
An Yveltal's Dimensional misadventures

What would happen if a girl who was constantly abused was allowed to wander Anime and comic worlds as her original character with a Dimension Synergy system, making her replace or become the sister of a character? Well, that's this book for you. — old name: A Mage's dimensional misadventures

CowboyFrog · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Ch2: Speed Training and The Huntress

Waking to the loudest possible alarm while remembering the two goddesses, she checks the phone on the nightstand and sees it's 2022. Then, checking her email, she finds out she is a French teacher at Midtown High and gets ready for work. First, she takes off her red lace bra and panties, goes to her bathroom, then in the shower *after showering* while looking in the mirror *whistles* "Damn, I have the hottest body I've ever seen. My old body would need to change after seeing this. It's sexy to a new degree."

Putting on a set of pink high-cut panties and a pink strapless bra, she then wears her casual teacher outfit, black female dress shoes, and her eye patch that covers her left eye. Heading out to her living room, she looks as cheerful as a kuudere can look, "When does that system install though?" [Answer: I was already installed host.] Slightly dumbfounded before walking to the door and heading out, she asks, "System, what is the % level description and just who has Soren enslaved?"

[Answer: The percentage is 1-20 is misunderstanding a crush, 30-40 is figuring out feelings, 50-60 is acceptance, 70-80 is love, 90-100 is Yandere love, and the following heroines have been enthralled: Ghost Spider and Silk. Is all the current ones, and would you like background info on your Marvel self?] Thinking slightly on the pros and cons before nodding, she says, "Yes, please system."

[Affirmative: Your name in this world is Renée Romanoff, Natasha's wife. You both have a strained relationship, which is why you have that ring. Would you like the most prevalent memories with her?] "Yes, system. It'll make my job easier in assimilating with this world." After gaining the memories, she visibly starts to cry as the love this version feels is surreal.

As the pain passes, a single question pops into her head as she grabs her keys, "How am I not freaking out like anyone normally would? Am I just that broken, or is it just my new body? What could be preventing it, not that it's bad; it's simply morbid curiosity to myself?" After that, she grabs her keys and gets into her black 1975 Chevy Camaro with white racing stripes and drives off to work. *After pulling in to Midtown High*

[Notice: A hit has been put on Spider-Man by a disgruntled human supremacist. Do you accept Y/N?] "Yes, I accept. What is my reward for doing this job?" [Answer: Kaslana Gun-Kata dual dagger/sword variant is the upfront payment, and after completion, it is Taekwondo, Muay Thai, and Japanese kickboxing.] Feeling like a child, she decides to click accept on the system screen.

And heads inside Midtown High, *after work*, walking outside, she gets into her Camaro and drives off home. *Inside her system's pocket dimension training room*, after three days of time-dilated training non-stop, she takes a short break. "System, two questions: one, mastery %, and the second, how long has it been outside?" [Answer: Your mastery of Dagger/Sword Kata is 30%, and it's only been 2 hours outside, so 3:22 PM.]

"Thank everything good that's the case. Will I master it today if I keep at it?" [Answer: No, host would need at least 17 years to master it to 100%.] Thinking about how to make things quicker, "System, what if you slow time here enough where 1 hour equals 3 years? I already don't age or tire, so would that work?" [Notice: That would work, host, commencing edits to time dilation.]

Leaving the realm, Renée hears a knock on the front door, "coming." After yelling that, it stops, and arriving at the front door, Renée opens it, seeing a very angry Natasha. "Did you change the locks?" Looking back with equal anger, Renée affected by the memories snaps, "Did you ever answer your phone? Because if you did, you'd know it was due to a burglary spree. Are you ever home enough to care?"

This makes Natasha look hurt and guilty as she is never home and never answers her phone, much to Nat's own displeasure. She truly loves Renée, but now being an Avenger took up all her time, and her depression at not seeing her own wife makes her solely job-focused, which causes a bigger rift between her and the woman she loves.

"Well, I'm done being in the dark personally, and I feel played. Let's just divorce already. It's obvious I'm not important enough." That sentence breaks the Black Widow. She is worked to the bone and is now losing the only reason she kept fighting. Then, it turns to anger at Fury. He keeps promising her time off, but then instantly needs her. She isn't doing this for him, and she's going to now give him what she thinks. But first,

"Please, I've been trying to get time off, but things constantly call me back. I'll go demand time off and be right back, I promise. Please, you're my world, Renée." In this moment, the walls Natasha had up fall, but then her wife sighs, "Fine, but if you aren't back by midnight, I won't be your wife anymore, and the ring I have won't be there next time we meet." Natasha nods while crying, "I... understand." After this, Natasha hugs Renée before heading off.

<Timeskip >

At the SHIELD Helicarrier, Nick Fury was just screamed at by his best agent, Black Widow. What was that reason? Keeping her away from her wife, and Nick, who normally knows everything, was dumbstruck. But all the files said she existed, everything did, and he was the only one who forgot. His entire staff also knew of her, but regardless, the papers she signed even promised time off. Nick was effectively going back on what he said.

"To think I forgot she had a wife. At least I sent her away with the rest of the month off, which pleased her enough. I hope nothing big happens, or I will never hear Natasha shut up on how I ruined her marriage with constantly calling her in. I really do hope so." But at Natasha and Renée's apartment, they can be seen snuggling in bed after a steamy sex session. But that isn't actually our Renée. She decided to split herself off and let the Marvel variation of herself have her life back.

"That felt good. Thanks to this, I can operate better." This is as Renée, in her outfit in the bio section while also wearing the hat and mask, sits next to a knocked-out Silk tied to a chair with chains made of shadow binding her to it. *Cindy groans* Looking around, seeing she lost, "What do you want?" Not skipping a beat, "Silk, is that your hero name? Not that it matters. What does matter is who your master is and what their aim is. Tell me now."

As that was about to be refuted, Cindy remembers every single horrible thing she did for Soren and shivers. "Well, it seems you were mind-controlled. I'll reword my question. How did you fall to his spell?" Thinking back, she remembered him forcing a kiss, then remembers him saying, "It's anything his Sylvia touches. He was a mutant before gaining his other spider-like abilities. So watch out."

"Alright, stay put, I'll save the other girls, and don't follow me. You were annoying to fight, and I don't want to free you again, clear?" After this, Renée is shrouded in a dark shadow mist-like energy before flying out as Misc Form 5 and heads towards Soren, who is currently robbing a bank. As he is swinging, Renée, still as MF5, swipes the money from him, dropping it on a cop car, of course, he webs, then throws her into an abandoned warehouse. Swinging down, seeing it shift to a human form, puts Soren on edge. Now both get ready for a final showdown.