
Ancient Boy

Ancient Child Finding Out His Powers Good or Evil

DaoistzssFwn · Fantasy
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3 Chs

3rd Chapter - Geans Adventure

Previous - Gean passed out beacuse the demon took control. Few days after he woke up he went back to his village. When he got to his village he saw fire bursting, soldiers , guards and death

3rd Chapter - Geans Adventure

Gean was in shock when he heard that no one survived. After hearing that his eye changed. He coudn't hold the shock and fear so out of nowhere he started flying but while he was flying the fear passed away. He noticed a white wing on his left side and a crown on his head. While he was in the sky flying away from the village he lost consciousness

beacuse his mana was low. Few days passed and he finally woke up. Again he noticed that his mana went up again. He found himself on the side of a river. He decided to go on a adventure. Days have passed and he coudn't find any food on his adventure. He was starving. One day he found some berries. Without thinking he ate them all. Few minutes have passed and all of a sudden he began felling ill. He lost consciousness and passed out. He woke up in the morning and at his suprise the pain was gone. He was getting ready to go. After few days of traveling he saw a big kingdom in distance. He was really happy that he will see new people. 5 hours have passed and he finally got to the gate. He was heading in but guard stopped him and then...

To Be Continued..