
Ancestor in Love

Luo Lusi, a successful scriptwriter, transmigrated into the latest romance novel she read in the most villainous character's body. Not being able to find any way to go back to her own world, she decide to survive in the new world but the new world did not seem to like her that much for she, was always in trouble, caused by none other than her only enemy, Wen Xu. "Don't come close, I dare you," Lusi threatened. "What if, I did?" Wen Xu smirked as he walked towards her. Realizing that words will not work, Luo Lusi kicked on the most important part of Wen Xu making him staggered halfway and ran away. "You ugly fox, just wait. Go, catch her." Wen Xu screamed holding the part of his body where Lusi kicked for life unable to stand up. Hearing his scream, many people in black suits came out from behind the hideout places and went to search for Lusi.

Hiria · Urban
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1 Chs


On a bench by the riverside, a woman in her mid 20s sulked as she downed alcohol one after one. Beside her, lay a mess of packets, empty bottles, cigarette packets, making others staying away from her as if she was some retarded freak.

"Child, may I sit here?" An old man who looked like in his 80's and can barely walk depending on his stick approached the woman.

Flabbergested by the sudden appearance of a person in front of her, she slowly raised her drooped eyelids to look at the old man who dared to come to her.

" Old man, you should stay away from me. I am mentally sick and might do you harm if you were to sit here." Saying that she continued drinking while watching at the river that was flowing in the middle of the bustling city. One might think she was enjoying the view while drinking but if some were to see carefully, one might see the sorrow in her eyes which lacked the liveliness of an alive person.

"Child, I see no harm in sitting here but I can feel the sufferings you're going through. I will leave but remember, your misery will end. Just live through it without changing it." The old man professed and smiled faintly.

" Old man, you should not meddle in other's business if you don't know any better about them. Now hurry, scram." The woman sneered at the old man's words. She was a woman whom none ever dared to tell what should she do or not . Rather, she was the one whom everyone listened to. But now that she has reached to this point, even a stranger dared to mock her life. Huh! she really could not take this alive.

The old man said nothing. He only smiled at her and slowly walked away after patting her head for a few seconds. The woman was in a daze since it was an unexpected gesture that she never had the luxury to enjoy to.

Before she can react, the old man was already nowhere visible. She scoffed thinking about how a gesture from stranger made her lose her cool. She continued drinking until it was midnight and not even a person was seen by the riverside.

" Luo Lusi, are you awake?" A soft worried voice was heard.

Luo Lusi slowly opened her trembling eyes and looked at the source of the voice. At first, her eyesight was blur but then gradually became clearer only to make her more confused. She found herself lying in a what seems like hospital bed and looked at the petite girl standing by her side. No matter how much she tried she couldn't seem to figure out who the petite girl was. She tried to think hard about how did she end up here but realized that she did not seem to remember anything unusual happening after passing out on the bench last night.

"Where am I?" Luo Lusi grabbed the petite girl's hand seemingly frightening the petite girl.

"Lusi, we are in the school infirmary. After you fainted in the middle of the school ground, Liu Chen brought you here hurriedly." The petite girl said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Luo Lusi still could not figure out what the girl was saying.

' Why the heck will I be in a school infirmary! Its been a long time since I graduated. Moreover, who the hell is she and Liu Chen. What is she saying?' Luo Lusi murmured inwardly.

At the end, she believed that it was a dream so she went back to sleeping.

The petite girl did not what Luo Lusi was thinking. When she saw that Luo Lusi was closing her eyes again, she shaked Luo Lusi's shoulder afraid that Luo Lusi will pass out again.

"Teacher Shen, Luo Lusi fainted again." The petite girl screamed with all her strength while shaking Luo Lusi over het shoulders.

Just as Luo Lusi was about to scold her for disturbing her sleep, a throbbing pain occurred in her head. Luo Lusi had a sudden flashback of someone's life who had the same name as her but the person was completely different from her.

"Zhao Ran, what are you shouting for? Didn't I tell you to give Luo Lusi some rest. Why are you causing trouble here?" Teacher Shen slowly walked towards the two girl as she fixed her white coat and glasses.

"Teacher, Lusi was awake just a second ago. She even asked me where she was. But then, she closed her eyes again. Teacher, I am worried that she is seriously ill." Zhao Ran stopped shaking Luo Lusi and looked at teacher Shen with a ray of hope and worry.

"Move aside. You two are such troublemakers." Teacher Shen walked past Zhao Ran and ran a check on Luo Lusi.

Luo Lusi felt uncomfortable when teacher Shen ran a check on her pulse and heart beat. She kept her eyes tightly closed and waited for the dream to end quickly.

" Zhao Ran, I told you before that Luo Lusi is severely dehydrated thats why she passed out again. Rather than bringung her something to eat you were here talking nonsense with her. Go, hurry, bring her something to replenish her energy." Teacher Shen waved her hands to Zhao Ran and indicated her to go.

"I am sorry, teacher. I will go now. Please take care of her." Zhao Ran bowed to Teacher Shen amd hurriedly ran out.

"Luo Lusi, I know you are awake. Stop pretending." After assuring that Zhao Ran was out and nowhere near Teacher Shen distanced herself from the bed and coldly stared at Luo Lusi.

'Damn! It's not a dream.' Luo Lusi cursed in her mind. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at the person called Teacher Shen who seem to be fiddling with her long hair and waiting for her to drop her pretense.

By now, Luo Lusi have already grasped to the situation happening around her. She seemed to transmigrate into the romance novel she was reading few days back. She can still remember cursing the character Luo Lusi 1000th of times and throwing the book out due to its cringy dumb plot. She felt disgusted with the story and scolded her assistant for recommending such books.

Now that she saw teacher Shen, she interestingly observed her from head to toe.

"Teacher Shen seems to know something since you did not expose me in front of Zhao Ran." Luo Lusi sneered. She remembered this character called teacher Shen who always helped the main female lead out behind the scenes and having a grudge againt the character she is in now named exactly as her, Luo Lusi.

"Luo Lusi, you better leave the infirmary before Zhao Ran comes. Otherwise, I can't assure of your safety." Teacher Shen bent down slightly to come close to Luo Lusi's face. Her eyes seem to carry a threat as she stared at Luo Lusi tightening her grip on the bed holder.

Luo Lusi found her more entertaining. Being a author herself, her blood boiled to take down this teacher Shen's character.

"I wonder what are you capable of, Miss Shen?" Luo Lusi smirked and stared back at her not giving the person infront of her a chance of satisfaction.