
An Yveltal's Dimensional misadventures

Author: CowboyFrog
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 21.7K Views
  • 7 Chs
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What is An Yveltal's Dimensional misadventures

Read ‘An Yveltal's Dimensional misadventures’ Online for Free, written by the author CowboyFrog, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ADVENTURE Fanfiction, REINCARNATION Fan Fiction, R18 Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: What would happen if a girl who was constantly abused was allowed to wander Anime and comic worlds as her original chara...


What would happen if a girl who was constantly abused was allowed to wander Anime and comic worlds as her original character with a Dimension Synergy system, making her replace or become the sister of a character? Well, that's this book for you. — old name: A Mage's dimensional misadventures

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