
The First Morning

Mason woke up in another environment he thought to himself about how each time he closes his eyes he seems to be waking up in another unknown environment,he chuckled to himself realising how much he missed many things in his old world in his later years, What this world now offered him, family, Affection and human interaction what his old life lacked and he was happy with this .

As Mason scanned the environment he noticed a window through the Cot he lay in on top of a wall.

Mason was too small to look at the window, He was far too small to get to see over this and felt a tingling premonition behind him. Suddenly his body raised up to the window making Mason shudder with fear but realised this was an unnecessary concern after hearing his father's comforting voice

Grant laughing said playfully "Scared you didn't i"

What confused Mason was his farther's sneaking skills, they were abnormal at the least.

Grant lifted Mason to look out the window noticing his interest, Mason looked at his new Home a town which was mostly made out of wooden structures and as you looked inwards stone buildings and more extravagant buildings shot up and in the middle a large building which was probably the lord of this town he could tell that districts seems to be made circular and as you move inwards you reach areas where citizens with higher standing lived ,As Mason diverted his gaze he saw stone walls which walled of the city which probably meant there was not gunpowder in this world as walls became irrelevant at the invention of the cannon, this meant the current advancement would still be in the dawn of the sword and chivalry combat but he thought to himself about how destructive phenomenon can be on Earth, If a person in this world could harness this they, in essence, would be a living superweapon and this made him shudder.

Mason still yet to get rid of his untalkative state and a distinct delay was between his words

"Farther, the priest, able to do that thing, ca ca can i do it "

Grant heard the enthusiasm in the voice but became solemn and in expression

"Though your young you seen to of uncannily benefited from that lightning bolt, That priest that we visited is what would be called a Magic Caster or a mage basically they cast magic and....." Grant paused as not wanting to say "To be a mage you need to either be a noble or get the mage organ "sighing with heavy breathes

Mason read the mood at least and could tell his farther didn't want to say the last part,One thing Mason noted was that phenomenon was referred in this world as magic and that nobles are mages by birth or if you are a mage you are equivalent to a noble meaning mages where the highest in the food chain in the societal structure and this made Mason sadden by what his dad said and realised why he paused so much to say it, Basically he will never be a mage .

Grant noticed the solemn expression "Don't be bogged down son you have a chance to grow, hey ,at least you can become strong ,Look at me " Grant flexed his muscles comically to lighten the mood "and anyway son your my child, I will teach what I can and at least you could try to use body enhancement magic, t hough sadly that's not a special trait "

Grant was confused as himself as when he talked to his son it felt like talking to an adult but he dismissed this weird sense from his mind and just put Masons question up to a child's curiosity.

Grant picked Mason up and traversed into the living room which was very small like Mason's old apartment, He placed Mason on the chair next to a wooden table, Uncanny that his wooden decrepit chair held similarity to the one he used in his previous residence when he was on earth.

Hard loaf bread and a stew from what he could tell with a rabbit in it was in the middle of this table, Mason's stomachs rumbled realising he did not eat for a day .

Elizabeth his mother chimed in "Looks like father and son are having fun, i bet you are hungry my little one "Elizabeth walked from a kitchen area and pinched Mason's cheek and stretched it then she learned to kiss Grant then after that lowering herself to kiss Mason on his forehead.

"Now then my love once we eat why don't i read some stories to Mason while you go out "

Realising Elizabeth concern for Mason due to recent events Grant nodded and tucked in, Elizabeth was scared for Mason and the tone of voice you could tell even if you're not normally talked to like Mason, But even he could tell, She clearly didn't want he child to go through any more tribulations.

Grant started to tuck in while Elizabeth carefully cut up the bread and dipped it in the stew and blew on it to cool it down then gave it to Mason to eat, Mason could tell he was hungry but he also was very hungry for information as his calling as analyser forged him to do want as much as food, as he wanted to know the history of this world even if it's from an over exaggerated children's story.

Time passed by while and Grant finished his portions, Mason was happy in that his family could eat decently and probably better than subsiding on instant foods which Mason did in his previous life, He thought probably due in fact his father is a probable hunter an as even as a child he could detect a adult behind him so he at least had stealth capabilities and from what he know .

Grant got up and went away with a kiss of his wife and a kiss to his son then waved away, Seems that Mason was right.His father went out with a bow, skinning knife and a sword.

Mason asked "what does, does daddy need those for "

Elizabeth playfully said "Well to hunt down beasties in the night with go into your bed at night if you don't eat your food"

Mason faked a slight fidget and nervousness which made Elizabeth chuckle

"Now then my son why don't I get some books, want to hear about the knight in shining armour "

Mason nodded with zeal and Elizabeth jumped to get the book,Mason realised it seems somehow books where mass produced as a commoner family probably would not earn enough to buy them in the medieval times if this what he saw front the current technology if you can call it that was the current stage the civilisation was at, but he realised if a magical baptism gives him the ability to speech in the language and seemingly read this world which gets around the problem from medieval times where commoners could not read ,so henceforth from this assumption books would be in more demand and probably some "mage" though up a way to mass produce .

As his mother came back he came back from the shelf with a dusty book, As Mason looked at the title it had an undecipherable text but it seems to like the words melded as if living under his sight and turn into the words which he could read which he just put up to the Baptism magic cast on him and that his mind subconsciously can decipher the language to what he could understand as to does with speech and somehow makes his speech in the same way,He pondered for a second how would he be able to use this baptism, if he learnt a new language does it allow the same subconscious effect or does he need to be baptised by a priests in a place with a different language confer the same benefit and if it does how does he tell what language is he actually speeching, as if the assumption if this world is approximately the same size of earth is correct there would be vast cultures and languages, this made him excited to have a new world to understand and learn about.

The title of the book read the "Tales of the Silver Knight"

Elizabeth chimed "this is a old book which Grant read when he was a child so i had to look a little more into it "

Elizabeth began to read this story but he realised something very important when listening to this story, after it was done he was placed in his dainty cot and was left to nap as the book was fully read through even though Elizabeth asked if he wanted a break but Mason refused and eventually not taking a break with his body catch up to him or it should anyway even if it didn't .

He thought to himself that the story at least did for him.

'It seems one of my hypothesises was correct out of the two'

"This is not earth"