
Ancestral Blessing: Moneymaker System

In his past life, Kim Gojin was a common office worker with no family, drifting through life with a series of missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams. But fate grants him a second chance as he is reborn into his teenage years, determined to rewrite his destiny and seize the opportunities he once lost. With the foresight of his previous life, Gojin begins his journey. Armed with knowledge from his past life and an unwavering determination, he ventures into the business world, founding a modeling agency that evolves into a sprawling entertainment empire. As Gojin navigates the challenges of building his business, he strategically recruits several promising female artists who were celebrated stars in his former life. Through his mentorship and guidance, these talents flourish, and deep, intimate relationships develop between them, enriching both Gojin's personal and professional lives. *** Title has been changed from Reborn For Success to Ancestral Blessing: Moneymaker System. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Vihaan_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

A Battle On Two Fronts (3)

As night fell, Gojin sat in his room, staring at his phone. Seo Ahri's offer kept replaying in his mind. He wanted to say no, but after what had happened, he couldn't turn her down.

If she could handle the loan sharks, then Mom and Dad wouldn't have to worry anymore.

Besides, it would also help avert the accident that took his parent's life. But before that, he had to know why the future he knew was changing.

Gojin was sure Jinho wouldn't bother getting involved with the loan sharks. As for his mother, she was so wrapped up in being a mom and wife that he doubted she would have anything to do with them, either.

That leaves me...

So far, everything Gojin had done differently than the past life was within the school. Which meant someone within the school had to be responsible for the attack.

Gojin thought hard, and only three names popped up in his head. First was Principal Lee. But Gojin didn't think he would do something reckless when his life and career were in his hands.

Second was Daeho. Gojin wrote him off as well. He wasn't someone with the backing to pull off such a stunt. The guy was just a bully with a few loyal followers, nothing more.

The last was Taejun. With an influential family and plenty of reasons to mess with him, he was the prime suspect. But Gojin didn't think his parents would allow such a thing, especially with the ongoing merger with the Daewang group. 

Even so, they have the motive and the resources to pull it off. I shouldn't write them off so quickly.

But then, Gojin remembered someone else.

"Seo Ahri," he whispered.

Her family was also influential and not in a good way as they were deeply embedded in the gang life. Gojin had initially thought she could use those connections to help him deal with his stepfather's debt. But what if she had used them to orchestrate the attack on his family?

"But what could be her motive behind the attack?" He mumbled, laying back on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

He sat up, rubbing his temples. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Seo Ahri had a motive. She wanted him to join her.

While it might not seem like it at first. But if she could rile up the seniors just to test him, then her cunning mind could easily stage an attack to push him into a corner, forcing him to seek her help.

"But why would she attack me if she wants me on her side?" Gojin wondered aloud. "It doesn't make sense."

Then, like a bolt of lightning, it hit him.

"I'm an idiot!" he exclaimed, jumping off the bed.

Seo Ahri was a psycho. She had already arranged for Daeho and his gang to beat him up to pressure him into joining her. Attacking his home could just be another step in her twisted plan to strong-arm him into joining her side. Gojin clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms.

"She's playing me," he mumbled.

However, even though Gojin had realized her plan, there wasn't much he could do about it. Declining her proposition meant angering her and who knows what she might do then?

He paced his room, trying to calm down.

What should I do?

Confronting Seo Ahri directly might be too risky. She was dangerous, and he needed to tread carefully. But he couldn't just let this slide. He had to protect his family and deal with Seo Ahri at the same time.

The more Gojin thought about it, the more he realized there was no other choice but to join her. Still, he needed to be clever and cautious. He couldn't let her manipulate him like a puppet.

As he lay back down, his mind cleared. Seo Ahri might want to play games, but he would not let her win. Not without putting up a fight.


The next day, Gojin made his way to the terrace during the break. Seo Ahri was already there, waiting for him with a bright smile. Gojin took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he had to do.

As he approached her, Seo Ahri's smile widened. "Gojin! I'm so glad you came. Have you decided yet?"

"I'll join you," Gojin mumbled. "For whatever reason, you want me."

Seo Ahri's smile grew wider, and she stepped forward, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

"That's great news!" she exclaimed. "I knew you'd come around."

However, instead of being happy, Gojin nuzzled her away. Seo Ahri raised an eyebrow, her smile fading slightly.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, not knowing he suspected her involvement in what happened.

"I'm not feeling well, that's all," Gojin replied.

"Not feeling well? Let me check."

Before Gojin could react, she placed her forehead against his to check his temperature. As she got closer, Gojin felt his face heat up. Despite his anger towards her, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was up close. Her proximity made him blush and immediately took a step back.

"I'm fine," he blurted. "Just a bit under the weather."

Seo Ahri didn't seem convinced. "Are you sure? You look a bit flushed."

Gojin nodded, avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, I'll be okay. I just need to take it easy."

Seo Ahri chuckled, amused by his reaction. "Alright, if you say so."

"I should go."

"I'll be waiting for you at the entrance," As he turned to leave, Seo Ahri called after him. "We should head to the 'funhouse' to discuss more about your work."

Gojin nodded without turning back. He needed to play his cards right and not reveal that he suspected her involvement in the attack on his house. He needed evidence before he could confront her, and the 'funhouse' seemed to be the place where he could do that.

Seo Ahri watched him go and placed a hand on her chest. Her heartbeat was rapid, and she felt a strange thrill at the thought of having Gojin wrapped around her fingers.

"This is going to be fun," she smiled.