
Anabel! An accidental reincarnation!

Hey! I'm Anabel! A lucky reincarnation that was sent to another world thanks to a stupid goddess getting my files mixed up! If you think that this story is all about me becoming OP and beating the crap out of everything, then you have the wrong book for about a couple of years! I'm just an ordinary adventurer who struggles to pay the rent on time and has basically no magical powers to speak of, unlike the other stupid reincarnations sent by the Goddess! How very unfair! Join me and my friends in a crazy, exciting story as we try to defeat the Goddess System as well as fight off enemies far stronger than myself! I never have it easy do I? The Gods are always messing with me and It's bothersome! Leave me alone already! I have changed! I'm not a bad person! Stop trying to make me one! Anabel! An accidental reincarnation is not responsible if you become addicted to this story. All rights reserved.

Misa_Nakamura · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Interlude: The triple RRR

"Sir, the suspicions over that girl named Anabel were true; she was a reincarnation."

"Did you eliminate them?"

"They got executed for a crime before I had a chance to kill them myself. We should warn the entire clan about more possible reincarnations."

"I'm already on it. We need to stay alert as more will come. It's been over two hundred years, after all."

What a pain in the butt; as the elder of the elves, I have been on this earth for over three hundred years and have been through a reincarnation bloom before. It is never a good thing when this begins.

Barely anyone knows the actual danger of reincarnations, making most people oblivious to their existence. Thus, our clan seeks their quick disposal before they even get a chance to become strong. It is our holy duty to dispose of those pests.

The first reincarnation candidate, "Anabel," was a country girl who had seemingly nothing special to her, but something gave them away. Their soul signature reeked of perversion and ego, things a newborn shouldn't be able to comprehend, yet she did.

After we detected her anomaly, we have been more alert than ever, and since then, we have detected at least another three reincarnations, which have been swiftly dealt with. Killed in the middle of the night without mercy.

It's a dirty job for sure, but it is all for the common good. Reincarnations have proven to be dangerous by our grand elders who fought hard to defeat one reincarnation in the past. They called her "Yui."

I won't get into much detail. All we still know about the Yui anomaly is that she was freakishly strong since birth and proved helpful to the world. Still, eventually, her greed and ambition made her blind to power, as she always pushed for more until she had to be stopped by our God and Savior.

Since the fight between our True Dragon God and Yui, we, the followers of the dragon cult, have been under the service of the world nations to detect, trace, and destroy reincarnations.

Now that our God is dead, we have no choice but to kill possibly innocent kids if there is even a slight suspicion they might be reincarnation during the "Summoning" years. As I explained, the reincarnation interval is roughly every two hundred years, with some months away from each other.

I don't like to be part of another summoning era, but as I'm at my peak wisdom age, I must keep leading the clan in the search effort. We must get rid of them before they get rid of us.

Naturally, since we deal with killing reincarnations, our soldiers tend to be some of the strongest in the world. After all, it takes an incredible warrior to take even a teenage reincarnation. For some reason, they're always freakishly strong from birth.

Some things are still a mystery even to us and reports that many reincarnations have slipped through our radars always come in. Yet we do have a big problem on our hands.

Our numbers are reducing. With every generation being more and more distant from our God, fewer and fewer soldiers want to join our clan. In the past twenty years, it's gotten critical when our numbers hit rock bottom at seventy members left.

We struggled in the last summoning event when we had over one thousand active members, but now that we have less than one hundred, I begin to wonder if we will suffice to keep the world safe.

Only God knows, but still, we have great warriors in our ranks who should be more than enough to take down any of them. Our problem is the lack of personnel for research and active scanning. We could possibly be killing unnecessary kids for our cause, but it's what God wanted us to do.

I'm sure Lord Lumina would be happy with us. Even if this is the last time our clan can prevent world destruction, we must ensure world safety for the sake of the world for the next two centuries until we are no longer here.

"Keep looking out for possible reincarnations and keep an eye on our paid mercenaries; they have been acting funny lately."

"As you wish, sir."