
Anastasia reawakens

Anastasia reawakens Synopsis A young teen gets murdered and comes back as a zombie to seek revenge on the people who killed her Type of story adult fiction turned revenge story Chapters 100 Characters Kate main protagonist turned main antagonist age 16 Status alive Anya step mother Age 26 Status alive Jesse mother of hero Age 17 Status alive Billy main villan turned anti hero Age 28 Status alive Max villan turned hero Age 22 Status alive Bee villain turned hero Age 25 Status alive Liz main antagonist turned anti hero Age 36 Status alive Noah best friend of hero Age 16 Status alive Luke boyfriend of hero Age 17 Status alive Nathan Status dead Villan Age 23 Blaze Villan Status alive Age 26

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Chapter 4 the big reveal

Chapter 4 the big reveal

Noah said you're okay Kate. Kate said yeah I am thanks. Noah said that's good would you like anything to drink Kate. Kate said I have a Midori spice thanks. Noah said okay Noah got the midori out of the fridge. Noah said here you go Kate. Kate said thanks. Jesse walked in with a stab wound on her body. Noah said what happened Jesse. Jesse said you wanna know what happened. Noah said yeah i do. Jesse said billy got the upper hand on me and shot me in the stomach. A young biker walked in. It was Matt. Matt said I see you're in trouble Jesse. Jesse said what do you want Matt. Matt said easy Jesse I'm just making sure your okay: Jesse said okay anyway guys is it okay if i had a talk to Kate. Noah said sure Jesse. Noah and Matt walked out of the room. Jesse collapsed into the bed. Kate said I guess you had a rough day Jesse. Jesse said yeah I did. Kate said so what happened between you and billy. Jesse said we were sisters until we had a fight and fought over who was to raise you. Kate said so you had a fight. Jesse said there's something I need to tell you Kate I'm your mum and billy your step mom Kate said wait you're my real mum and Billy's my step dad. Billy walked in. Billy said yeah I am that's why I'm gonna kill you. Jesse grabbed her gun. Jesse said lay a finger on Kate and I will kill you. Billy grabbed Jesse. Billy said I have a secret of my own Kate. Billy took his beard of. Billy said you see I'm actually your aunt so you better do as I say Kate and I might let you and your mum live. Luke walked in. Luke said mum why are you doing this. Billy said I have to settle a score with my sister. Kate said you know this is getting weird I need to go. Billy locked the door. Billy grabbed Kate. Jesse said let her go sis. Billy said why should I. Jesse said because your my sister. Billy said you took my daughter away from me. Jesse said I'm sorry. Billy grabbed her knife and stabbed Kate. Jesse said no you won't get away with this sis. Billy said come on Kate you're coming with me. Kate said why should I come with you. Billy said listen twerp I'm this close in killing you so you're going to come with me one way or another.kate said your gonna kill me. Billy said yeah I am. Luke said mum your under arrest. Billy grabbed Kate and took her outside. Kate said let me go billy. Billy said okay twerp get in the car. Kate went in the car with billy. Billy drove off.