
Anabel! An accidental reincarnation!

Hey! I'm Anabel! A lucky reincarnation that was sent to another world thanks to a stupid goddess getting my files mixed up! If you think that this story is all about me becoming OP and beating the crap out of everything, then you have the wrong book for about a couple of years! I'm just an ordinary adventurer who struggles to pay the rent on time and has basically no magical powers to speak of, unlike the other stupid reincarnations sent by the Goddess! How very unfair! Join me and my friends in a crazy, exciting story as we try to defeat the Goddess System as well as fight off enemies far stronger than myself! I never have it easy do I? The Gods are always messing with me and It's bothersome! Leave me alone already! I have changed! I'm not a bad person! Stop trying to make me one! Anabel! An accidental reincarnation is not responsible if you become addicted to this story. All rights reserved.

Misa_Nakamura · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

The monster dealer

So, hey there, you made it to volume two with me, uh? Congrats! Although I would love to celebrate with you a little longer, I have no time to waste. I'm still in trouble and under incredibly shady circumstances.

Remember the girl with the enormous milkers from the last episode? Yeah? Well, it turns out her name is Eclaire, and she is a ninja type of warrior or something. She resembles Mom's shadows more than an adventurer; maybe she was once a shadow herself, but I have no way of telling.

Aw, how big and vast her breasts were, such a spectacular sight to behold, {sight} Fine, I'll tone down my horny level a little bit. I just can't help myself at the moment; she's really got a huge bust, even bigger than Mother's.

I will be sure to touch her breasts once I get a chance. I'm a girl, after all. Touching her breasts should be pretty easy~ I never would've imagined I would be glad to have been reincarnated into a female body before until now!

"What the hell are you doing, kid! Stay close to me, or the invisibility spell won't work!"

And, as usual, my dreams had to be brought back down to reality by some random event. Ugh, I couldn't have any pleasant fantasies or dreams without having to worry about some random thing trying to kill me.

This game's difficulty was just set up way too high! It wasn't fair! I had a Goddes against me, a devil taking advantage of me when I was in need, and no magical powers to compensate for it! Dam it! Is there a way I can push the restart button on this shit? No? Dam.

Now, what was I doing? Oh yeah, follow Eclaire. She said she could get me out of the city's walls safely, but I wanted her to let me go back in for Alexander's loot. Specifically, I wanted to go back to look for the Palladium.

Yet, Eclaire was not listening, so when she wasn't watching, I sprinted across the street towards the hotel room Alexander would be knocked out at. Eclaire cursed and chased after me, but I had to make her follow me; otherwise, this whole trip would've been meaningless, and I wasn't about to have that!

I hadn't sacrificed my butt for a week just to go back home empty-handed. So I eventually stole the Palladium from Alexander's body and was just as quickly slapped in the face by Eclaire.

"Don't run off like that! You hear me! I'm only helping because L'arc wanted to help you! But I'm no babysitter!"

Ouch! that hurt! I wanted to protest, but when I saw the fire in Eclaire's eyes, all I could do was nod and say sorry to her. She stared me down so fiercely that my soul had momentarily left my body.

It was okay; my cheek hurt slightly, but I got the Palladium in the end, so it wasn't all bad. Now, all I needed was a blacksmith and the silver from my Mother's shadows to begin research on Palladium-based magic cores.

If my theory was correct, the cores should be able to manipulate magicules just like a living creature does, in turn allowing me to finally use magic; in theory, of course, I have no way of knowing if it'll actually work or if it will do something else entirely.

I'm the first to ever wonder this, so I got to handle all the research myself, as nobody else had any helpful information on which I could base my work. If anything, every one after me would have to base their work on my research.

Well, even if I wasn't a cool fighter or a hero, I at least could leave a mark on this world as the crazy girl who tried to play God. It was good enough for someone who had left no legacy in their first human life, so it wasn't so outlandish.

When it came to getting back home, Eclaire said we could get there in less than three days if they hurried. Naturally, I wanted to know how, but she simply ignored me and limited herself to pulling me along until we finally stopped at a dragon stable.

Once we stepped into the stable, Eclaire turned off the spell and was greeted by a man who appeared to be the owner.

"If it isn't our local miracle girl! How can I help you today, Eclaire?!"

"Slow down, Adam. We are on an active mission and need transport, and you must utter discretion."

"Well, of course! Say no more!"

The man quickly stood up and closed up shop immediately at Eclaire's request. He was a tall man with some of the darkest skin I had ever seen, but he also seemed highly sophisticated with his well-kept beard and impressive body physique.

He couldn't be older than the king, but he was definitely no fresh sunshine either. In any case, he was clearly the adventurer's friend, so I would also need to trust him. I found him a bit off, but that was probably because his demeanor differed from everyone else's.

He struck me as an extravagant merchant, so he was pretty easygoing with smooth movement and elegance. After I finished admiring the guy, this one already had dragons ready to go for us until I told them I couldn't ride a dragon.

"Bullshit! Everyone can ride a dragon! So long as their heart wants to!"

Naturally, the man tried to mount me onto a dragon, but even his "baby" violently sent me flying across the room until he gave up trying to force one of his dragons to accept me as its leader.

"Well, this a first! Seems like you really can't ride a dragon! No worries! I got just the monster for someone like you! It is rather pricey, though!"

"The price is not a problem, sir. I have money." I said while showing off my money pouch.

"Alright, give me just one second! Please don't freak out when you see it!