
Ancient Boy

Ancient Child Finding Out His Powers Good or Evil

DaoistzssFwn · Fantasy
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3 Chs

1st Chapter - Sutir - Demons Apperance

Once upon a time there was an island called Sutir.

On that island there were 3 kingdoms that were fighting the Demon King. The 3 kingdoms were called : Zartrias, Herestiare and Belemdrio. They were having a hard time fighting the dark side.

One day a new royal child was born. His name was Gean. The moment he was born his family noticed a half light and a half dark mark on his cheast. They immediately called a priest to see the situation. Once he saw the mark priest told Geans parents that their child has an ancient mark. A blessing of the Gods and Powers of a Devil. At the age of 3 he discoverd something horrible. He was having fun with his friends in the forest although his mother told him to be carefull because that forest has dark magic in it. All of a sudden they were attacked by goblins. They had long ears, swords, shields and a leader. His friends froze of fear and coudn't move while Gean was acting strange. He just watched them until all of a sudden he started flying, he grew a horn of a demon on his forehead. Dark magic was around him. In a split second he wiped out everything that standed in his way....

To Be Continued....

By Daoistz