
Old Dying Mother!

This is overwhelming. Then I remembered I hid something in here. It was a tie I got for him for his birthday, the year before but he wore it a lot so I hid it in his study. A place where I knew he would never look. I had to check if it was still there. I hid it a week before he died. I walked to his bottom drawer of his desk and opened it. I saw the box I hid it in. I took a deep breath and opened the box. The tie was still in there and I took it out of the box but there was something else in it. A note.


Sweetie, you are so smart hiding my tie here. This is my office Hun I know every nuke in here. But I'm going to act like I haven't seen it if it makes you happy.

Ps. I wore it every day because you bought it for me and I love you.

Your Papa