
Hamsa's Decision

Dr Saanvi looked as elegant as last night. It lit up the eyes of those people who saw her. Her tall physique, shapely long legs, curves, any one of these features was enough for many men to go to any length to get into her good graces.

Saanvi wore a black knitted jacket on the top, it had an open front which exposed the white t-shirt made up of thin cotton fabric. There were big buttons on the jacket with some ethnic carving on them along with epaulettes on the shoulders. She wore a pair of slim fit shaded blue jeans which matched perfectly with black and white colours of her upper clothes.

Her chestnut coloured hair styled into an ideal rope braid onto her left shoulder dazzled in the warm morning sunlight as she chewed gum in her mouth looking at Aditya through a pair of wayfarer sunglasses. She wore a pair of Bose quiet control wireless headphones while one earphone dangled on her shoulder while the other was placed in her left ear. Her silver nose stud sparkled in the daylight.

Aditya removed his welding helmet and walked up to her without explaining anything to Chakri. He did not need to ask anyone's permission for leaving work halfway through. Being the best friend of the only son of the owner had its perks. He smiled politely at the doctor as he started leading her to his room.

Saanvi looked at Aditya with mild amusement as she asked in a sultry voice while removing her sunglasses, "are you a mechanic?". Her voice made Aditya feel like his bones were becoming soft and melting. He did not pay attention to this last night but now he felt that every part of this woman clearly shouted 'attraction'. But she was even taller than him which made him feel a little depressed. No man would feel comfortable when he came into contact with an incredibly attractive woman who was taller than him.

Aditya tried not to lock gazes with her as he said in a low voice," Well I am poor, got to do something to fill my stomach."


Saanvi smiled calmly while covering her mouth with her hand.

"What's there to laugh?" Aditya asked puzzled.

"Someone who could get me to provide personal medical care is now claiming that he is working as a mechanic to fill his stomach," Saanvi looked at Aditya coolly as she said in her characteristic husky voice.

"Oh, right." Aditya nodded but did not provide any other explanation as he knew he will not say the truth in any case. It was not worthwhile for him to think of more lies, if this doctor was as smart as she looked, she would not ask again. The reality proved Aditya right.

"So, how is the patient? Did she wake up?" Saanvi did not delve deeper into Aditya's details as she asked about Hamsa.

"Yup, but I think something's wrong with her, she seems to be in a volatile state, she was afraid of me when I tried to talk with her." Aditya described the morning events to Saanvi.

"So, you thought it was better if you waited for me to come and so came down to start your job early so as to not disturb her anymore," Saanvi looked at Aditya with a complex gaze.

"Yup, why? Should I have done something else?" Aditya asked the doctor as he really did not know what was the right way to handle the situation.

Saanvi shook her head as she remarked," Well, usually emotionally traumatized patients should not be left alone and close ones should accompany them but you are just another stranger to her, so in a way, you did the right thing staying away."

Aditya nodded as he said," Maybe we should contact her parents or friends or maybe she would want to go back to her home."

Saanvi also nodded as she replied, "Let me first check her physical condition and ask her opinion."

When Aditya and Saanvi came to the room, the door was open as Aditya as left it when he went downstairs. They saw the distraught figure of Hamsa sitting cross-legged on the bed while leaning against the wall as she stared at the ground in a daze while half-dried tears could be seen on her beautiful face.

Aditya felt a pang in his heart when he saw this picture, 'what kind of a shock could turn a peaceful, happy person into this?' Saanvi looked at Hamsa with no visible change of expression on her face.

"Hello, Miss Hamsa," Saanvi put on a genial smile as she walked up to the bed and sat down while removing her headphones and placing them on the table along with her mobile phone. This gesture showed the patient that the doctor was concentrating on her fully. Aditya stood near the entrance so that he could go out if Saanvi's checkup required him to.

Hamsa's frame quivered when she heard the serene voice of Saanvi as she raised her head and looked at Saanvi and then at Aditya. Fortunately, she did not show a big reaction when she saw Aditya this time, she even smiled a little at him which caused Aditya to heave a sigh of relief.

Saanvi was observing Hamsa's reaction as she took out her stethoscope as she asked gently, "how are you feeling? You were unconscious when I treated you last night, so let me introduce myself. I am Dr Saanvi, a Trauma Surgeon in Fort's Hospital. I heard Aditya mention that you are a doctor as well."

Hamsa nodded faintly as she replied clearly," Thank you Dr Saanvi, I am studying the final year of MBBS (medical bachelor degree), Aditya came for a consultation when I was posted in the neurology department," when she turned her head to look at Aditya, she noticed that he was not there.

"Don't worry, he must have felt that you would feel more inclined to share with me if he was not here," Saanvi smiled as she checked Hamsa's vitals. After some preliminary check-up, Saanvi nodded her head as she said with a smile," other than fever caused by standing in rain for a long time, you seem to have no other ailments. You can recover completely with two days of rest."

Hamsa nodded absentmindedly as she fiddled with her fingers.

Saanvi placed her stethoscope back in her bag as her face turned solemn, she looked and asked Hamsa," Who was that bastard?"

Hamsa's heart quaked when she heard Saanvi's question. When she remembered the last night events. The face of that demon was a nightmare for her as he tried to rip her clothes off with a smile as if he was doing a daily chore. It was her birthday and her foster parents had actually gifted her to the devil aided and abetted by some of her close friends. Her whole world had collapsed that moment.

Her eyes reddened and tears started falling as she pressed her knees against her chest and hid her face in her knees as she cried soundlessly. Saanvi patted her shoulder and consoled," you don't have to bear this alone, there are many departments in the government dedicated for us women, one call to the media is enough to get that bastard behind bars immediately even if he has a powerful background."

Hamsa shook her head as she continued to cry. Aditya came and stood at the door as he saw the woman who had reminded him of his mother, crying. He looked at Saanvi who had her brows pressed as she looked at Hamsa. Saanvi turned to Aditya and shook her head while waving her hand. Aditya nodded and soundlessly slipped away.

It took a while for Hamsa to stop crying as she hiccuped while wiping her swollen eyes. She remained calm as if she did not have anything to talk to Saanvi.

Saanvi looked that Hamsa had calmed down somewhat, so she suggested," do you want me to contact your parents? Your friends?", she handed a glass of water for her to drink.

Hamsa shook her head as she drank some water. Saanvi was a little puzzled at Hamsa's reaction. Usually, a person who was in trauma would want to be with their close companions but this poor girl did not seem to want to meet them at all. Her pupils suddenly shrunk as if she thought of something, she turned towards Hamsa and earnestly looked at her eyes as she asked," Did your parents have anything to do with last night's events?"

Saanvi knew the answer even before Hamsa opened her mouth by seeing at her flurried eyes and trembling fingers. She sighed as she held Hamsa's hands tightly and patted her.

"My real parents had died long ago, I live with my foster parents," Hamsa muttered as she fought back tears while gripping Saanvi's hands tightly. Saanvi nodded her head but chose to remain silent.

After some time, Saanvi asked softly while rubbing Hamsa's back which felt cold," what's your next step? Where would you go?"

Hamsa shook her head as she really didn't know what she had to do. The thought of going back to her home or even to college frightened her immensely. She could not think of any other place where she would be able to stay safe from everyone.

"Can I give a suggestion?" Saanvi asked as she understood Hamsa's dilemma.

Hamsa nodded obediently, she felt Saanvi was like a strong elder sister who she could rely on. She could see that Saanvi had a formidable mentality, unlike her delicate character. Staying by her side made her feel comfortable.

"You continue to stay here," Saanvi said with a smile as she folded her hands while glancing at her.

Hamsa was shocked when she heard these words. Aditya was neither her relative nor her friend, how could she continue to stay here? It was already a big favour for him to save her and was getting her treated, she still did not know how to repay him in this life. Hamsa knew that she would have committed suicide without a second thought if she had fallen into 'his' hands last night. That was who she was. So in a way, Aditya had done a great favour to her which was even greater than saving her life.

She knew that the person who had his eyes on her was not the type to let her go after one failure. She would not be able to forgive herself if she brought harm to Aditya. Hamsa shook her head vigorously as she rejected Saanvi's suggestion.

"Do you feel safe and secure here?" Saanvi asked suddenly.

Hamsa nodded timidly as she remembered Aditya as a small smile surfaced on her face.

"Do you think Aditya might harm you?"

Hamsa shook her head firmly as he could have done anything to her already if he wanted. Also, she felt that Aditya looked at her in a particular way like it was not her that he was looking but someone else whom she seems to remind him of.

"Do you another option where you could be comfortable and safe like here?"

Hamsa thought for a bit and shook her head disappointingly. Frankly, she did not think anyone could save her in Bangalore as she had an idea of that person's freakish background.

"you think you might bring him harm by staying here," Saanvi concluded as she watched Hamsa's reaction.

Hamsa hesitated a little before nodding her head.

Saanvi sighed as she said, "I could actually take you to be live with me as I live alone anyway but I know that your danger has not ended and I am not capable of saving you. I feel that this kid Aditya is not as simple as you think he is. You might not believe me when I say this but I am the best Trauma surgeon in Bangalore working in one of the best hospital chains in India i.e. Fort's. He could get the administration to request me to treat you in the middle of a rainy night. So, don't think too much into this. Although I don't know whether he would be able to keep you safe and secure from those who want to harm you, I am sure that he can save himself easily. So I think staying here for a few days at least is the best plan of action for you right now."

Hamsa was stunned when she heard Saanvi's words if Aditya had such an affluent connection or background, why was he living in this simple lodging? She looked at Saanvi as she asked with wide eyes," Are you Dr Saanvi Rathore, the elite who returned to India from London recently."

Saanvi nodded as she smiled," I am just a surgeon, not an elite though."

Hamsa forgot her stress as she said a little excitedly," you were nominated for the Lister medal for your thesis on 'What can electrical stimulation with a cochlear implant tell us about Brain Function and Human Consciousness?'"

"Oh, so you know me?" Saanvi smiled while feeling surprised.

"I am your fan, I studied all your work on Bionic ear and multi-channel cochlear implants," Hamsa stated as she held Saanvi's hands firmly with excitement. She felt like a fan finally getting to meet his favourite celebrity.

Saanvi sighed in her heart as she thought how such a pure girl was placed in a dangerous situation. She patted Hamsa's hand as she said," So, I take it that you are accepting my suggestion."

Hamsa smile froze as she lowered her head thinking, she knew that Saanvi did not have any duty or responsibility to look after her or make sure that she was safe. She was purely doing this because of her kindness. So was Aditya, he did not have to do this for her but he still did. Hamsa felt that life had thrown her into an abyss and also made her meet with people who pulled her out of it. She could only remain a silent recipient to all these experiences as she did not possess an ounce of power to alter any of it. Hamsa nodded as she asked tentatively," but would he agree?"

"Leave that to me," Saanvi comforted her as it would make Hamsa and Aditya awkward if Hamsa had to request personally.

if I were to keep a ******* link, is anyone interested in giving me their pocket money? if so, I would give a link otherwise forget it and enjoy my work. it's totally cool.

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