
Chapter 5 {Ancient Rune}

In depth of the woods of a mountain Qin Tang Long and Qin Xserve Xsan looked at each other and the two guards saw them and bowed their heads.

"Your Majesty, your Highness welcome."

"Stand back," Qin Xserve Xsan said as he held out his palm and slammed his hand on the stone wall as it started to lit up a light blue glowing and the stone wall door started to crack open. Qin Tang Long watched in awe the moment they walked inside Qin Xserve Xsan turned around and he let out his breath.

"This is the Ancient Rune Temple, our ancestors came here."

"Dad, I have you been here?"

"Yes everyone in our family has been here I learned one of our ancestors technique."

Qin Tang Long looked around the walls had ancient writing on them the walls looked so old as Qin Tang Long stepped forward his dad stopped him and spun him around.

"Son are you sure about this? This is our last chance if…"

Qin Tang Long shook his head and held out his fits together.

"Dad no matter what path I walk on I will do this it's the last chance I have so we have to try even if I die," Qin Tang Long said as he stepped forward and he clenched his fists together. He knew in his heart this might be his last chance he sat down on smooth stone that was flouting in the air. As he looked around he grabbed the knife in his hands and found himself getting nervous he cut his wrist and blood dropped down on the stone that started glowing brightly.

Qin Xserve Xsan saw his son disappeared from the spot he rushed over where did his son go out happened!?

Fortunately, the pulling sensation did not last for long. Qin Tang Long felt a huge force rush towards him and his body was flung into the air.


Qin Tang Long's body landed heavily on the ground, causing him to eat a mouthful of soil in the process. However, he was rather quick-witted. Ignoring the pain when he landed, Qin Tang Long swiftly rolled on the ground, distancing himself from where he had originally landed.

The first thing he notice he was inside a forest he did not know where he was or if they was any danger. He rubbed his neck and stared at the ground in front of him he formed frown on his face before he let put a sigh.

They is no one here what the hell is going on?

A clear stream flowed by the side, emitting the sounds of running water. It was a tranquil sight.

"It seems Pops, Nona, Auntie Katie, and Uncle Sam were right someone did come," a voice ring out. Qin Tang Long could not sense anything he looked around for the voice and found a young girl sitting on a swing. As his gaze swept back and forth, his pupils abruptly shrunk while the expression on his face froze as if he had seen a ghost.

It was because he had just discovered that a beautiful figure had unknowingly appeared under one of the giant trees to his front.

At closer inspection, it was a girl in a short blue purple kimono dress. The girl's body was slender and she was currently swing on a beautiful flower swing. Her pair of bright golden eyes shined ever so slightly they were felled with nothing but mysterious aura. She quietly observed him without saying another word one couldn't tell anything about the young girl but you could sense she wasn't normal.

Qin Tang Long mental resilience was after all pretty good, and he very quickly calmed himself. A smile immediately emerged on his immature face, trying his best to appear harmless, as he cupped his fists together.

"Big Sister, I am sorry for being rude before my name is Qin Tang Long, where is this place?"

The girl before his eyes looked similar to his age he was truly dumb founded who is this girl. The young girl didn't say anything she tighten her grip on the rope that was holding the string.However, a little politeness at such a time was never a bad thing.

However, the mysterious girl in purple blue kimono did not seem to take any notice of Qin Tang Long's respectful mannerisms. Her slim and fair hand pulled back a strand of golden hair in front of her forehead, before she walked towards Qin Tang Long.

Her foot steps were so calm like the clear water she slowly stopped moving and stared forward.

The breeze blow on her making close her eyes for a moment within the steps she made you could feel something was mysterious about her. Qin Tang Long notice ancient runes symbols on her body. The girl had snow-white skin. While her simple purple blue short kimono dress touched her b wonderful carves. She had a very exquisite set of facial features. In particular, her bright eyes seemed to contain a certain aura of mysteriousness, causing them to appear both unpredictable and distant.

At this very moment, the girl seemed to tread on shards of sunlight against the backdrop of towering ancient trees. A gentle breeze blew past and lifted her fringe, allowing one to catch a glimpse of an extremely ancient rune between her brows, a sight that gave off an aura of indescribable mysteriousness. The scene was so breathtaking that Qin Tang Long was rooted on the spot such beautiful golden hair that passed her butt. But her eyes were also so bright yet so beautiful and golden.

Qin Tang Long has meant many beautiful woman in his life and this girl is just the number one beauty he has ever meant. The young girl was wearing one long white purple silk sock that covered her right leg she was wearing ankle white boots she touched her hair before she let out a sigh.

"Big Sister," Qin Tang Long mattered as he looked at the young girl is in front of him.

"Big Sister?" The girl in green curled her lips slightly when she heard how Qin Tang Long addressed her as if it was somewhat amusing.

She inquisitively sized-up Qin Tang Long for a moment before she held out her hand and a bright light appeared her hand was covered with a sword.

"If you think you are worthy come at me," she mattered. Qin Tang Long stepped backwards he felt like he was facing someone who has seen death. But it seems like this is a test he stepped forward and he ran forward he jumped in the air and turned his body as he tried to kick the girl but she slightly moved backwards she waved her sword in the air creating a cycle Qin Tang Long felt like this girl wasn't playing fair.

"Two hours you need to be away from me for two hours but if I catch you, you fail I give you five minutes run," the girl said in a cold manner. Qin Tang Long did not ask but he ran away he slid down on the ground and he looked around for a weapon he found a knife and he grabbed it as he stopped they isn't away for her to find him. He let out a sigh and he chuckled she is so going lose this!

"What's so amusing?" The young girl asked. Qin Tang Long looked up and saw the girl looking at him. She just stared at him with a cold demeanor before she jumped down and grabbed Qin Tang Long flipping him over. Qin Tang Long let out a groan as he swing his knife toward the girl face but she grabbed the knife not caring about the pain she is feeling. Qin Tang Long curse he needs to jump off the cliff. Qin Tang Long jumped off the cliff. The girl didn't move she rushed off the edge and grabbed on a rock as she slid down Qin Tang Long fell into the deep ocean and he swim up he let out a gasp. He started clawing out of the ocean into the shore but he found a hand grabbing on his leg pulling him back into the water. Qin Tang Long covered his mouth as he stared at the girl her eyes were so bright she raised her hand to punch Qin Tang Long but he blocked her and kicked her so hard standing her down the the depth of the ocean. Qin Tang Long let out a gasp he started to run this girl she isn't normal it's like she was trained to become a high ranking killer or even an assassin. She was knocked out with that kick but this is like a survival matter. Qin Tang Long felt someone grabbing him by his jacket and he saw the girl what she is still alright she kicked her leg out and jumped in the air as she grabbed two daggers Qin Tang Long fought against her he could feel this girl marital art is that of Dio Wan Level rank 8.

Two hours later. Qin Tang Long felt so tired the girl turned around and she let out a sigh.

"If you want your dynasty to change follow me, Tun Xiao come let's go home," the girl said as she held out a pink fan which she threw in the air and it turned into a large fan. She jumped in the air and sat in the middle Qin Tang Long saw a cute dog like animals it's fur was golden white its eyes were like strawberry red.

Tun Xiao let out a bark trying to intimidate Qin Tang Long who covered his mouth.

"So cute," Qin Tang Long said. Tun Xiao let out growing sound and he stood in front of a five feet rock he opened his mouth and started crunching down the rock.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

Qin Tang Long was dumbfounded he just stared at Tun Xiao who jumped in the air and laid on the fan. What kind of creature is that!? So strange it doesn't matter let's not worry about it. Qin Tang Long sat down on the fan. For Qin Tang Long he has never seen a magic fan like this. The pattern on this fan were mysterious the art itself had spiritual energy running through it. Qin Tang Long stared at the young girl he felt so hopeless when he was fighting his still deeply wounded. The girl opened her eyes and held out her hand a small bottle was in the middle of her palm.

"Heal you," she said.

"Thank you big sister but did you use any SHM?"


"Oh billions of people call it that S stand for Sacred Yuan, H stands for Heaven Resonance Attribute, and M stands for meridian channels."

The girl nodded her head and closed her eyes again. So awkward what should he do.

Qin Tang Long didn't know how long they have been flying but he hasn't said a single word. The young beauty stood up she held out her hand as the fan turned back to normal and landed in her hands. Qin Tang Long screamed as he fell down on his butt. The young girl just kept on walking not saying. As she walked forward she stopped in front of a beautiful cabin they was a gate around it planets that were growing both walked inside.

"Auntie, Uncle, Pops, Nona, we have a visitor," the young girl said. Qin Tang Long looked up and saw powerful people he couldn't help himself but he fell on the ground so powerful what kind of pressure is this all of them look like they could crush him within a second.

"Such a pity, suffers since birth," a beautiful woman with long red hair and hazel green eyes said as she frowned and shook her head she pulled on the young girl who sat down and allowed her Auntie Katie to brush her hair.

"Yes wife such a pity his two Sacred were stolen from him," a man said his name was Sam.

"Pity, pity suffering so much unable to awaken anything what a pity maybe this was foreseen," a old woman named Sophia said.

"Yes suffering that much must have been something else but why must we care about him? Yes I can help but why should I help him?" The old man asked he opened his eyes and Qin Tang Long felt the pressure what kind of monster are these four elders.

Qin Tang Long fell on his knees and bowed.

"I beg the four elders to help me please!" Qin Tang Long pleaded.

"Humph why should we though?"

"You guys must have known was coming you sent her out there to test me and I seemed to passed."

"Haha such a brat I like you my name is Katie this is my husband Sam, Sophia, and her husband Hai."

Hai tapped his finger on the table as he opened his eyes again.

"I like your attitude but I have a question to my granddaughter why didn't you kill him or sent him back?" Hai asked. Qin Tang Long eyes widen she could sent him back.

"I sensed a birth of a new era I saw his pain his suffering I…I think you should trust him."

Hai stared at this granddaughter she is truly someone who doesn't complement someone but the fact she said that it seems like this was the right choice.

"Alright I can help you but in return us four one thing from you," Hai said.

"What is it?" Qin Tang Long asked.

"Protect Gong Qiu Linglong."

Qin Tang Long stared at Gong Qiu Linglong her hair was braided into a ponytail her rosy cheeks shined as she stood up.

"Auntie Katie, Uncle Sam, Pops, and Nona no don't live me why!?" Gong Qiu Linglong asked as she shook her head she held Tun Xiao in her arms.

"When you first saw you most likely notice ancient rune her body that's sealing away both of Sacred Yuan, one hundred fifty meridian channels but don't look down on her for a single second all of us trained her she is even good enough to be your teacher," Katie said.

"I promise I will do that I will protect the young Miss anyone that wants to harm her must walk over my dead body!" Qin Tang Long shouted.

Hai laughed and held out his hand a gray light shined.

"Well good luck."

The ground beneath Qin Tang Long started to crumble into pieces before he fell into darkness.