
An Yveltal's Dimensional misadventures

What would happen if a girl who was constantly abused was allowed to wander Anime and comic worlds as her original character with a Dimension Synergy system, making her replace or become the sister of a character? Well, that's this book for you. — old name: A Mage's dimensional misadventures

CowboyFrog · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Ch5: Revelations/A Sister arrives

After stargazing, and dismissing Vexian Renée now shifting her guise to a female butler can use her mask, and hat she decides to go to bed and when doing so she sees Veldanava

"Yo sister how's life? Now while we won't be able to talk as this is "me" here before you is an ephemeral vestige mewnt to reawaken your True Dragon bloodline if I am to die before i could myself, so when you wake up your gonna be surprised anyway it's most likely morning wherever you may be. Also I'll end with the sad news your Abyssal Vassals were technically your powers just split up meaning seeing me means they are now gone so mourn when you wake or not one last thing whatever reality you're in now is corrected meaning your now whoever the MC was originally and anything you did didn't vanish but certain opportunities will, and encounters but I'm done rambling I hope you visit the Cardinal world sometime sis it's fun there but bye."

Jolting awake to the sun's rays cutting through the leaves on the trees standing up putting on the mask and hat she walks off but before getting far [Notice: Hiya Host I'm Akashic Records your system, but evolved. I need to let you know that the world did change and your the younger sister of this world's Momon, or her actual name Riley Lumière she is 2 years older than you and are basically her only living family member, and she is about to stumble in here now, so giving memories needed, and there will be a delay for all memories.]

<Perspective change image of sister>

My name is Riley Lumière, and I've been trying to find my little sister while adventuring with my friends, and fellow party members of Blue Roses. Recently Ainzach the guild leader sent me on a mission to find his savior the description was eerily close to her's, so I've been looking everywhere and I mean everywhere until I reached Yolno forest known, for it's incredibly strong monsters I find them avoiding an area which meant one of two things: 1. An insanely strong monster (A/N: Truth), or 2. An immensely powerful mage (A/N: kinda true) but I never expected what I saw when I arrived.

<Timeskip >

As Renée or Yveltal was about to leave when a monster specifically a Nargacuga jumps out while she is putting on her mask, and was sadly caught off gaurd barely dodging the attack that was at blinding speed though her mask was almost hit anger surges "you dare take an attempt on my life Monsieur? Well to bad I won't allow this" venom practically oozes from her tone, and then she raises one arm like a finger gun, but suddenly is interrupted by

"Stay away from her [Martial Art: Falcon punch]" out of nowhere a girl with black hair punches the beast with a flaming falcon launching the massive beast then the Yveltal is possessing seems, to react on instinct as she takes her mask off and tears up "big sister" was all Yveltal could say her mind then explodes as the Synergy completes gaining the memories of this version of Renée Lumière 'Medaka is Ainz still arriving?'

[Yes he is, and as you already guessed this Ainz has a slightly different approach and will send out Shalltear to become an adventurer to turn woman into vampires aswell as fall in love with you.] And as her inner talk with Medaka continued it was then interrupted by.

Riley now out of her stupor runs, and tackle hugs a zoned out Renée which then reminds Renée of 'Oh fuck that Nargacuga is definitely not dead and is definitely pissed off' as if on cue a swift tail strike almost skewered both Renée, and Riley but both in sync pushed the other out of the way "distract it I'll get a spell ready" the look on Riley's face was of determination, and glee at fighting alongside her sister with the added bonus of her being a mage, so getting to the point

"[Martial Art: Hurricane Kick]" spinning like a top then after landing Riley gets her first ready "[Martial Art: Mereoleona's fangs]" and then a barrage of punches are sent to the Nargacuga, but then like a performer *snap* after that snap the Nargacuga gets intense fear built up, and Riley leaps out of the way to witness a spell that trumps all her friend Evileye has "[Origin Pulse]"

grabbing the tip of her hat Renée looks away before doing a finger gun aimaing at the Nargacuga then with a bang motion which then causes water to form 8 massive bubbles that then turn into high pressured beams of water that rip through the Nargacuga instantly making it Swiss cheese. Running up Riley hugs Renée tightly which is reciprocated "I missed you Renée, so much I *sniffles* I'm so happy you're alive"

Crying aswell because all of Renée's memories fuse with Yveltal making them one being "you have no idea how much I searched aswell your popularity is what led me here sis, so props on getting me to you." Riley being her excited self "let's go my friends are probably waiting for me I can't wait for you to meet them" and so Renée is dragged out of Yolno Forest towards the Re-Estize capital where Blue Roses was waiting for

A dejected Riley but they will have a pleasant surprise when she makes it to there normal meeting spot with Renée in tow who put her mask, and hat away and catches up with her adoptive sister and shares what she's been up to and, her training in magic which of course excites and depresses Riley and vice versa when Riley did the same but they finally arrived at the capital Renée is singed up as a Mithril ranks for her deeds with Ainzach then she meets her sisters friends who all instantly click and, then year passes and the day of arrival inches close.

Riley's abilities are effectively fighting character moves or stuff based off brawler characters

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