

Both of them shot off with the same vigour they started the same route with , though Mason could not touch his dads speed now for Grant was not holding so much back, the gap was now clear and Mason knew how foolish someone of his age could not age could reach up to someone of that age.

They quickly reached the gate making great time, they still had some light left.

The Old Guard playfully said "The Hero has returned valiantly vanquishing the jet black slaughterer, the ravager of fields,you sir have saved the potatoes ."

Grant gave a death stare to the old guard sighing as if dealing with this sarcasm and tired of it

"Shut it, get back to your job"

The old guard chuckled "Okay Boss"

Masons started to laugh at the exchange but his dad looked at him with eyes which could pierce the soul

Grant said "Let's get you to meet another one of my old friends "

The old guard quipped"Do you mean drinking buddies"

Grant said now clear annoyance in his tone "Oh come on shut it , Lets get to the market Mason "

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They reached the market as the sun was now at its final stage of setting, it was different from earlier, it was bustling with activity with vendors trying to pawn away trinkets, odds and ends from shops displaying there work.

People walking around bearing goods harvested from hunting and people who wore back sheathes which kept there blades stable wearing armor from leather to plate,Probably the types to do expeditions out for those so-called magical beasts as mentioned in the books he has been reading about, Those back sheathes seem to signify them being the adventuring types due to the practicality and those who wore it on the side it seemed to be more ceremoniously .

Mason was trailing off on his thoughts then Grant nudged Mason and pointed.

Grant looked at a building showing of meat and hide through rebar windows, Grant strode towards it as if jogging to meet a old friend.

A bellowing voice entered their ears when they went in " Old buddy where the hell have you been, i was expecting some elk and i got nothing from you"

Grant greeted these hostilities with kind "Old buddy where were you when you left me in the bar"

The burly man was clearly seen by Mason now, He was built up and tall, very tall hulking man.

That bellowing voice resounded throughout the shop again "Now let's see your hunt for today "

Grant layed the carcass on the table and stepped back, the burly man approached it with care.

wearing a perplexed expression the man said with a confused tone "Are you getting rusty with your work, never seen you do such a shoddy stab to the back of a boar ruining its hide in the process, tsk,tsk ,tsk"

Mason was slightly embarrassed by such comment on his work even though he knew it.

Grant said in response" That was hunted by my son, was showing him the ropes"

Bellowing "What the one you've been yapping on about, well good on the lad taking down a boar, well he knows how to bleed an animal properly but I wouldn't believe anyone else if they said their son did that but your son, well that may be a different story hahahaahah" bellowed the man

Mason mussed how his farther keeps company of an odd bunch but admittedly funny in their mannerisms.

The burly man grabbed a bag which rattled with coin and passed a handful over to Grant

Grant nodded then left

Mason childishly waved goodbye

The burly man eyes shone in confusion he was stumped, he didn't notice the little lad before.

The light was now going and they set off for the commoner's district, home.


They opened the door of the house and ....

"Ohh my god your back thank god" Elizabeth came rushing to the duo's side

Mason was greeted by a soft embrace by his mother bosom, he just let it happened without trying to struggle, he knew it was futile.

Elizabeth swang him around in worry

Grant said "Where's mine "

Elizabeth looked straight through Grant, it looked like a painful look from Mason perspective.

Mason then was picked up then plopped into bed.

He was exhausted and now he felt is properly like the tole the day took on his body is now coming to be paid.

Mason reached towards the ceiling as if trying to grab something

He mused to himself throughout his slumber and fell asleep

Grant & Elizabeth peeked into his room and smiled at there sleeping sons face.

Their faces were plastered with pride