
Anastasia reawakens

Anastasia reawakens Synopsis A young teen gets murdered and comes back as a zombie to seek revenge on the people who killed her Type of story adult fiction turned revenge story Chapters 100 Characters Kate main protagonist turned main antagonist age 16 Status alive Anya step mother Age 26 Status alive Jesse mother of hero Age 17 Status alive Billy main villan turned anti hero Age 28 Status alive Max villan turned hero Age 22 Status alive Bee villain turned hero Age 25 Status alive Liz main antagonist turned anti hero Age 36 Status alive Noah best friend of hero Age 16 Status alive Luke boyfriend of hero Age 17 Status alive Nathan Status dead Villan Age 23 Blaze Villan Status alive Age 26

katiehopcraft13 · Movies
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Chapter 9 Kate gets her revenge and Nathan’s death

Chapter 9 Kate gets her revenge

Bee said so why do you want to kill us. Kate said because you left me for dead and killed me. A young mercenary came in. It was blaze. Blaze said well well looks who's back from the dead Kate. Kate said what do you want blaze. Blaze said I thought you took care of her max and bee. Bee said we didn't know she come back from the dead. Blaze said whatever just take her of her. Kate pulled out her gun. Kate said one step towards me and I kill you. Blaze said you really were the stubborn type. Kate said yeah I am and now I'm going to kill you three but first I have to take care of someone bye. Kate walked out of the cemetery. Blaze said let's go guys. Max said okay. Bee said you okay max. Max said yeah I am she got me deep. Bee said ok so blaze who is she after. Blaze said she's after our boss. Bee said you mean Liz. Blaze said yes she is but don't worry I got friends who are going after her. Bee said okay. Bee went with blaze and max. Meanwhile

Kate went to liz house. Kate said hello anyone here. Liz said I'm coming now. Kate said hello Liz. Liz said hello Kate wait you're supposed to be dead. Kate said I am now I'm going to kill you since you killed me and left me for dead. A young assassin came through the door. It was Nathan. Nathan said hello Kate. Kate said hello Nathan. Nathan said so you come back from the dead. Kate said yeah I did so you and blaze planned my killing. Nathan said yeah we did. Kate said oh you guys are so dead but I'm going to kill you. Kate shot Nathan in the stomach and stabbed him. Nathan died from his injuries. Kate wiped the blood of her knife. Liz said Kate I tell you why we wanted to kill you. Kate said why. Liz said my son blaze was jealous of you and him and me planned to kill you with the help of bee Nathan and max. Kate said okay now I'm really going to kill you guys. Jesse walked in. Jesse said not so fast Liz I heard everything. Liz said who's side are you on. Jesse said I'm on Kate's side since she's my daughter. Jesse grabbed her gun. Kate said we got you surrounded Liz any lasts words. Blaze walked in with max and bee. Kate said good the 3 people I want to kill are here. Bee grabbed her gun and gave the other gun to max. Blaze said okay Kate this is your last warning stay out of my business. Kate grabbed blaze and twisted his arm. Kate whispered in his ear and said you have no idea who you're messing with. Blaze said you're supposed to be dead. Kate said well you're plan didn't work didn't it. Bee said I'm sorry blaze to betray you. Bee dropped her gun. Blaze said you're betraying me. Bee said yes I am this is messed up. Liz said this is not like you as all. Blaze said you think I'm going to let Kate live after she killed my brother. Liz said I'm sorry but I'm not going to let you and max kill her. Max said I'm on your side now Liz. Blaze said well if that's how it is. Kate said you lost blaze. Blaze said oh have I. Blaze implanted a bomb in the house. Liz said we better get out of here there's a bomb. Max said okay. Liz said max get bee and Jesse. Max said okay. Kate said I stay here and take care of max.

End of chapter 9