
An Unwanted Demon and the Alpha Wolf

Spicywolf100 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Promised Oath

Roth's eyes were widen as he felt like he had finally gotten to her as she slowly came back towards him. And as she reached a handout and asked him to promise her, he would offer a small smile as he placed his hand upon the wall of the barrier as he spoke up.

"I promise Sweet. By my oath as Alpha, you shall be a member of my clan and never will harm come to you." He would say, but then soon all hell would break loose as suddenly the room would explode, causing smoke and debris to fly around. Roth would cough as he looked back up to see the Minotaur and his allies grab a hold of sweet. "Sweet!" He would shout as he used his strength to smash against the field, his eyes full of protective instinct as he shouted. "Underhand her now! Or I swear I'll rip your guts out if you harm a hair on her hea-"

He would be cut off as he froze and looked too Sweet as tears rolled down her face. Her apology would echo in Roth's mind as he banged on the wall shouted "No! Sweet! Drop the spell and let me fight! Sweet!!!!" He would gasp upon opening his eyes to find himself home. His head was spinning but the image of Sweet was still in his mind as he scrambled. "Sweet...sweet! I won't let you be harmed like this!" He would shout as he rushed to the center of his village. Calling for the shamans to hurry and follow him into the grove. As he rushed inside, the full moon would be high in the center of the sky, casting a beam of light right down into the center of a large pool surrounded by many flowers and other flora. It was the sacred grove of the high tooth clan, the home of their goddess and the source of their powers. Immediately, Roth would order his shamans to begin to surround him and begin to chant. He would have grabbed his blade from his home as he unsheathed it and jammed it deep into the water in front of him as he took a knee.

The shamans would all begin to chant in an old language as they began their ritual, it was clear that the clan rarely ever did something like this, and it may not even work. But what this ritual entailed would allow the goddess to either send one of her children to a location of their choice, or possibly bring someone of their desire from wherever they may be, to the grove. It was a last-ditch effort to save sweet. And Roth was not going to abandon his promise as he prayed to the goddess.

As the chanting continued Roth would stay perfectly still as the noise of the chanting shamans grew completely silent from his perception as an angelic voice that was all too familiar to the wolf would speak up. "Roth my child, why do you summon me?" The voice would question from all around him as his eyes remained completely closed as he replied "I made a promise to a lost soul mother. I intend to keep that promise.", the voice would listen and return "Yes, the child of demons, she was abandoned by her people, and so as per the creed of my grove you promised sanctuary in exchange for her debt to be paid by serving the clan?" She would question as the warmth of her hands could soon be felt on the male's shoulders as he spoke. "Yes mother, she willingly sacrificed herself to bring me to safety. Now I must uphold my oath to her." He would remark as his grip slightly tightened on the hilt of his sword. The voice would chime as water around Roth would slowly start to rise and surround the wolf as the goddess spoke "Then by your oath and by my will, Roth Blackmaine, your bond will be forged, may your heart be your shield, and your rage be your blade. Strike true to those who would harm the clan and the grove." The goddess's voice would thunder as the water soon collapsed onto the wolf and suddenly, he was gone from the shamans' view who had finished and were all bowing in respect.


Sweet felt like she did something right by sending Roth away. As the spell circle wouldn't have last much longer. But now she truly felt alone, but that warm feeling she got when Roth promise her a better life put a smile on her face as the Minotaurs gang up on her. And an agonized cry of pain echoed throughout the woods. Everything had blacked out for Sweet as the smell of blood lingered in the air.

The shamans chant became louder and faster as they put in their energy to try and help their Chief accomplished what he needed to do. And with the grace of the goddess granted him to travel back to the makeshift hut where Sweet was. But when he arrived, he only saw what looked like a blood bath. As a pool of blood remained on the floor near the wall that Sweet was originally pressed up against. And those bat-like wings he saw that were once against her back now laid on the table.

But what was more gruesome was to see the three minotaurs having a go at Sweet. The leader pounding inside of her entrance as the other two took her mouth and ass. Her eyes looked lifeless as there were streams of tears running down her face. The leader turned his head and saw that Roth was back. "Looks like the side boy showed back up. Too late we've already taken what is ours. You can have the scraps..." He said considering Sweet as nothing but a sex object. "Take care of him as I finish up" He ordered his companions to take on Roth.


Soon inside of the shack where a horrific atrocity was taking place, a burst of bright light would fill the entrance way as Roth now stood there. Steam rolling off his blackened fur as crackles of green energy sparked from his arms and his hands that were tightly gripping the hand guard of his sword, which would have glowing blue runes running from the guard to about halfway down the blade. As the Leader, still thrusting relentlessly into the poor broken sweet would tell his two minions to take care of Roth while he finishes fucking his prize, the two approaching Roth would see his eyes still closed. One of them would draw out a jagged knife while the other drew out a spiked club. The one with the knife would sneer as his still throbbing cock dripped cum onto the blood-stained floor as he spoke "What kind of fool keeps his eyes closed. You blind or just stupid? Aah whatever, well kill you and get back to fucking that little slut back with the boss before he busts her guts out."

It was at the moment that the first minotaur got within a foot of Roth that his eyes would open, pulsating with bright green energy as he stared down at the monitors at his impressive 8-foot height, causing them to stop in their tracks as they were shocked to see this. Roth would look to the two, then to the boss as they kept fucking Sweet, then to the bloody mutilated wings on the ground. Seeing what they did to sweet would fill Roth with an unbridled rage as his breathing slowed and his eyes glowed brighter. He would move his hands to where only his right would remain gripping the sword before lifting it up and leveling it towards the leader as he called out in a low, hatred filled growl. "You have until I finish with your lackeys to pull your pencil dick out of her, get down on your hands and knees, and beg me for mercy before I personally leave you with your lungs ripped from your back and turned into bloody wings"

His threat was not in an angered voice nor did it sound vindictive as someone would have thought. No, this was as cold as the frozen north winds as he stared at the first minotaur that was approaching him. The stupid look on their face as they shouted, "Get ready to die mutt!" He would then step forward in a lunging motion as he sent the jagged blade of his dagger forward in a standard thrust like motion. The Minotaur would be cocky in his action, so he would be completely unprepared for what was about to happen. Roth would move with a certain battlefield grace as he stepped quickly over to the right, bringing his blade upwards and at an angle as the sound of metal on metal would fill the shack, and spark would fly as the blade of the dagger dug in and slightly scraped across his blade before he quickly made an upper cut motion with his arm, sending his blade up as the tip and edge of his sword soon made contact with the minotaur's hide, from the base of his cut up the blade would sink into flesh like a hot knife through butter, carving into him and causing a splatter of blood to erupt and splash the nearby wall as the Minotaur recoiled back. Dropping his knife as he tried to hold in his guts that were spilling out as he toppled backwards onto the floor with a loud thud.

The second Minotaur would have already started his attack, swinging at Roth, and even knocking his sword away from his hand with the amount of force behind the strike. Impaling the glowing blade into a nearby wall as Roth began to do his best to dodge and avoid every swing from the beast's attacks.

Waiting until the right moment from a wide left swing to quickly lunge forward, his hand opened and his claws at the ready as he rushed forward to the second Minotaur's side, grabbing a hold of the beast by the neck as his claws sank into their flesh physically lifting them up off of their feet and up into the air for a few moments before slamming them right into the ground, their claws plunging deeper into their neck as his movement continued and his grip on their neck would hold as he fiscally jerked his hand back in front of him. Causing a horrific sound of ripping flesh and the gurgling of a man drowning in his own blood to fill the room as Roth had ripped the second minotaur's throat clean out of their neck. Blood now spurting violently from it as Roth simply just tosses away the useless hunk of meat from his hand as he stares at the Leader of the group. Wondering if these few seconds of quick and painful death of his lackeys had caused him to realize what was about to happen to him.

The leader Minotaur was expecting for the fight to last a couple of minutes as his men were the top of his clan. He was a general and many of his people adored him. And he basks in both fame, glory, and women. Nothing could stop him, that was until Sweet came and stole from him. The little vixen managed to flock into his territory steal his goods and mockery. Having trick, him under his eye, believing that she was some type of traveling dancer and seduced him into his chamber.

But she never intended to sleep with him, putting him in a delusional trance and woke up alone with a room with his prize possessions gone. He cursed the day that he would find the damn silhouette and make her suffer. It took months as she was a slippery fox, that covered her tracks pretty well. But that all ended when it seemed like she goofed on hiding her tracks to her hideout.

Smirking as now he had not only torn off her wings that demons took pride in but was also defiling her. Hearing her screams in agony soon fade to nothing as the fight and life in her eyes faded. Leaving her to be nothing but a rag doll, for usage. The painful shock of losing her wings probably done that. But he didn't give a fuck. Maybe once they were through, he would take her back and make her as his personal sex slave. Couldn't let an opportunity like this get away. And place her wings up on a mantle for all to see. That he corrupted and enslaved a demon.

But his final revenge to his plan was now put on hold as he watched as his men were taken out in only a matter of seconds. His brown eyes looked from the splattered blood on the wall from one and then the twitching corpse spilling blood like a fountain. He was angered passed any emotion in his mind. He pulled Sweet from his cock and held her on his lap as she leaked out his cum." Heh you have done well... But I doubt you'll want this slut to get injured any more than necessary. Not like she would be able to feel it anyway..." He said pulling out a dagger and cut a small wound across her shoulder blade. No reaction befell on Sweet as it seemed like she was absolutely gone.

Knowing that demons were able to heal themselves up, but that was when they had their magic and energy. Sweet had use that last of it to send Roth safely home. And it would take a while before she got hers back. "It's funny how you come here all piss mad when you use her like a plaything too. Raping her when she was just trying to survive. And even trying to offer her a chance of a new life. Beings like her don't deserve anything. They are worse than humans. Greedy, selfish, and boasting immortals that can do whatever...See the markings on her body? She was branded as a bastard experimental freak! She was born and then experimented on to see how demons would be capable of being hybrids of different races. But it failed and she was outcast. Her parents, family, friends if she had any. And her whole clan never accepted her. What makes you think she can trust someone like you?!" He said and grabbed one of Sweet's horns and look like he was going to break it to see Roth's reaction.

A single bloody tear ran down Sweet's face as her lips moved forming the words 'Sorry I was ever created....'As the minotaurs words had gotten a reaction but seeing as how he couldn't see it made it even more pitiful that Sweet has done nothing but survived up to this point and that she couldn't even dream or imagine a life where someone would care and love her. "I'll deal with you once I grab one last thing from this bitch." The minotaur said drawing out a heated engraver that had a minotaur symbol on it. If Sweet was branded with this, she would officially be his slave and no magic or cuts would take it off...

Roth would be slowly approaching the Minotaur and sweet as his breathing remained steady as if slaughtering the two lackeys were basically nothing to someone of his caliber. As he watched the male begin to threaten and even cut into Sweet's flesh, Roth would give them no such pleasure of a response. As he continued to rant on about what she was and why should she ever trust someone like him he would simply grab the hilt of his sword and pull it free from the wall with ease as he began to drag it slowly across the floor as a sort of intimidation factor to mess with the bull.

His mind was only on killing this man and saving sweet form the horrific torture that they had done to her. He knew that she was an outcast, he cared little for the reasoning or why she was who she was. "I only take what is owed to my Clan and the forest, Pig." He would pause as he looked too Sweet as his ears twitched as he heard her apologize, his eyes locked onto the bloodied tear as he softly said, "You have no reason to apologize." before he added "You on the other hand take what is not rightfully yours for your sick and twisted desires. Your kind never was deserving of the blessings of the ancients. I promise you one thing. By the end of this night, you will bow before your god in person. For I shall personally send you in a bloody box and in pieces."

The fangs of Roth would be borne, and his eyes would be radiating in complete fury and anger as he watched them quickly begin to lift a branding tool in their attempt to put the final mark upon Sweet and claim her for their sick and twisted desire. Roth would not allow this to happen at all as he quickly kicked up his sword and let go of the grip, quickly he would grasp onto the blade and like a throwing knife he would toss it with almost dead eye precision as the blade strikes the engraving tool. Knocking it from his hand and away from sweet as his blade strikes into the wood next to him.

The Minotaur would roar out in anger as he quickly threw away sweet from him as he stood up ready now to fight the wolf as he sneered "Alright, fine then. You want to have my attention, then I'm going to enjoy peeling your fucking hide off and using it as a base to mount her wings upon my mantle." He would threaten as he began to charge at Roth. The fight would finally truly begin as the Minotaur charged headfirst into Roth. Tackling into Roth and slamming him into a wall, causing Roth to Grunt in pain as he took his hands and raised them up, gripping them together as he drove them down and smacked into the Minotaur's back, causing them to recoil and let go as Roth Pushed them back before the two began to swing at each other. Roth would swing and collide into the Minotaur's face while the beast would slam a good few hits into the wolf's chest. Causing him to lose his breath but determination was still on his side. Blood from both sides were splatting on the floor as hoof, claw, horn, and fangs were being used to brutal fashion. Roth would almost look like he was starting to lose as he was grabbed and thrown into a nearby chair. But the chair would have broken upon his impact. Roth would stare up as he watched the Minotaur had grabbed his blade and was closing in. "It's Over wolf! Say goodbye to your slut of a pet!" He would shout as he swung the sword down. But with quick thinking. Roth would grab a hold of a broken chair leg and pull it upward, catching onto the blade and deflecting it while cutting a perfect tip into the wood. Using this now improved spear, Roth would proceed to bring the leg around and jam the tip right into the Minotaur's knee before pulling it back towards him.

Causing a massive fleshy crunch to echo from the room as the Beast roared out in pain and collapsed to his knees. Roth would stagger back up as he grabbed the bull by the horn and began to punch him repeatedly for about a few seconds before he would let go, causing the minotaur to fall onto his hands. Panting heavily as his eye was swollen shut and blood was pouring onto the ground from his wound as he coughed. "You..nnngh Fucking bastard...My ..My people will have their revenge for this...Your forest will.." Roth would interrupt this last word as he grabbed the bull by his horn and snarled "No one shall come after my tribe after I show them what happens to those who threaten my people and the forest." He would grunt as he kept their head raised up as he pulled back his free hand as his claws reflected in the light. He would bring his claws down onto the bull's back, slicing into the flesh like butter as his claws carved deep into the minotaur's back, splitting it open in three different locations and exposing the back of his rib cage now.

Soon He would grab his blade from the ground nearby and using the blade, he would drive it down into their back right along their spine as an audible crunch and the cries of pain would fill the cabin as the wolf severed the ribs from his body before tossing his sword away and grabbing them and pulling them free and to the side outside of his body, like a pair of bony wings with a fleshy membrane. But as the Minotaur gasp and shook as his body went into shock, he would feel the wolf's hand drive inside of his back as he pulled the collapsing lungs of the beast out and over the bony wings, leaving a mangled, bloody winged minotaur to shake and convulse as he drowned in lack of air, and blood before slumping over slightly as the Blood Eagle as it was called, was keeping his body from slumping onto the ground as his head slumped over lifeless.

Roth would stand alone now as silence fell through the home. His panting was heavy as blood soaked into his fur as he turned around toward Sweet and slowly began to walk up to her. His eyes slowly started to lose the glow in them as he soon was now in front of the little daemon. His hand shakily moved to cup her cheek as he spoke softly to her. "A promise was made.... And a promise I shall always keep. I'm sorry I was not able to get here sooner...Sweet."

Bruises on all parts of her body, the mixing smell of blood and the minotaur semen came off her, but that faint lingering sweet smell remained. She was in a state of still comatose as she didn't know what was going on. Not knowing that the minotaur that tormented her was dead. The stream of the bloodied tear she cried continued to fall and hit the floor.

Her lips still forming the words, 'Sorry, I was created...' as no sound came from her lips. Sitting there naked and beaten and once against raped. Her mind was locked away to try and keep whatever of her was sane left. It was going to be difficult for her to return to normal. But she felt the warmth of Roth's hand cup her cheek. Once he mentioned the word promise, more tears fell from her eye, but they weren't bloody but normal water. "Promise...Y-you promised..."Her voice cracked as her eyes lifted and looked up at Roth. A demon that once cursed and wanted revenge on Roth now looked to him with a small amount of hope in her eyed. Reaching her hand up and held his bloodied hand into hers. Her hand shaking showing that she felt the pain her body went through...

Roth would offer a small reassuring smile as he saw the life faintly return to the daemon's eyes as their tears ran back to normal. He had wished he was able to get to her sooner, but this was the least he could hope for at this moment as he spoke up softly. "I did, now save your strength Sweet. It's time to take you home." He would huff as he slowly moved in.

With a careful motion, Roth would move to sweet's side as one arm slides in between her legs while the other one would position themselves just below the mangled holes in her back where her wings once proudly sat. His heart was heavy as he slowly rose, keeping the little daemon close to his chest as he then began to make his way out of the home. Walking past the corpses as he soon set out in the direction of his village. The moon shining up in the sky as if blessing the two and guiding them home.

Sweet just looked at him as he spoke and said it was time to take her home. Carefully he picked her up and held her naked form to his blood soak fur. Resting her head against his chest as him holding her made her feel reassured that she was safe. Wincing when his hand nearly touched the holes of where her wings once there.

Feeling and watching him walk pass the corpses and her wings on the floor. Her eyes drifted to them momentarily before focusing back to Roth. She didn't dare move as she didn't want more pain to course its way through her. Feeling the need to sleep came over her and her eyes closed as she went into a temporary slumber. That was until Roth brought her to his village to be treated.