
The stalker and the savior.

I walked past all these people who had been looking at me all this while and I saw

someone take a picture of me and my teary eyes. Stupid reporters but I do not care

about that. I got into my car and looked at my phone so many missed calls from

Jahid. Right now, I do not care. I just want to be free. I need to think. I speed off in

my car back to town and get into one of the bars close to my house. I sad by the

counter and ordered

"Tequila shots and keep them coming," I said to the person and he nodded and

brought back my drinks a few minutes later

"Seems like you had a rough day?" he said with an Irish accent

"You don't know the half of it" and I started to down myself I liquor. Soon enough

I was on my fifth shot of tequila.

Alexa is dying of cancer and she wants to see me. I spent half my life hoping that

one day she would reach out to me and tell me she was sorry and wanted me back.

But I got over her and I got a much better family in return. My adopted mother

gave me the love Alexa could not give. So why now, when I am finally living the

life I always wanted.

Even though father is gone, he is in my heart driving me to make him proud and

that's what I'm going to do. Now the time has come when she wants to see me I do

not want to see her because I am over her and all that came with loving that


The night she threw me out her words rang in my head for a very long time 'you

will never be anything in your life you are nothing but an ugly foolish girl' now

thinking about these words I laugh at how ironic this is now the owner and CEO of

a company I made international. How beautiful I am and how guys beg for dinner

with me. How rich I am now and how good am going for myself now she would

probably be ashamed now.

My thoughts were interrupted by the bartender he handed me a drink and said,

"The guy over there said your very pretty and he wants you to have this" he

pointed to some blonde hair guy sitting at the corner of the bar.

Here we go again can't a girl have a night alone with no boys

He looks like one of those people that think they can charm any girl they want.

"Take it back to him. Tell him I can buy my own drinks" I said and went back to

my tequila.

After drinking, I was ready to go home and asked for the check but as I was about

to pay that blonde guy who ordered a drink for me came up to me.

"Hi, I'm Wyatt. Wyatt S'mores" he said extending his hand to salute me. I looked at

his hand, I was tipsy, and I was tired I cannot do this now

"Hi I'm leaving" the bartender brought my check and I paid

"Don't you think that's an odd name" I gave him a death glare

"Well, my parents were weird people. Excuse me." I walked past him out of the

bar. It was somewhat chilly out here but I'm so drunk I can't drive I'll walk home. I

start heading to my house but then I feel a huge hand hold my arm and spins me


"Hey baby girl why don't you let me take you home and I know exactly how you

can repay me"

I was very upset when I turned around how dare he touch me fuck lord!

"Take your hands off me right this instant," I said to him

"Or else what darling you going to call the cops" he came closer to me and I could

smell his cheap perfume and alcohol

"I don't need the cops. I can handle you myself so for the last time let me go or you

will be sorry," I said in a harsh voice I was getting really pissed.

He moved closer instead and I punched his nose hard and my knuckles started

bleeding but he moved back and held onto his nose.

"You little bitch" he was coming at me and I punched him again on the same spot.

"Wrong move bitch you should have come with me when you had the chance it

wouldn't have come to this," he said and I don't think my hand could handle

another hard punch so I was going to kick him in the crouch when someone behind

me punched him and that knocked him out.

Ouch! That should hurt.

Huge muscles were the first thing I saw as I turned around. A man! I was

immediately on alert and I held out my fists.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," he said in a soft but masculine tone "Are you ok?"

he looked at my bleeding fist.

"Yes I'm fine, thank you but I could have handled that," I said not even looking

at his face

"Clearly!" he said with a smile in his voice "So what are you doing out here all

by yourself late at night and you have clearly been drinking," he said with such


The nerve of this guy just because he helped me in a situation I was clearly

handling perfectly well he thinks he can talk to me, however. The nerve of this


"Well that's not your business now, is it? ... just because you... you helped me

don't mean you can act dad to me," I said slurring my words. Alcohol does

that to you

He looked at me questioningly with a stupid smirk on his face

"I don't think you can drive in that condition and with that hand. You should get

that looked at."

"Well good thing I'm not driving. My driver will get my car tomorrow. I'll walk

home," I said turning to continue on my path home but I stopped when I

realized I do not even know his name. I turned around and asked,

"What's your name so I can have my secretary send you a card or

something?" I asked half-aware, I looked up at him, and all my senses were


Mama Miya!

He is a fucking god!

His man face is so well structured. Perfectly chiseled jaws and amazing that

fell in his face. His lips were luscious and very pink he had no hair on his face

Wow just looking at him is taking me places.

"How about I take you home instead and I could take care of your hand for

you?" I looked at him as though he had grown a second head then he noticed

and quickly added "No no no not like that I am a doctor I could stitch it up for

you" he said and laughed. My God, his smile is divine and his teeth are

perfectly shaped. At this point, I couldn't argue with him so I agreed.

I gave him my address and in less than two minutes we were at my mansion

"Wow," I heard him say under his breath

"Amazing right?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he came around and helped me out of his car. "It is really amazing."