
Anastasia reawakens

Anastasia reawakens Synopsis A young teen gets murdered and comes back as a zombie to seek revenge on the people who killed her Type of story adult fiction turned revenge story Chapters 100 Characters Kate main protagonist turned main antagonist age 16 Status alive Anya step mother Age 26 Status alive Jesse mother of hero Age 17 Status alive Billy main villan turned anti hero Age 28 Status alive Max villan turned hero Age 22 Status alive Bee villain turned hero Age 25 Status alive Liz main antagonist turned anti hero Age 36 Status alive Noah best friend of hero Age 16 Status alive Luke boyfriend of hero Age 17 Status alive Nathan Status dead Villan Age 23 Blaze Villan Status alive Age 26

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Chapter 18 at the hospital and finding out the truth about Kate

Carson said you're going to be okay Kate hang in their. Carson arrived at the hospital but saw Kate. Kate said hello Carson. Carson said hello Kate. Kate said well it seems your little friend has been injured. Carson said you not going anywhere near Kate. Kate said oh is that right. Kate grabbed Carson by the neck and said to him if you give me Kate I let you live. Carson grabbed his gun and got the upper hand on Kate. Carson said you mad are you. Kate laughed and said am I Carson. Carson said yes. Kate said Carson I'm afraid I'm going to kill you now. Kate grabbed a crowbar and beat Carson to death. Kate said two down two to go. Kate woke up. Kate said Mum is that you. Kate said shh it's just me Kate. Kate grabbed Kate and put her in the front seat. Kate took Kate to her house. Kate blacked out. Kate put Kate on her bed. Kate woke up. Kate said where am I. Kate with a crazed smile said hello Kate. Kate grabbed her gun and said what do you want Kate. Kate took the gun out of kates hand. Kate said I just want to have a talk. Kate said you want to kill me. Kate said yeah I do but I'm not going to at the moment. Kate said so you are a pyschopath. Kate said yeah I am would you like anything to drink Kate. Kate said do you have pepsi max. Kate said of course I do. Kate said cool. Kate went and got some drinks. Meanwhile

Jack came in and saw the bodies of josh and Carson. Jack said what happened here. Charlie said Kate murdered them. Jack said why. Charlie said Kate wants to kill everyone in her path so she can have Kate all to herself. Jack said I better call backup. A young police officer came in. It was Huey. Huey said I help you since Kate has a back story. Huey jack and Charlie went in their cars to rescue Kate. Meanwhile

Kate said so what happened to you Kate that made you into a serial killer. Kate said I was neglected by my mom. Kate said you were what did she do. Kate said she beat me up and branded me. Kate said so that's why you want to kill me. Kate said yes and now that's there's nobody here to save you I'm going to play a game. Kate said okay. Kate said first question who do you love the most? Kate said I love my family. Kate said interesting second question who do you hate the most. Kate said anyone that try's to hurt me. Kate said good now last question which door is the exit left or right. Kate said left. Kate said wrong answer now I'm going to kill you.

End of chapter 18