

As he spent months trying to increase his understanding of this new world he wondered what essence was.

When he was on the table, As he grew he moulted the old anti-social shell and became more comfortable speeching with his parents, he asked in an innocent tone

"Mama, Papa what is essence I've read about"

Elizabeth shrugged as he knew not much about it

Grant as a hunter on the other hand naturally knew about it

"Son i know your smart, surprisingly so and you're a bookworm where the kids your age are twiddling their thumbs and learning how to properly open and door and you can clearly do that and far more but i think its better is show you, once i come back from the hunt i will show you "

Mason nodded in response to his father, He knew how to walk properly up straight as he becomes accustomed to this body, He wanted to reach the age of 4 as he knew this body still was too weak to train and it may too detrimental to train at 3 anyway as it could damage his natural growth so he perused more knowledge and ability to understand this world

After this they all went to eat and the normal routine of his father leaving with a kiss on each of the farther's loved one's cheek.

As Mason was going through the concepts gleamed through the books he wanted to obtain more knowledge and he hungered for it like a starving beast as he didn't want to be just someone who just there to exist in the world he wanted to do something significant and memorable as he knew ,it was hard for him to comprehend but he probably was forgotten by now like a mound of sand flattened by the unforgiving winds just due to circumstance.

After his cleaned the area she sat down with Mason on the seat next to him and said

"Now my little son what do you want to be when your older "

Mason knew he might as well say even if it was a pipeline dream

"A mage mother"

Masons face grew solemn after saying this knowing full well fate did not favour him in this endeavour and his mother knew this, Both grew silent after this awkward moment which carried on like the bell tolled on them and they were awaiting something.

Elizabeth stood up in a hurry not wanting to have her son bummed out as she knew how smart her son was and knew he would be able do more than her and her husband ,She thought to herself maybe he would of been able to do so much if only he was born in a noble house,that word ,

if only

if only

rang in her conciseness like a gong hit with the realisation

Mason realised his mother distress he looked at her smiling and replied as innocently and cutely as he could.

"Why don't you read me the story about the silver knight again"

Elizabeth awakened from her state smiled back joyfully at her son then retrieved the book

"Long ago.....

The door cracked open at noon and the distinct sound of an animal struggling as if trapped was heard, As both of them turned they saw Grant holding a bunny, White and red-eyed, One thing which he was happy about is what similarities earth shared with this world ,Certain Wildlife, Laws of physics even to the extent gravity, he tested by dropping a spoon purposefully multiple times to test its speed but due to he did not have precise measurements he guessed it was the same as earth which meant it had the same density but not size as this world could be denser, he was no living calculator so he could not determine it .

Elizabeth jumped up to grab a bowl stained red and knew what was about to happen but wryly smiled and said

"You sure about this love"

Grant confidently said "Yes, Son come here"

With the sudden movements of his parents, Mason scuttled towards them and was picked up by his mother by the waist and placed next to the bowl with the bunny's head down inside it.

Grant pushed the rabbits head down further and produced a small skinning knife

"Son, i was going to do this one day when you are older , might do it now that you requested, As you read those books you probably know where essence comes from at least"

Mason was mentally prepared for this due to he knew requesting to know essence you could not spare the grim details and he would not shy away from it , His mother forced down the rabbits while Grants passed the knife to his son

as he cusped Mason hand with his own, calluses could be felt, he guided Mason like an architect of death to the rabbits neck, No words exchanged between the three, Grant urged Mason to cut and pushed his hand forward and as he did the ruby vitae gushed out cascading as every drop entered the bowl life slowly escaped from the rabbit and slowly this rabbits objection slowly and steadily died down as it fell limb.

Once the rabbit last breath touched Masons hands he sensed a energy unknown to him fluctuate through his body, as he sensed it nourishing him and his cells not making him appear different he felt a completely different sensation, He understood why his father taught him this way; as no words could fully describe what transpired in those moments and all he did was smile a grin, not like his old grimace but one of happiness. it seemed like his quirk of always creeping people out followed in this moment as he had his right clenched covered with the red vitae of the rabbit and his left hand clean looking like a child serial killer in a horror movie

Grant grinned like an accomplice in crime

"By that smile you probably know why i taught you this way,dont you?"