

Anarky wakes up in a world were all humans have gone extinct due to a plague. Other creatures mutated and became known as demons while others evolved to a point were they rivaled the extinct humans. Anarky now lives as the last human and he is confused amd suffers from inner demons literally!!

Jerahmeel_Addy · Fantasy
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6 Chs


"Argh !! ,why does my head hurt so much?

where am I, who am I". A pale boy looking very

malnourished sat in a dark and grim alley, pondering and trying to get a grip on reality.

At the verge of madness, he heard a voice

call out to him it said "I can help you".The boy

turned his head around looking in all directions like a mad man .Yet he was still alone. He had stop worrying about where he was or how he got there. All he cared about right now was the voice.

He couldn't help but think of how familiar

the voice sounded yet he couldn't quite get it.

After some minutes,maybe hours,he decided to look around. Personally as the narrator I would say this was a bad idea but who am i to change the story, I think that is the job of the writer clicking on his phone screen right now.

Our friend walked up from his corner in the ally to his surprise he ended up in a forest.

He turned his back to look and the ally was gone. "Gone!,Gone!,Gone!" the forest around him seemed to murmur. He fell to the ground and screamed. The mixture of the murmuring forest and his headache was too much. He fell unconscious afterwards. Right before he closed his eyes. Blah Blah blah he saw someone looking down at him and all he heard was 'what is that' .Narrator:it is time for my break

I wrote this chapter in the narrators viewpoint

I feel it makes it somewhat weird so i shall

in main characters point of view