
Who Is He? Who Is She?

A Jaguar could be seen speeding through the streets with three cars before it and four cars behind it.

In the leading car, one of the men that sat in the car was on a call. On close observation, anyone could tell that he looked very tense .

The voice on the other end of the phone could be heard " Sean, you have to try your best . I believe in you. Besides, the huntress's got your back ... Just relax okay ? Focus on keeping Mr Tyler safe and completing your mission, alright?"

The man in the car that was just addressed as Sean looked relaxed upon hearing that the huntress was involved "Yes ! Mr Kwan, thank you!"


Few hours earlier

A man sat in an opulent room calmly looking at the figure before him that was clad in red clothes and a red mask that hid her face.

He handed her photograph before speaking up " The figure in that photograph is the terror of New Haven city ,the night's silence...

He's killed many of elites and the total count of people he's killed number a hundred and thirty-five from New Haven's capital ". His tone bearing anger slightly.

The face behind the red mask looked amused as she spoke "interesting! I would like to know... who is he?"


DEATH'S POST , Within That Same Time

" Cherry, be careful of the figure in that picture . None have escaped from her to tell the tale... She's a dangerous woman" a man that looked to be in his mid- fifties said to a black masked figure.

The black masked figure didn't seem to take his words to heart as he spoke " Nice! Who's she? I've been wanting to meet her for a while now... It seems we are fated to meet, after all".

Before the middle aged man could speak any more words, the black masked figure was already out of the room.

" Sigh! Just be careful." Said the middle aged man as he looked towards the window in the room.