
Anamihikiru — The Soft Spoken Girl Next Door is Trying to Change Me

That feeling that you've lost something. You had so much but you just let it slip away... Katsumi Murakami is in high school and has been on a downward spiral the last year. Horrible lifestyle choices and a delinquent girl that encourages this has led him to the brink. When one day, a beautiful, soft-spoken girl moves in next door, completely changing his current course in life. How far will she go to help set him straight? Or does it end before she can even really try...

mykaDehr · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

V1 - A Guiding Hand

Vastly different from the night prior, Katsumi was fast asleep on his soft warm bed instead of the cold hardwood floor of his hallway. There was a gap in his curtains and the ever-blinding light of the sun found this opportunity and ceased it. Light streamed through this gap and directly onto Katsumi's face, causing him to slowly awake. He covered his eyes with his hands and rolled over. 

After lying on his bed for a moment longer his brain started de-clouding and, just like yesterday, he reached around in search of his cellphone. Not finding it as easily, he positioned himself so he could peer off the side of his bed. Now with his head poking out over the edge he spotted his cellphone in what seemed like arms reach. Katsumi reached for it but he found that it was actually quite far away.

You've got to be kidding me… After his futile attempt he scooted more and more over the edge of his bed. Finally when he was just about to snatch it up he slid off of the bed and onto the floor with a loud thud. This loud thud was then followed by more, even louder thuds. However, these were very unwelcome thuds coming from the front door. 

Three thunderous pounds came from his front door. This caused Katsumi to jolt upright and become fully awake in an instant. He powered on his smartphone to check the time — the digital display read: 8:07 AM. 

Who in god's name could want something this earl— Arata-san… Katsumi had suddenly thought back to their parting words from yesterday.

'I expect to see you here first thing tomorrow morning, got it?'

'Don't forget.'

That bitch doesn't care about me at all, she just wants me to live in a way she thinks is right… Once again he booked a ticket for this train of thought. "I mean honestly, eight-am? Someone like you should be at school already. When I answer the door she's probably going to say something like, 'Murakami-kun, you look terrible and need to get to school' in the most emotionless way possible."

Another set of thuds rang out from his front door followed by a long pause. Then he heard a female voice say, "Please excuse my intrusion." Katsumi tensed up. He decided the best course of action was to lay back down on his bed and pray that he was just hallucinating because of something he'd taken early.

"Oh, what's that sme—'' As Mayumi was slipping off her shoes by the front door she suddenly gagged after getting one breath of the foul contaminated air that was harbored in Katsumi's apartment. She furiously opened the door and rushed back to the hallway where she leaned over the railing. Her eyes widened and her usual expressionless face was now one of worry and disgust. It was a completely foreign environment for Mayumi, the atmosphere was that of an alien world. Over the past months it had quickly been changed from oxygen to a mixture of various substances that Katsumi and Nara had smoked, rendering it nearly uninhabitable.

Now a little light headed, but mostly recovered from this initial shock, she slowly reentered the apartment. Hesitating in the doorway as if to take some time to adjust to this environment. She flicked on the lights and it revealed the dump that Katsumi called 'home'. As usual there were bottles, dishes, empty containers, along with a wide range of garbage scattered about his place. At this sight she briefly froze-up before taking in a highly regrettable, deep breath as she forged ahead. Tip-toeing her way through the ravaged living room and towards the hallway where the door to Katsumi's room was located. 

Mayumi stood in front of it for a moment while mistakenly taking in yet another deep breath. She coughed a couple times then knocked on the door three times before announcing, "I'm coming in now—" 

There's no way she just waltzed into my apartment… This is just me dreaming... Who exactly does she think she is? 

The door slowly opened up revealing Mayumi standing there clad in her school uniform.

She's not standing there right now, she's not real.

Mayumi's eyes slightly widened when she saw his room. She panned her eye's across the room, scanning everything before her gaze landed upon Katsumi — who was lying face down on the bed pretending Mayumi didn't exist.

"Geez Murakami-kun, you're still in bed at this time?" Mayumi questioned while going to look down at her watch. "And you look like you're half-dead."

"And you just trotted into the apartment of a boy you barely know and went straight into his room… What do you think that makes you look like?".

Mayumi grabbed hold of the light switch with two fingers and started rapidly flipping it off and on. "Do you not remember that we agreed to meet up first thing in the morning?"

"Alright alright! Stop! I'm getting up!" Katsumi sat up and swung his legs off of the bed. He put his hands to his head and looked down at the floor. Even after the unpleasant surprise of Mayumi barging in, he was still quite groggy and wished nothing more than to be able to continue sleeping. However this did not seem like an option, considering that Mayumi had come here specifically to get him out of bed, not back in it.

"Did you really think that you can just barge into someone's apartment like that?"

"Well, you didn't answer the door after I knocked six times so I figured you were purposefully ignoring me or you were still sleeping." 

"So you're telling me you decided the best course of action was to barge into your neighbor's apartment unwelcomed?" 

"..." Mayumi remained silent, staring at Katsumi not offering any sort of comeback. After a moment she began reaching for the light switch again.

"Alright alright, I'm going."

"Maybe take a extra bit of time washing your face. If you went out into public like that you'd have the police called on you because you look like a drug addict."


"Hrngh… Fine." After a groan and a short pause, Katsumi got up and began mentally preparing himself for the day. "Just go… wait in the living room or something."

Mayumi expressionlessly looked off to the side and twirled some of her hair around in her fingers. Then looking back at Katsumi, "Where would I sit? It was hard enough navigating to your room."



"I'm ready, let's go." Katsumi entered the living room to see Mayumi precariously sitting on the edge of the couch trying her best to avoid touching the filth. 

"Murakami-kun… how'd it get this bad? Have you never cleaned once in your life?"

She comes over here and barges in unwelcomed and now, like I expected, she's just here to nag me about my lifestyle. 

"Have you never been happy in your life?"

Hearing this, Mayumi's lips curled upward ever so slightly. And as quick as they did she covered her mouth with her hand to try and prevent a laugh from slipping out. 

Katsumi looked at her with a sense of disbelief that she almost just laughed. However this sensation quickly went away. He made a fist with his hand and grit his teeth.

Bitch. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Let's just go…"

Mayumi got up and followed Katsumi to the front door. "We need to do something about this."

"...Huh? Whadda' mean 'we'?"

Mayumi didn't respond, instead she looked around the room carefully as if she was planning something out. Then her gaze met Katsumi's eyes. "After school lets out today we are going to be cleaning your apartment." Mayumi looked up at Katsumi with a faint look of determination on her face.

"Once again… What do you mean, 'we'?"

Mayumi was putting on her shoes and didn't answer Katsumi's question. She got them both on and exited Katsumi's apartment. Mayumi took a deep, refreshing breath of the clean air, while Katsumi just gave her an irritated look from behind. They started down the corridor and Mayumi finally responded saying, "You've been asking so many obvious questions."

Katsumi took a few quick steps, now walking side by side with her. "You're comeback isn't a response to my question. What do you mean 'we'. You can't just decide stuff like this on your own."

"It's for your own good. Just like getting you up and to school on time."

Katsumi grumbled and turned his focus off of Mayumi; Peering out over the railing to see a blue ocean in the sky. Not a single cloud in sight. A light breeze was blew in from the west, but when he looked in that direction he saw a bank of thick dark on horizon. 

I'm starting to build a collection of Arata-san's umbrellas... Wow. Might even get a third today…

"I can clean myself…" He mumbled to himself 

"Then why does your apartment look like that?"

Really? She heard that? "Uh- well uhm, because I simply choose not to clean it." Katsumi broke eye contact with Mayumi whilst finishing his sentence.

Mayumi looked at Katsumi who was uncomfortably staring at floor of the elevator.

"I think it'll be good for you. A clean living space can lead to a better mindset."

I guess it couldn't hurt to have a clean apartment. If I don't let her do this I have a feeling that she's just gonna keep nagging me about it. But after that, I'm not letting her over ever again. Don't forget, she doesn't actually care about you, she just thinks you're weird.

Mayumi and Katsumi stood in front of their classroom's door, and for just a moment Mayumi hesitated, taking in a deep breath before sliding open the door to their classroom. A girl with brown hair sitting in the front row of desks took her eyes off of her smartphone and brought them over to where the two were standing. 

"Good morning Umi-chan!" 

Ha, 'Umi-chan' that's too funny, I'll bet if I called Arata-san that I'd finally get some sort of reaction from her.

"Yes, good morning Yui-san…" Mayumi seemed to be ever so slightly irritated by this girl's loud exclamation this early morning. 

The girl making such loud statements got up and started walking towards Mayumi.

"Oh, and who's with you—" Mayumi stepped inside the classroom revealing, "Oh, Murakami-kun…" 

Yui gave him a half smile, "M-morning to you too Murakami-kun."

"Mm… Yeah, morning." How is she so loud this early? It's almost as bad as Arata-san barging into my apartment… Well, not really actually.

"Here Umi-chan look, there's something I wanna show you!" Yui grabbed Mayumi by the hand and pulled her over to her seat. Mayumi didn't resist at all and just followed along. 

Katsumi looked on at the two with disinterest before he moved to his seat and set his bag down on his desk. He laid his head on top of it and shut his eyes.

Yui looked at Katsumi and then back at Mayumi, "Hmm? Is that so…?" a faint smile formed on her face.

After a little bit of whispering between the two Yui raised her voice back to a normal tone when asking, "So Umi-chan, are you free after classes today? I was wondering if you wanted to check out that German-style café."

"That'd be nice but I can't, sorry. I have plans with Mura—" Mayumi cut herself off.

"Huh…? Who do you have plans with?"

"...M-Murakami-kun." Mayumi broke eye contact with Yui as the latter's expression light-up.

"Really...?" Her pink lips began to grow into a devilish smile. "Are you—"

"It's nothing really… I'm just helping him get his apartment in order, you know?" 

"...No… I really don't know."

"Well… ahh—" The normally collected Mayumi was now stalling trying to find the words she wanted to use to explain herself. Seeing Mayumi stutter like this, trying to think of what to say made Katsumi think that there was a possibility of something more to this. 

"You see his apartment is nearly, well, uninhabitable? So I decided to help him get it back into a livable state."

Mayumi and Yui just locked eyes for a moment while a faint grin was on Yui's face.

"Ah, I see… Well good luck with that then, some other time we have to go check out this café though."

"Sometime this weekend works for me."

"Works for me too! And don't forget and go make plans with Murakami-kun in place of ours."

"Yes yes, I won't."

With that conclusion to their conversation Hasegawa-sensei stepped into the classroom and the first period began. 

I don't understand why she cares so much, it's my life anyways.

Katsumi's thoughts began to spiral from there into daydreaming and he zoned out.

Before Katsumi had realized, it was lunch break and he once again found himself seated alone at his desk attempting to find some peace and quiet.

"Want to head over to the cafeteria?"

"Yeah, totally. I'll ask Katou-san if she wants to come." Two girls left the classroom while in the midts of some idle chit-chat. Others around the classroom were talking in small groups, eating lunch, and some were by themselves mindlessly fiddling on their cellphones.

"Are you not going to eat anything?" 

Katsumi heard a strange sounding voice but he automatically assumed that it wasn't directed towards him. The next time it called out however, it was undeniable that the question was for him. "Murakami-kun?"

"Hmm?" Katsumi lazily raised his head up from his desk to find out the source of the question. Sitting in the desk in front of him was Brad opening a lunch box.

"Do you not have anything to eat for lunch?"

"Huh… Oh I guess not, I don't normally eat anything."

"Saki-chan has been telling me that you always need to eat three balanced meals a day. And well, what she thinks doesn't line up with my diet I'm on. Yet she keeps insisting and making me take these meals. And you know I can't just say no to that type of kindness. So here, you can have this."

"And you think giving it away is better than just throwing it out?"

"...Yes... How do I say this... It's better that someone enjoys it than no one—I guess."

"You guess..."

"I insist, take it."

"Really, I'm fine." 

"...Alright, have it your way." Brad broke apart his chopsticks and began eating quite fast. He was eating so fast it almost seemed like he was in Katsumi's situation and hadn't eaten much at all in the past few days.

"Speaking of Akito-san, won't she be upset if she sees you talking to me?" And I probably won't be spared from her annoying wrath either.

"Yeah I suppose… But I did ask her about why she said I shouldn't talk to you." Brad said in-between mouthfuls, "She told me about how you used to be back in Junior High. She got all worked up over it and started turning a little red."

Don't talk with your mouth full… 

Katsumi picked up his head a little bit and began listening a little more intently.

"And that got me thinking… She's so cute when she's angry."

"That's all that made you realize? Nothing else?"



Looking over Brad's shoulder Katsumi saw an angry brown haired girl rapidly approaching. 

"Oh wow, speak of the devil." Katsumi put his head back on his hand.

"What did I say? Normally I don't care about who you talk to—"

I seriously doubt that. Katsumi retorted in his head,

"But Murakami-kun is an exception, he's a terrible influence on people."

Katsumi was attempting to defend himself, "What do y—" but like every other time he attempted to do so, he was cut off.

 "Just look at what he did to that country girl that transferred here."

 "Woah woah woah, hold on. Aren't you changing your narrative? Because before you said that she 'ruined' me. 

"What? You really think I'd do that? Right Brad, remember what I told you?"

"Mmm I suppose I do."

Katsumi sat there staring into Saki's brown eyes giving her a dumb-founded look, not knowing if she was being serious or not. 

"Hmph… Anyways, come on, Nakagawa-san is waiting for us in the cafeteria." 

"Oh… alright yeah co—" Before Brad could finish his sentence Saki latched onto his arm and began pulling him away. Brad turned around and mouthed the words, 'I'm sorry'.

God she's awful, what does he— no, what does anybody see in her? conceited bitch... Looking at her and Brad heading out of the classroom she was stopped by, and now laughing with, a group of girls. Brad seemed to be enjoying the conversation too. Katsumi just scoffed and pulled out his smartphone and earbuds, putting one in each ear and turning the volume to near max.

Fourth period came and fifth period went. The whole time Katsumi was barely paying attention. His mind focused on only two things the entire time: Cleaning his apartment and Mayumi. With each passing period his dread grew greater. Katsumi was a firm believer in making your own decisions and living how you wish, without the interference of third-parties.

Now in the sixth period, Katsumi was desperately attempting to devise a plan to make it so Mayumi couldn't come over. This would prove to be quite difficult however; because while she was very willful, Katsumi was the complete opposite. Even with his will-power being significantly diminished over the last half year, he was facing impending doom. So he was determined to figure something out. 

Katsumi tilted his head so that Mayumi was in his vision — and he looked at her for a moment. Without realizing it though he ended up staring at her for three minutes. She was paying such close attention to Hasegawa-sensei's lecture, seemingly internalizing every single word and its meaning. However, being Mayumi, she seemed to sense this piercing gaze. In response she brushed her hair behind her ear and gave a very small wave with two of her fingers while they were behind her ear.

Katsumi jolted out of his trance; rattling his desk. This caused some of the students nearby to turn their attention towards him. Including Hasegawa-sensei.

I just need to start staying home... I always become the center of attention in some negative way... "Uhm, excuse me..." 

"Please try to pay attention, Murakami-san." Hasegawa-sensei pushed up his glasses and responded. He turned back around to the board and continued with his lesson.

Katsumi lowered his head trying to draw attention away from him. After a few moments when he thought it was safe to bring his head back up he returned to his usual position. He thought, and after some more deliberation he landed on what he thought was a solid idea: hunkering down and bearing the oncoming storm. Katsumi realized that with the will power Mayumi possessed there was little to no chance that he could avoid her. His plan was to let her do some light cleaning around the apartment and freshen it up a little bit. Then afterwards going back to his usual routine as if it never happened. 

"Alright that's all for today, have a good day everyone."

Some people instantly turned around and started talking to the person behind them. Others packed their bags and left the classroom at a pace that made them seem like they had somewhere to be. Plans were made, others complained about studying and homework. A few students put their heads down on their desks and tried to gather their thoughts before heading out; This included Katsumi. Mayumi, who is seated next to him, finished putting away her things and stood. She looked down at Katsumi then at herself. She brushed off her blazer then her skirt and quietly walked away. 

"Kami-kun… Murakami-kun!"

"Ah!? Huh?"

"Murakami-kun were you sleeping? 

"I— Mmm… Ye—"

"More importantly, don't you have plans with Umi-chan?"

"Y-yeah… I was just about to lea—" Katsumi, now more awake, looked past Yui and out of the windows and saw everything was painted in a golden yellow. The sun beginning to sink behind the buildings in the distance. 

"I did have plans I guess." But this works out amazingly… Wait, no. She lives right next to me, this changes nothing. "Why are you still here Nakagawa-san? It's like six-o'clock."

"I just got done with my club and was passing by the classroom when I noticed you. Thought I'd help out, heh."

"Ah, well t-thank you. I appreciate it a lot."

"Mm, no problem! I gotta get goin', my friends are waiting for me!" Yui ran towards the door and grabbed onto it to help her make a sharper turn."

"A-alright, thanks again…"

Then from down the hallway came, "And don't fall asleep again!"

Well that's a nice change compared to Nara and… 'is that so?'. I could get behind peppiness like that. Katsumi picked up his bag and stood up a little straighter than he usually did and started making his way out of the school. 

Oh… but I'm still going to have to deal with deadpan-san. "She's probably going to say something like 'Oh… so you didn't get hit by a car. I see'. And she's gonna have the damn stupid expressionless face while saying it."

"Is that so?"

Katsumi recoiled from the surprise. "Oh my god! I think I jumped up in the air at least a meter! Where the hell— Why— You could've just waited at your apartment and came over. Is your only purpose to scare me!?"

"Well, I was waiting by the shoe-lockers for you. And I'm still here because my club just got out." 

Katsumi started walking again, now doing his usual slouching.

"What club? The literature club?"

"Yes, that's right."

Katsumi looked over to his left at Mayumi. "Have you ever tried showing more… emotion?"

"I think I show plenty of it."

"Yes… You're overflowing with it."

After a long elevator ride the two were now walking down the corridor towards their apartments. Katsumi was feeling somewhat anxious about this even though he already accepted that it was going to happen. However, something about this situation still felt off. This girl that he barely knows suddenly takes an interest in him and offers to clean his apartment. The old Katsumi would have most likely been able to decipher some sort of reason as to why she's doing this — but that man was long gone.

I'm not being dense or stupid. She doesn't 'like' me. It's only been a few day's since this semester started. I'm pretty sure this girl is incapable of feeling that emotion anyways.

Standing in front of their respective doors Katsumi quietly sighed. He grabbed the apartment key from his pocket and unlocked his door. He took a step to move inside but stopped as Mayumi started talking. 

"I'm going to get changed into some old clothes and then I'll be over in a bit. I recommend you do the same…" Mayumi slightly leaned so that the interior of Katsumi's apartment was visible to her. Peering into it she added, "It's probably going to get… messy." 

Katsumi gazed into his apartment along with her to see what might have made her tack on that comment. He turned to Mayumi while trying to think of something to come back with — instead of saying anything however, the two locked eyes with Katsumi saying nothing. Mayumi broke her eyes away and swiftly disappeared through her front door. 

About ten minutes later Katsumi heard his front door open followed by a female voice announcing its presence, "Pardon the intrusion."

"This is the second time she's done this now. Who the hell does she think she is? Just barging into my apartment like this." Katsumi grumbled as he got up from the couch to greet her at the front door.

When he turned around to start heading towards the front door she was already in the apartment and looked to have made herself welcome. She had hauled in a somewhat large vacuum-cleaner along with a bucket containing an array of cleaning supplies. To accompany the cleaning supplies, Mayumi's 'cleaning' attire had given her a completely different feel. The contrast from only ever seeing her in a school uniform to the loose white T-shirt and jeans that were cut very short but hem's of each leg had been resewn, seemingly a home-done job. 

It's weird. I only really talk to her at school or places related to school but she's an actual person. With her own style, way of doing things, and rights and wrongs… "You've got to stop doing that, it just isn't right."

"Well last time we were supposed to meet you didn't answer the door. And even though you were awake this time you still might have not answered the door."

"You're probably right about that." Katsumi quietly said to himself.

"What was that?"


Mayumi disapprovingly looked at Katsumi while he attempted to avoid eye contact. She moved her eyes away from Katsumi and onto the apartment. Scanning it over concocting a plan as to how they were going to enter this warzone. 

"Alright, got it—" Mayumi pulled a few plastic bags out from the bucket and handed one to Katsumi. "We'll begin by picking up all of the bottles and containers. Then we can move onto laundry then vacuuming and scrubbing the floors… And we should probably try to make the air breathable."

Huh? What does she mean by that, the air is perfectly fine in here. 

"Let's get to it." Mayumi put her hands and her hips and gave a determined smile. 

Mayumi moved around Katsumi and into the living room, where she headed straight for the windows. "First thing we need to do is get some fresh-air circulating in here."

Yes yes I get it, my apartment apparently smells bad.

Mayumi attempted to unlock the windows but the latches were stuck, for a little bit she pushed at the latch but it didn't budge. Katsumi looked at this scene and sighed, he made his way through the living room to Mayumi.

"Here, let me do it."

"Hmm? You can get it?"

In response Katsumi gave a smirk saying, 'I know I can.' Mayumi stepped out of the way to let him give it a shot. However, despite his best efforts, it led to the same result. This time Mayumi was the one smirking while Katsumi stood there trying to avoid any more embarrassment. 

"F-fine, maybe I can't get it…" 

However Mayumi didn't show any sign of offering help, she stood there and waved towards the latch. "Come on, you said you can do it." 

"I—" Want to die right now… Katsumi turned his attention towards the latch once again and cracked his knuckles. "I can do it, I just wasn't really trying."

"Let's see you try then."

Katsumi gulped, knowing that he would most likely prove to be worthless in yet another way. He put both hands on the latch and took a deep breath; with all his might, which wasn't very much, he pushed at the latch. After a moment of struggling, the latch started to give.

"It was just a little unused I guess you could say, it's starting to come."

The latch finally gave and because of the amount of force he was exerting on it he slightly stumbled backward. This wouldn't have been an issue if he was capable of keeping his apartment clean. However, this wasn't the case. Katsumi stumbled over some garbage and found himself heading straight for the hardwood floor. 

Time seemed to slow for a moment as he and Mayumi locked eyes while mid fall. And for a moment Katsumi thought he saw her breaking out in a full smile. A thud followed by silence. When Katsumi looked up at her it was just her usual expressionless face however.

Mayumi stepped over him.

"Pick up the pace a bit, Murakami-kun. Take all of the dishes to the kitchen and wash them, then do the laundry. I'll… start scrubbing the floor."

Some grumbling followed by a drawn out, "Yes ma'am," came from Katsumi. He retrieved a plastic bag from the supplies Mayumi brought. Within twenty seconds he had at least a dozen bottles in the bag. Katsumi picked one up that was half full and gave it a quick sniff, "Better not let it go to waste." Downing the rest of it in a few quick seconds. 

The sound of Mayumi scrubbing the floor had stopped and Katsumi could feel her staring daggers in the back of his head.

"Oh… it's fine…" I'm pretty sure. "It couldn't have been that old." I hope… 

"…Well, for now on, no more doing… that… with anything. Just empty the bottles and throw out everything else, please." 

"I— sorry…"

Mayumi gave him a disapproving scowl and returned to scrubbing.

All of the wrappers, bottles, and miscellaneous items made their way into garbage bags over the next half-hour. The clothes were next and soon found themselves in the washing machine. With the press of a button the machine began to whir and rattle. The sound somewhat relieved Katsumi, taking a moment to relax he let out a sign and sat down next to it. Out of his pocket he produced a carton of cigarettes and a lighter with his family name engraved on it.

"Ahh this is pointless, why does Arata-san insist on doing this? It's probably going to be messy again in a few days anyways."

"Then make an effort to keep it clean—" Mayumi was opening the door to the washroom holding a basket of laundry when she froze in the doorway, "What do you think you're doing?"


"I take my eye off of you for one moment and you go right back to smoking. Where do you two get so many anyways?" While talking she came up and crouched in front of him, where she plucked the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Nowhere really. Nara and I just go to the convenience store at night and the lady that works the night-shift sells them to me."

Mayumi put a hand on her forehead and closed her eyes. She sounded slightly more agitated than she did during the window fiasco. "Here, you take the laundry basket and I'll be taking the rest of those."


Mayumi emphasized what she said by reaching out her hand and motioning for him to hand them over.

"No way! These are mine! I bought these and— and what are you even doing here? Who do you think you are telling me what to do like this?"

"It's awful! You'll get cancer! Please, just, give them to me."

"Ha, there's no way." Katsumi reached for another one.

"What are you doing?" Mayumi reached forward even further to grab them. However she leaned too far forward.


"What the hell are you doing!?"

Mayumi didn't respond to this and began trying to grab the carton. Katsumi pushed against her trying to get her off and extended his arm so they were well out of her reach.

"Give them! It's for your own good, please!"

"Hell no!"

"Ah~! Come on!"

Katsumi kept desperately jolting his arm around to keep them out of her reach. He looked and acted as if when she got them his life would end.

"No! Get off of me! What's your problem?!"

"Come on! Just—"

"Ah! Get off of me!" He tried pushing her off but during the past year Katsumi had become noticeably more frail, so he was barely able to make her budge, let alone get her off. 

"God, what's wrong with you! You'd think someone like you would be more respectful…! Why are you even here? Ah— Just to make yourself feel better!? Did you look at me and think, 'Now's my chance to save someone'?"

"I'm not trying to—"

"Ahh! Get the hell out! Now! What are you doi—"



"I— I'm trying to help you…" 


Katsumi had quit struggling against Mayumi, now motionless with his arm extended. The two locked eyes. Mayumi reached out and grabbed the carton. 

"Please… let me help you. You're going down such a bad path; I can't just sit and watch someone who had so many prospects throw away their entire life."

Katsumi managed to push Mayumi off of him and he scrambled to his feet. "…You, you don't know anything." He made his way out of the washroom mumbling to himself. 

I have to get through to Murakami. He can't continue living like this… 

"We're almost done, we just have to scrub your bedroom's floor then it's over." Mayumi peeked her head over the back of the sofa and looked down at the collapsed Katsumi. 

"I've done enough… I can't be bothered right now."

"I don't think you've done that much really." 

Katsumi looked at her with a blank expression for a moment before rolling over onto his stomach. 


"I'll do it later, you can just head on home now it's getting pretty late."

Mayumi walked around the sofa and stood in front of Katsumi, motioning for him to get up with one hand and the other on her hip. "Will you really? And you should never do half a job."

Mayumi reached over Katsumi and grabbed his side. she rolled him off of the couch onto the, now spotless, hardwood floor. 

Katsumi remained dormant as Mayumi continued to urge him to get a move on. 

Oh god is this annoying, at least she'll be gone once I finish this. Plus Nara is probably coming over with stuff later so I guess today won't be all that bad… She'll get a kick out of this too. 


"Yeah I'll finish it up… It's getting kinda late now so you should head out, I got it from here." Katsumi got up and brushed himself off.


"And uhm, thanks, for helping me today. I guess my apartment looks— much nicer now."

"...No problem. Living next to this mess would've given me some anxiety so I guess you could say this helped me too." When Mayumi said this she seemed to have a hint of happiness in her tone compared to her usual traitless speaking. Even punctuating her sentence with a small smile. 

"Y-yeah…" Katsumi attempted to respond with similar energy but only managed a forced smile. 

He made his way over to the cart full of cleaning supplies and picked up a bucket filled with water along with a rag and soap. Something isn't right here. He began heading towards the last unclean room and watched Mayumi out of the corner of his eyes as he did so. Armed with the proper equipment to deal with the mess he was stopped in his tracks by the last thing he wanted to hear. 

"I was thinking I could make us something for dinner tonight. Does that sound alright?"

No. "Ah it's okay, you've already done more than enough for me, I'll be fine tonight." I'll be even better if you go away.

"Looking at the empty containers and wrappers I've thrown away I don't think you've eaten a proper meal in months.


"Am I wrong?"

"No… But—"

"Alright then, it will be good for you. Having a healthy diet will make you happier and help you live longer." After Mayumi said this she moved into the kitchen. "I'll be using your ingredients of course— well I suppose if you don't have something I could use mine." She put a finger to her chin and drifted her gaze across the kitchen, figuring it out and seeing what she had to work with. 

Ha, ingredients? I don't think there has been any fresh produce or cooking ingredients in this apartment for months… Hopefully that discourages her from actually going through with this. 

"Arata-san, I think I don't have anything. It's probably not worth the trouble."

"Hmm… yeah I kind of gathered that. You barely have any utensils and you don't even have an apron. I guess you really never had a good meal in the last few months." 

What? You didn't believe it when you said it yourself?

Mayumi shuffled around the kitchen, looking in drawers and cupboards. She didn't look to be judging the state of Katsumi's kitchen but doing something else instead. 

"Alright. Murakami-kun, go clean the floor in your room and I'll head over to my apartment—"

"And stay there?"

"Huh? No, and see what ingredients I have along with getting my apron."

Sadly what I expected.

Katsumi reached down and picked up the bucket again and headed towards his room. Mayumi closed the cabinet she was looking in and went to the entryway. She looked over the apartment again and let out a sigh. 

After picking up the remaining miscellaneous items strewn about, Katsumi got down and dirty. His floor was covered in a fine layer of what was an unknown filth. It seemed to be a combination of many different foods, dirt, and dust. 

God, after seeing what my floor actually looks like when cleaned, this is horrible. Y'know, maybe she had a point about this cleaning.

In fifteen minutes he revealed around two-thirds of the actual floor. Katsumi took a moment to check his progress when there was a knock at the front door. 

"Huh? Oh it's probably Arata-san." I'll just finish up the cleaning then I'll have a home cooked dinner. Not how I planned to spend my evening but not the absolute worst. Katusmi contemplated these things as he stood and walked to the front door. 

Instead of being greeted by short black hair, Katsumi was facing a head of long unkept brown hair. 

"Heya Katsumi!" With a big smile Nara greeted. In her arms was a cardboard box, the flaps of which were opened slightly, not enough to see the contents of it however. Along with this there was a black strap going over each of her shoulders, these held the backpack she was wearing, which looked to be full. 

"Shit, sorry Nara, it seems like the plans kinda changed." 

"Huh? What'd ya mean?"

"Uhh, well… I'll explain later, but basically I have dinner plans, I guess." 

"You guess? It's either you do or ya' don't."

"...Yeah, I do."

"Oh? What's this…? With whom may I ask?" 


"Oh, your parents are in town? Ya' know, you should really introduce me to them, it's about time." 

"Huh!? No no they aren't in town. And even if we did have that kind of relationship there's no way I would."

"Aww you're too mean… but seriously, who?" 

Hearing this question made Katsumi break eye contact and turn his head away slightly. There was a silence between them and Nara raised an eyebrow. 

 Hey, is it a girl?" Nara pressed her shoulder up against Katsumi and gave him an ear to ear grin. Katsumi backed up a bit and Nara got closer again, bringing her face up next to Katsumi's ear. "...Just kidding…"       


"There's no way you could get a date… right?" 


"Haha! Oh my god no way! You go to school for what, two days? And you meet someone!" Nara hugged the cardboard box tightly to her chest. "So— who is it?" There's no way she's actually acting this… 'girly'. She's just gonna give me shit for this. "Ah, you probably remember her, she—"


"Ahh! No way!" 

Standing at the front door of the apartment next to Katsumi's was a girl wearing a white crop-top with a blue zip-up sweatshirt not zipped up all the way over it. To contrast these lighter colors of them she had a pair of black leggings on. 

"No no no, it's not like that. She's just been… helping me."

"What are you two talking about?" Mayumi interjected. "And Murakami-kun, have you finished scrubbing the floor?"

Nara then interrupted with her own comment on Mayumi's question, "Finish scrubbing the floor? Oh my, Arata-san what have you two been getting up to?" To try and sell her 'surprise' Nara covered her mouth with her hand. 

"T-Takagi-san, what are you talking about? We'd never do something like that." That's just absurd…" 

Now she's… flustered? What the hell…

Finding the faintest hint of red in Mayumi's cheeks Nara began to get even more excited.        

"Well, makes sense. Knowin' Katsumi' here he's probably gonna die alone and a virgin. I mean really, the guys harmless." Nara started using one arm to hold the box and put the other around Katsumi's shoulder and shook him slightly.

"H-hey now—"

"C'mon, don't get butt-hurt over the truth ahaha."

"Haha, yeah yeah whatever." But come to think of it, I've never even seen you able to talk to a guy other than me… So you shouldn't be talkin'. 

"Enough of this. Murakami-kun, we already have prior plans. Finish up so we can go to the grocery store." Takagi-san, is there anything you need?"

"Hmm, some cup-noodles maybe? I'm kinda low on money right now so it's a big help."

Mayumi looked at her with her mouth slightly open. She then closed her mouth and eyes and started tapping on her left temple with her index-finger. 

"No nothin' really, just… dropping some stuff off." She pushed the box into Katsumi's arms with a smile. 

Katsumi gave Nara a look that said, 'No no no, not now.' and pushed the box back into Nara's arms. He leaned closer to Nara's ear and whispered: "Just swing by around ten or whenever I message you on LINE."


Mayumi had her arms crossed and any hint that she was once flustered had disappeared. "What's in that box?" 


"I'll catch y'all later!" Nara made a brisk getaway down the hallway, "Have fun on your date!" The elevator door slid shut and Nara was now gone, leaving her comment hovering in the air. 

"That's…" not what it is. After Katsumi made half of his comment a silence settled between them. Leaving them both to stare at the closed elevator doors. 

Mayumi's calm words cut through this silence when she said, "That was interesting. Come on Murakami-kun, let's go."

The sun had long set behind the walls of buildings. The sky was dark, starless because of the light-pollution. A few cars passed the pair as they walked. Their way lit up by streetlights and those coming from businesses. The two strolled down the street in the direction of the nearby grocery-store. Katsumi walked two paces behind Mayumi with a noticeable slouch. His white T-shirt was long enough as to where when he put his hands in his gym-short's pockets the shirt came along with them.

Why does she walk like that? It's unbelievably stupid… He took his hands out of his pockets and put them behind his back. He placed his right hand on top of his left and curled his fingers slightly like he was holding the strap of a handbag. Oh my god this is stupid… How does her hair move so much when she walks!? Does she purposely bounce when she walks…? Look at me! Up-and-down! Up-and-down! Up-and-down! 'Murakami-kun you're a shithead. Murakami-kun, is that so—' As Katsumi was on his fifth down they passed in front of a large window and he noticed that Mayumi's reflection was looking at the window too. Her eyes had been tracking him as he went up and down. He stopped in his tracks and Mayumi returned to looking straight ahead. Katsumi stood in place for a couple seconds, expressionless. Staring at Mayumi. He shoved his hands back in his pockets and went to catch up with her.

Katsumi found his eyes drifting towards Mayumi as they often seemed to. Before he knew it he was full on staring at her. After a moment he quickly realized this and pulled his attention straight ahead.

"You know, it wouldn't hurt to put a little more effort into your appearance."

What? Can she read minds or something? "I'm always at home so it doesn't really matter."

"Well that's on you…"


"It really does help. getting out and meeting people that is."

"Meet new people…?" What person is gonna want to meet me?

"It helps."

"We've established that… But how?"

"Well… for starters at school—"

"No no. How does it help?"

"It gives you more perspective."


"Those people can help bring you up and make better choices. So you don't turn out like… Murakami-kun…" After a moment Mayumi added on, "But you need to meet the right people." 

With that the pair entered the grocery-store and efficiently made their way around picking up all the ingredients Mayumi needed mostly in silence. Finishing shopping and returning home in around half an hour. 


"It's your apartment you can come in, you know." Mayumi opened the door and took her shoes off.

"…Uh yeah— it's just, it feels like an entirely new place." With a drawn out breath he entered his home and took off his shoes. 

Mayumi entered the kitchen and set down the groceries on the island. "I'll start preparing dinner, could you set the table?"

"Are you sure that's all you want me to do? I could help with more."

"Ah sorry it's just uh—"

"I'll get in the way?"

"Yes, thank you for understanding."

After setting the table Katsumi went and fell onto the sofa. Calmed by the distant sounds of clattering dishes accompanied by the sizzling of food cooking on the stove-top, Katsumi shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Kami-kun. Murakami-kun."

"Hm? W-why are you her…?"


"No, wait. Why are you here?"

After thinking for a second she responded with, "I made a Mongolian dish."

And she changed the topic…

You know, even with how annoying she is, I gotta give it to her, she's a really good cook… but I really don't want to tell her, I think her ego is big enough already.

"…Arata-san, your—"

"You're welcome."


Mayumi quickly looked up from her plate. "Hm?"

"Mm? Ah," Katsumi looked down and his chopsticks were snapped in half. However he ignored this and smiled, "sorry sorry yes, thank you, the food is amazing." 

"Don't worry, I'm glad I could help you today. Your apartment looks so much nicer."


"Why are you trying to help me?"


"Why? Well… someone I know is struggling and in need of help."

"Someone you know? Ha, what? We went to the same Junior High so that means you 'know me'?"

"We're neighbors. It's the right thing to do."

"Where's this sense of justice coming from? No one would normally do this. Did the girls at school ask you to do this to mess with me?"

"Murakami-kun, it's not like that, I do actually want to help—"

"Well you're not. All you've been doing is pushing me around and giving me shit for the way I live."


"It's not right." Mayumi whispered. However when response came from Katsumi the awkward atmosphere quickly settled in. 

"What do you mean 'it's not right?'... What you're doing isn't right. I mean I didn't even know your name until earlier this week.

"From cleaning your apartment I've seen how you live. Murakami-kun you're going to die so young at this rate."

"W-what? What are you saying? That's the most bullshit I think I've ever heard!"

"I'm not lying—"

"You're wrong… You aren't doing out of the kindness of your heart or for some 'noble' reason. That's such shit… I think you're trying to make up for something. You never show any emotion but yet you want to push all your stress onto me.


"What is this?" 


"I've said it before, but why won't you listen? I'm trying to help you."


"There's no point."

"Oi Katsumi, didn't you spend the night with that neighbor-girl a few days ago? I've been meanin' to ask ya."

"You mean Arata-san?"

"Oh yeah yeah, Arata-san. But that's a shame, she's really cute and it's about time you get a girlfriend."

Katsumi was lying on the couch fiddling with his cellphone. He rolled over to face Nara but was met with the hardwood floor. "Ow ow… dammit." 

"Hahaha, oh my god you're stupid." Nara pretended to wipe a tear from her eye. 

"Shut up… but, she isn't really, well… my type you could say." 

"Oh?" With her usual grin she asked, "and why's that?"

"...I don't like the nice girl type I guess."

"...Hmm? So you like the 'bad girl' type then?" Nara put one hand on her chest and the other out as if she was performing one of Shakespeare's plays, "I'm deeply and truly sorry Murakami-kun, but I cannot requite your love and must reject your confession. You're just too pathetic."

 "As if… and you? The bad girl type?"

"Haha, well it's getting late, I think I'm gonna get goin'. You can keep the rest of the bottle, for your troubles kid." Nara tipped an imaginary hat as she made her way towards the front door. 

"Hey, weren't you gonna drop off that box? I really need it."

"You're itchin' that bad right now?"

"Hey, will you bring it or not?"

"forgot', sorry. I'll grab it quickly and run it back. Just make sure to answer your door. I don't wanna leave it in the hallway."

"Yeah yeah, Thanks."

"Nara finally left? Jeez, they get so loud. And does Murakami-kun even study? Let alone do anything school related?" Mayumi had been sitting in her living room with a hand on her forehead for the past ten minutes trying to bear the noise. With a sigh she stood up, finally I can get some sleep, don't these people know there's school tomorrow. 

Mayumi was lying on her bed checking messages on her smartphone ready to go to sleep when she was disturbed by a series of loud pounds followed by a girl yelling, 'Katsumi!'

"Katsumi! You dumbass don't tell me you passed out already!"

"Those two…" Mayumi went to her front door ready to give Nara a piece of her mind when she heard: 'Katsumi! Get out here! I told you I'd be dropping off some stuff. I really don't wanna leave it out here… Dammit, I'll just leave the box outside your door, you better get it soon.'

The box? Is it that box she tried giving him a few days ago…? Don't tell me…

Mayumi opened the front door and stood in her doorway with crossed arms. "What are you doing?"

"Oh Ara-san. Didn't think you were still awake."

"I couldn't sleep with all the noise you too we're making."

"Oh my, we weren't making that much noise… Please, don't think such indecent things." Nara put her hand to her cheek and tilted her head. She tried to look embarrassed but couldn't help herself from smiling ear to ear.

Mayumi shut her eyes for a second then asked, "Why are you here so late?" 

"Just uh, forgot somethin' had to come back an' grab it."

"Then what's the cardboard-box for?"

"Mmm… schoolwork?"

"Schoolwork is that so? Even though you haven't gone once this semester."

"Yup! And just remember it's a crime to open someone else's mail."

"I'm afraid what's in that box is a crime."

"Please please, no such thing. And it's really none of your concern anyway." Nara began slowly moving towards Mayumi, "Really, stop poking your nose in the business of people you don't know."

"Wha? Huh—" Even with their minor height difference Nara still seemed to loom over Mayumi.

"Y'know I got the feelin' from Katsumi that he thinks you're a pain. I mean honestly, he said some shit about not liking 'nice girls' but that's just garbage. He wants you to stop bothering him. Katsumi is fine as is, he doesn't need some 'hero' savin' em'. He's got me and that's more than enough."


"Hm, good chattin' with ya. Think it's about time you go back inside and get some sleep. You have school tomorrow, right?"

"Y-yeah." Nara stared into Mayumi's eyes for another moment before beginning down the hallway, eventually disappearing behind the elevator doors.

Mayumi heeded what Nara said and stepped inside her apartment. She put her back up against her front door and bit her fingernail.

"What kind of person is Murakami-kun?" Mayumi slipped on her shoes and opened her door, looking both ways down the hallway before going out. 

I feel like I have to know what's in that box… it's for… his sake, right? Mayumi crouched in front of the box. it couldn't be anything that bad. He was an honor student for years… that's gotta mean something.

"What is this?" Mayumi had lifted the left flap which revealed a very small glass tube connected to a much larger one. Holding it in one hand while she opened the other flap. She pulled out a black case with two silver latches on it, the latches weren't locked however and curiosity overcame Mayumi. 

A shattering sound rang-out. Mayumi fell back and pushed herself up against the wall of the hallway. 

"O-oh my god… there's no way." Covering her mouth and gasping. I'm… I'm reporting this to the police. Oh my god, there's no way. 

The door flew open and a disheveled Katsumi stood in the doorway. Looking both ways down the hallway before his eyes fell on Mayumi. 


"Murakami-kun, I… I'm reporting this to the police."

"Oh no, you–- you're misunderstanding this." Katsumi started approaching Mayumi,rapidly gesturing with his hands. Both of his eyes were wide open and blood-shot. 

"What about this am I misunderstanding!?"

"T-there not mine, okay? Okay? They're probably Junichiro-san's." Katsumi kneeled in front of her and tried putting a hand on her shoulder but Mayumi pushed his hand away.

"No, I don't understand, that means nothing to me! Why is there a black case with guns in it at your front door!? It's beyond absurd!"

"N-Nara probably just grabbed the wrong box, alright? It's all a misunderstanding. It was supposed to be a different box, alright?"

"What kind of shit are you making up? Why does Tagaki-san have this in the first place!?"

"Mmh, hah, l-like I said, it's her older brother's, Junichiro-san…" 

"Why– why does… oh my god, what the hell was in the other box then?"

"Heh, uhm–"

"No, I'm done, I-I'm going, I'm reporting this." Mayumi stood and brushed off her pants, straightening her posture before walking towards her front door. 

"Wait wait wait, you can't! I-I'll spend the rest of my youth in prison!" 

"I don't know! It looks like you are selling guns! I don't like this… This is beyond anything I could've expected!" 

God I don't want to get involved with her… Once she goes through that door though, it's over for me... Dammit, based on how she's been there's probably only one way to get her to– 

As Mayumi was walking through her doorway a cold hand met hers. She quickly spun around still grasping that hand. 

"Y-you can help me…"


"Yes, I mean look at me… I need your help."

"W-w-what are you even saying right now!?" Mayumi raised her voice but her usual tone still remained as did her hand in Katsumi's. 

"You can guide me. You gotta believe me, this is all a misunderstanding. But, I've realized how much what you did for me meant."

"D-did you really?" 


"I just, I just don't know…" The warmth that held Katsumi's hand disappeared, leaving it coldly lingering in place. That coldness soon consumed the atmosphere.


"Please, I want to change… and you, you can bring me to that change."

"..." Katsumi looked down at his hand and closed it. Damnit… damnit! I just need her to buy this. She's so perceptive I don't think I'll be able to bullshit my way out of this. There's no way… I can't spend the rest of my youth locked away somewhere!

"Murakami-kun… I really don't know you at all, and I have no idea what your situation is. You're right, and I'm sorry. It's probably beyond strange that some girl just barged into your life and started telling you what to do, I realize that. But I actually do care about you and… and well I'm willing to try and help you work through this." A radiance filled the dark hallway, Katsumi's hand was met by two that were soft and felt like they were full of compassion. He looked up to be met by a wry smile. "I'll try to help you bring that change you're looking for. 

I'm saved! Katsumi couldn't help but smile in return.

"I'll return these to Junichiro-san tomorrow, I just don't wanna deal with them, is that alright?"

"Yes… I suppose, it's probably better to not get involved in that."

Katsumi put the case back in the box and picked it up, "I'll keep it in my apartment tonight."

"Alright… Goodnight Murakami-kun."

"Goodnight." Katsumi entered his apartment, pressing his back against the door, and with a sigh he slid down it. "I just had to get involved with her." He quietly laughed. "Damnit…"