alexander Greenville is making a move now he has gotten almost all the students on his side his trying to get people to destroy you and take my headmaster chair."

Qin Xserve Xsan and Qin Tang Long both slammed their fits on the chair handle in unison.

"How dare he," they sneered. The headmaster sighed these father and son are so much alike!

"Keep on going."

Your majesty, according to the information I have secretly obtained, that little prince Qi Yue has use an extremely high price to continuously coerce or entice the outstanding students that emerge in the Great United Arab Institute."

"In this year's newcomer exam alone, more than half of the students that are able to enter the top ten have been drawn to his side.

"Moreover, once these students pass the newcomer exam, they will chose to enter Xu Hong's B class. After the newcomer they will choose to enter Class B Greenville."

"In the past two years, the quality of the B class students on a whole has been higher than my A class, and they have already obtained first place in the class ranking exam twice. If they are allowed to succeed again this time, Hong Hong will take the opportunity to rise up and seize the position of headmaster."

"I see it does make sense so they are paying students off to change choices?"

Jackson Class A used to be the strongest but soon that changed two years ago when the Hong Family came to Zygote Empire. With his influence toward the world he had the money backing him up. Zygote Empire was created thirteen years ago do the fact both Li Millie Mu, and Qin Xserve Xsan were chased away and keep their safety they never told their family where they went and they will keep it that way. To the world Qin Xserve Xsan his wife and son are dead.

Qin Tang Long touched his chin if this evident were to happen. Hong Hong will have the seat of headmaster and all of the talent students will come to him. Next he would most likely start making a move to the royal throne. Because Qin Xserve Xsan war in thirteen years ago he has asked for the best divine doctor to heal his wound to help him breakthrough but his wound is serious that one wrong move could be his end.

Qin Xserve Xsan clenched his jaw so many people have betrayed him to thenpoint he just doesn't trust anyone beside those who have known him since he was the king of Qin Dynasty Empire.

"Hong Hong have become so greedy!"