
Ancestral Blessing: Moneymaker System

In his past life, Kim Gojin was a common office worker with no family, drifting through life with a series of missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams. But fate grants him a second chance as he is reborn into his teenage years, determined to rewrite his destiny and seize the opportunities he once lost. With the foresight of his previous life, Gojin begins his journey. Armed with knowledge from his past life and an unwavering determination, he ventures into the business world, founding a modeling agency that evolves into a sprawling entertainment empire. As Gojin navigates the challenges of building his business, he strategically recruits several promising female artists who were celebrated stars in his former life. Through his mentorship and guidance, these talents flourish, and deep, intimate relationships develop between them, enriching both Gojin's personal and professional lives. *** Title has been changed from Reborn For Success to Ancestral Blessing: Moneymaker System. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Vihaan_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Mr. Choi's Command

While Gojin was enjoying his time in the school, Taejun sat in his father's study, his face twisted with anger. His father stood behind his large mahogany desk, sternly looking at his son. Mrs. Choi stood by the door, worried about the decision her husband had made for their son.

"Taejun," Mr. Choi began, his voice firm, leaving no room for an argument. "The day after tomorrow, you'll be leaving for America. You'll study there for a semester while living with your aunt's family."

"I already told you, I'm not leaving!" Taejun's eyes widened with fury. "You can't just send me away!"

"You will do as you're told, Taejun," Mr. Choi's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "Actions have consequences. It's time you learned some life lessons."

"I don't want to go to America! I need to stay here and get back at Gojin for the mess that bastard pulled."

"Quiet!" Mr. Choi's expression hardened. "You don't have a choice. You've been expelled. Do you know what that means? No school here will take you without a significant donation, and I am not throwing more money to fix your mess."

Mrs. Choi stepped forward, hoping to sweet talk her way through, helping Taejun. "But, honey, maybe if we—"

"Shut up!" Mr. Choi bellowed, his face red with anger. "I said shut up, or I'll send you away as well. It is because you pampered this brat all the time that he has grown to be a leeching moron!"

Both Taejun and his mother were shocked. Mr. Choi had never raised his voice to her before. Usually, he never even paid attention to anything she had to say and agreed with her. But this time, things were different. The room fell silent. Everyone was on edge, not knowing what to expect.

After a moment, Mr. Choi took a deep breath and continued more calmly, "I'm signing a deal with a major construction company. I can't afford any scandals involving any family member. The Daewang Construction won't hesitate to sever ties with us if I don't deal with the situation."

He continued, turning towards Taejun, "Your actions at school have already caused enough trouble. To maintain my image and ensure this deal goes through, you need to leave. People need to see that I'm dealing with you instead of covering up your mistakes like I always have."

"Is that it? You're going to throw me out because people talk? For fuck's sake Dad-" Taejun's surprise wore off, replaced by a simmering resentment.

"Watch your tongue-"

"I don't care!" Taejun yelled, taking a step closer to his father. "I'll do whatever the fuck I want! If I don't want to leave, then no one can make me-"

"This is not up for debate," Mr. Choi's expression turned icy, much like his voice.

Taejun's temper flared, and he shouted, "You can't control my life like this! I'm not going!"

In a flash, Mr. Choi's hand swung out, striking Taejun hard across the face. The force of the slap sent Taejun stumbling back, and he fell to the floor, clutching his cheek in shock.

Mrs. Choi, who had been standing by the door, gasped and rushed to her son's side.

"Taejun!" she cried, kneeling next to him and cradling his head in her lap. "Are you okay?"

Taejun's cheek throbbed with pain, but his anger burned even hotter. He glared up at his father, his eyes filled with hatred. Mr. Choi stood over him, and knew exactly what was going on inside his son's head, but he knew what he did was necessary.

"How could you? He's your son!" Mrs. Choi looked up at her husband, tears in her eyes.

Mr. Choi's gaze did not waver. "And it's because he's my son that I must do this. He needs to learn discipline and responsibility to not turn into a hooligan."

"But, honey-"

"This is for your own good, Taejun," Mr. Choi said, his voice devoid of emotion as he ignored his wife. "You will go to America, and you will learn to control yourself. This family cannot afford any more scandals. Not right now, either way."

Taejun pushed himself up to a sitting position, still holding his cheek.

"I hate you," he spat, his voice trembling with rage.

Mr. Choi's eyes softened for a moment, a flicker of pain crossing his face, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

"You can hate me all you want, but you will obey me. Pack your things. You leave as I said before."

With that, Mr. Choi turned and walked out of the room, leaving Taejun and his mother behind. Mrs. Choi hugged her son tightly, whispering soothing words, but Taejun's mind consumed him with rage directed at both his father and Gojin. That low-life bastard had ruined his life and he couldn't just let it go.


Later that night...

"What will you do once the deal is done?" Mrs. Choi asked as she laid her head on Mr. Choi's head. "You're not planning on abandoning our son, are you?"

"Once we finalize the deal," Mr. Choi replied, reading his wife's mind. "I'll bring him back. Then, and only then, we can deal with the other brat."

Mrs. Choi looked between her husband, her worry deepening as it was the first time Taejun would be alone. There's no saying what he might do if they didn't fix their relationship with him.

"Is this really necessary?"

"Yes, it is," Mr. Choi replied with indifference. "Apparently, the president's relative goes to the same school as Taejun and had told him about the incident. I am forced to do this."

He continued, "Taejun's behavior has put everything at risk. This is the only way to salvage the situation without losing hundreds of millions of Wons."

Taejun, who had been eavesdropping on them, clenched his fists, his mind racing. He didn't want to leave Korea. He didn't want to leave without getting his revenge on Gojin. But he knew his father well enough to know that arguing further would be futile.


The next morning, Taejun rushed into his parent's room.

"Fine," Taejun said through gritted teeth. "I'll go to America. But on one condition."

"And what is that?" Mr. Choi raised an eyebrow, surprised by his stubborn son's reaction.

"When I come back, I get to punish Gojin. No one else. I want to be the one to make him pay."

Mr. Choi considered his son's demand for a moment, then nodded. "Agreed. But you will go to America without causing any more trouble. Understood?"

"Understood." Taejun nodded reluctantly.

Mrs. Choi sighed in resignation, her shoulders slumping. "I suppose it's for the best."

"It is." Mr. Choi's expression softened slightly. "This way, we can handle the situation without getting things worse."

Having said his piece, Taejun walked out of the room, still angry as before. He hated the idea of leaving Korea, but he hated Gojin even more. He would go to America, but only because it was the first step in his plan to get his revenge.

Mrs. Choi looked at her husband, worry etched on her features. "Are we doing the right thing?"

Mr. Choi nodded. "We are. This is the only way to protect our family and our future."