
Chapter 10 {Akyu Mountain}

Two days later, Qin Tang Long was wearing white ripped jeans, a black shirt, and a jacket. He invited his two best friends, but Loud Mouth Chikaru Hotaru went on bragging to everyone how he was going to Akyu Mountain. In his honesty, he feels like this was a bad idea, then Riko Ai Lili and Miaomiao decided to join it has turned into a trip. Yao Yan already had her bags, and the prince is bag everyone wad standing outside.

"Humph not inviting me?"

"Riko Ai Lili, don't be like that."

"Fine, I will forgive and forget."

Gong Qiu Linglong walked outside everyone eyes landed her she felt unease she clenched her fists together and her golden eyes landed on Qin Tang Long she turned around she wasn't about to do this. Qin Tang Long grabbed her hand.

"Big Sister Gong, please don't be angry. I really did try, but you know I-"

Gong Qiu Linglong ripped her hand away she was pissed off. She fine with her two friends, whoever it was she didn't care, but they were two other people she just felt lost.

"Sister Gong, stay in my room!" Yao Yan said as she dragged Gong Qiu Linglong away into the air ship she mouthed.

Training tonight.

"Who is that!?"

"My senior sister, and live here and don't try anything funny if you don't want to die."

Riko Ai Lili found herself clenching her fists together she was jealous of that girl named Gong. Even though she didn't fully see her, she could tell this girl was like a goddess. But she also has this dangerous aura around her.

Qin Tang Long walked inside the flying air boat he looked out he waved bye to everyone, and he grinned. For Qin Tang Long, he has never left Zygote Empire ever, so this is new to him. He walked around and he found the training room he saw Gong Qiu Linglong was already training she turned around and she waved her hand.

"Sis Gong, I know you are angry, but -"

"Oh that you are the one who will protect them not me, I am only protecting three people, you, Tun Xiao, and Yao Yan that's all," Gong Qiu Linglong said she waved her hand as a 3d platform appeared she raised her hand and the ground looked like a mountain she spun it around and pointed at the top.

"This is where the Moonlight Flower is, but getting it is a whole another story before we do that. You need to get a spirit beast hulo ring."

"How will you get one wait, Sister Gong? Don't you need one as well?"

"I have one see," Gong Qiu Linglong said she raised her hand, and a yellow smoke ring appeared beneath Gong Qiu Linglong feet as it spun around her. The energy she released out was the element of water she sat down on the ground and smiled.

"So what's its abilty?" Qin Tang Long asked.

"Element Wheel," Gong Qiu Linglong said.

"Oh, that's ahh, how does it work!?"

Gong Qiu Linglong released a smirk on her lips she held out her hand. A white light shined so brightly as thousands of lights cycles around the white cycle that sucked everything in she then expanded the white cycle it became like a open portal that sucked any attack it wasn't powerful the way it was spinning around one would think they will die.

"Alright, let's get me one."

"Mmm, okay, let's get you one, we will do that first. Second, we will help Yao Yan fully awaken. After that, we will get the Moonlight Flower when we finish that I know a place where a spiritual lake is and we can relax our bodies that will be everyone rewards, we need to travel in the day time and not at night second we must make sure we don't make any sound or the Silent Ones will come after us," Gong Qiu Linglong said.

"What are Silent Ones? I know they are many monsters, but what are these?"

"They are from Beyond Sea Wall."

"What, but to go through Beyond Sea Wall, you need a lesions! Not just that, you go through training."

"Yes but they are something monsters who are able shape-shifting into a human you wouldn't notice just listen to me okay, if I tell you run you run if I tell you hide you hide those are the only rules I have."

That night, Qin Tang Long wondered about the Silent Ones. What were those creatures like, what do they look like? Gong Qiu Linglong wouldn't answer his question, which made him stressed out.

Let's go and cultivate. Qin Tang Long walked out he sat down in the middle of the front air board ship, and he closed his eyes. A green light shot shooting an egg in front of Qin Tang Long, the greenish bluish egg started hatching, being weak, and it moved toward Qin Tang Long, fusing in with him.